Kevern Verney
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The Great Depression and the Second World War, 1930–1945
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This chapter looks at early white liberal and biracial opposition to racial injustice and segregation as reflected in the work of organizations like the Association of Southern Women for the Prevention of Lynching (ASWPL), the Commission on Inter-Racial Cooperation (CIC), the Southern Conference for Human Welfare (SCHW) and the NAACP. There is an examination of the historiography on the Father Divine movement, and grassroots protests against Jim Crow-ism in working-class black communities, as highlighted by historians like Robin D. J. Kelley. The experiences of black workers in the labour movement are assessed together with the civil rights activism of the African American labour leader Asa Philip Randolph and his Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters (BSCP) trade union. The contribution made by communist activists, the Communist Party of the United States of America (CPUSA) and the Communist-dominated National Negro Congress (NNC) is likewise considered. In respect to mainstream national politics there is an evaluation of the civil-rights record of Franklin D. Roosevelt, the impact of the Great Depression and the extent to which New Deal agencies, like the Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA), National Recovery Administration (NRA) and Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), mitigated or exacerbated the hardships experienced by African Americans. The significance of Gunnar Myrdal’s influential 1944 study An American Dilemma is also discussed. The chapter concludes with an analysis of developments during the Second World War and the ongoing historiographical debate on the ways in which the conflict both helped and hindered the African American freedom struggle.

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