Vicky Holmes
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Beyond the boundaries
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When a tall, powerfully, and proportionally built man with a heavy moustache and whiskers arrived at a young widow’s door in search of lodgings, what would have naturally followed in the literature of the time was the widow's hapless pursuit of lodger as a replacement for her deceased husband. However, the reality revealed in the coroners’ inquests tells quite a different tale. Fuelled by popular culture, historians have long speculated on the opportunities for sexual relationships between the female householder and her lodger. This chapter explores a range of widow-lodger and wife-lodger relationships to understand how these relationships played out in reality rather than fiction. First, turning to female-headed households – namely, those run by widows and estranged wives – Chapter 5 examines the circumstances in which these relationships were formed with lodgers and the strained power dynamics that shaped them. Secondly, heading into the male-headed home – where the male lodger was generally a welcome (if somewhat also inconvenient) presence – Chapter 3 explores the potentially destabilising presence of the male lodger in the marital home and its violent consequences. Whether widow or wife, however, Chapter 5 makes evident that relationships between women and their lodgers, at least those coming before Victorian coroners, were more tragedy than comedy.

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Living with lodgers

Everyday life, household economy, and social relations in working-class Victorian England


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