Susan Strange
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Some other interpretations
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If we look beyond the literature that deals specifically with money and finance, we find a much wider range of interpretations of the causes of our present troubles. To underline the point that decisions in international money and finance have generally been accorded too limited a place in our understanding, it may be useful to attempt a sort of plain person’s guide to the full range of contending interpretations of the events of recent years. This is the more necessary because many people deeply concerned with our predicament have neither the time nor the patience to go through them all at length, and also because people tend to read the literature of their own profession or field of interest and that of their own political persuasion. A guide that takes in as wide range of prejudices and perceptions as possible may therefore be useful.

The interpretations that tend to dismiss the monetary and financial aspects of world economic disorder as unimportant seem to fall into two groups: those that put the main stress and blame for disorder on weaknesses in trade policies, and those which avoid putting the blame anywhere in particular by offering one or other form of determinist versions of recent economic history.

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