Karin Olsen
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Warriors and their battle gear
Conceptual blending in Anhaga (R.5) and Wæpnum Awyrged (R.20)
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The chapter examines the crucial role that conceptual blending plays in Anhaga (R.5) and Wæpnum Awyrged (R.20). In both riddles, the weapon or piece of armour is (partly) visualised as a warrior who serves his lord and fights in battle, yet the precise cognitive processes that underlie this visualisation and that lead to the ‘proper’ solutions are different. Wæpnum Awyrged forms an asymmetrical double-scope network in which culture-sensitive metaphorical and metonymic connections between the conceptual fields ‘warrior’ (input 1 or source domain) and ‘sword’ (input 2 or target domain) are activated. Anhaga, on the other hand, suggests the presence of multi-scope conceptual blending, as its vague textual details allow multiple target domains and thus multiple solutions. This chapter demonstrates that such a multiplicity of solutions ultimately stems from the diversity of ways in which humans think and process information.

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