Russell Southwood
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Doing complexity
Making sense of what has happened over thirty-five years
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This book has argued that the rate of changing human behaviours is far slower than the pace of the introduction of new technologies. The ‘changing of the guard’ in terms of sub-Saharan Africa’s ‘digital natives coming to power’ will take a decade or more to materialise. What has transpired up to now might best be described as the ‘end of the beginning.’ The final chapter seeks to provide some provisional conclusions that establish what has been achieved. But it also raises questions about how quickly sub-Saharan Africa’s digital future can continue to transform the assumptions about what Africans can do that will lead to the opening out of a very different future for the continent. It describes: the liberalisation success story, the finance that drove change, the wider access to news and entertainment and the continuing digital divide and concludes by focusing on four key behaviours – aspiration, individuality, sexual norms and trust – affected by the technologies dealt with in this book.

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Africa 2.0

Inside a continent’s communications revolution


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