Crowns and colonies

European monarchies and overseas empires

Robert Aldrich
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Cindy McCreery
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Crowns and Colonies is a set of sixteen original essays by distinguished international scholars that explore the relationship between European monarchies and overseas empires. The essays argue that during much of the history of colonialism there existed a direct and important link between most colonial empires and the institutions of monarchy. The contributions, which encompass the British, French, Dutch, Italian and German empires, examine the constitutional role of the monarchs in overseas territories brought under their flag, royal prerogatives exercised in the empires, individual connections between monarchs and their colonial domains, such aspects of monarchical rule as royal tours and regalia, and the place of indigenous hereditary rulers in the colonial system. Several chapters also focus on the evolution of the Queen as Head of the Commonwealth and former British colonies.

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‘The contributors draw upon a wealth of written sources and material culture to provide a global portrait of the relationship between European monarchs and their overseas empires, bringing new perspectives to key themes in the history of imperialism.'
Carolyn Suzanne Harris, University of Toronto School of Continuing Studies
Royal Studies Journal

‘There are many strong essays in this collection, which certainly make it worth the price of admission.'
Elizabeth Elbourne, McGill University
Australian Historical Studies
February 2018

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