Christian Høgsbjerg
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Alan Rice
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The introduction sets out a framework for understanding the formation of revolutionary lives at the intersection of trajectories and linkages related to the Red and Black Atlantic. The chapter positions the volume within the important tradition of work which adopts a politicised understanding of Black Atlantic worlds, drawing out the relevance of these approaches for life writing. We contend that such a biographical approach can bring a vivid and distinctive lens to bear on how racialised social and political worlds were negotiated and experienced and to engagements with left political movements and organising. The introduction sets out a sense of how diverse political lives were shaped both in relation to Russia but also in ways which traversed various maritime spaces associated with the African diaspora. In doing so it outlines a dynamic framework for articulating some aspects of the racialised, gendered and classed articulations of revolutionary political lives in the wake of the Russian Revolution. Some of the arguments of the chapter are demonstrated through a discussion of the political trajectories of Hugh Mulzac. Born in 1886 on Union Island, near Saint Vincent in the Grenadines, Mulzac became a founder of the National Maritime Union and during the Second World War, after decades of struggle by organisations like the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, became the first African-American merchant marine naval officer to command a mixed integrated crew on the SS Booker T. Washington.

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