Kieran Keohane
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Carmen Kuhling
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Political theologies in the wake of the Celtic Tiger
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The genealogy of neoliberalism as an economic theology is that it was born in circumstances of crisis and responses to emergencies. The Celtic Tiger is the formula of 'authoritarian liberalism' and sharpened 'friend-enemy' distinctions that Carl Schmitt advocated in the 1920s as an antidote to Weimar Germany's economic depression, cultural decadence and political drift; a 'political theology. Ireland, the success story of neoliberal globalization, was amongst the first and worst casualties of the global depression. Carl Schmitt's interventions, Of the Political and Political Theology, were intended, like James Joyce's, to clarify transcendental/ fundamental principles upon which order and meaning could be restored. Ulysses employs myth to achieve clarity against the prevailing chaos of modernity. Nelson is a prototypical modern Schmittian leader-cum-dictator because he incarnated an authority superior to the law by his will to power in deciding on the exception and by his relentless clarity in defining his enemy.

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