The politics of Middle English parables

Fiction, theology, and social practice

Mary Raschko
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The politics of Middle English parables examines the dynamic intersection of fiction, theology, and social practice in translated Gospel stories. Parables occupy a prominent place in Middle English literature, appearing in dream visions and story collections as well as in lives of Christ and devotional treatises. While most scholarship approaches these scriptural stories as stable vehicles of Christian teachings, this book characterises Gospel parables as ambiguous, riddling stories that invited audience interpretation and inspired the construction of new, culturally inflected narratives. In parables related to labour, social inequality, charity, and penance, the book locates a creative theological discourse through which writers reconstructed scriptural stories and, in doing so, attempted to shape Christian belief and practice. Analysis of these diverse retellings reveals not what a given parable meant in a definitive sense but rather how Middle English parables inscribe the ideologies, power structures, and cultural debates of late medieval Christianity.

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Front matter
Pages: Cover–iv
Pages: 1–26
Chapter 1: Teaching unreasonable tales
The parable of the Labourers in the Vineyard
Pages: 27–63
Chapter 2: Stories for revising the self
The parable of the Prodigal Son
Pages: 64–104
Chapter 3: Examinations of social conscience
The parable of Dives and Lazarus
Pages: 105–141
Chapter 4: Ethical allegories
The parable of the Good Samaritan
Pages: 142–176
Chapter 5: Paradox formed into story
The parables of the Wedding Feast and Great Supper
Pages: 177–215
Writing parabolic fiction: Langland’s pardon episode
Pages: 216–227
Pages: 228–244
Pages: 245–255


‘Thoroughly researched and meticulously argued, The Politics of Middle English Parables succeeds in its ambitious effort to contextualize a uniquely paradoxical and suggestive body of late medieval religious writing.
Studies in the Age of Chaucer
February 2020

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