Graeme Kirkpatrick
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accelerationism 2, 147n.14
Adorno, T.W. 5, 22, 32, 42, 44n.13, 50, 67n.3, 106108, 121n.20, 137
aesthetics 4, 7, 31, 92, 123, 129, 138, 143, 146n.9, 150, 154
aesthetic index 11, 106
aesthetic values 4243, 66, 111, 114119
normative 102, 105, 120n.9, 136
(re-)aestheticisation 18, 34, 73, 9698, 104, 111116, 121n.17, 137
superimposition 116117
see also modernism
ambivalence 2, 14, 3236, 109, 133, 149, 152, 153
Anderson, P. 93
anti-technology 8, 53, 98
authenticity 8, 44, 71, 106, 117, 119, 126, 138, 144
authority 25, 28, 36, 39, 41, 76, 142
autonomy see operational autonomy
Baber, Z. 64
Badiou, A. 4, 9
Bernal, M. 64
bias 11, 14, 43, 46, 51, 64, 67n.5, 70, 133, 147, 150
constitutive/implementation 47, 5556
formal 15, 4748, 5259, 63, 66, 68n.9, 71, 79, 91, 133
progressive substantive 67n.5, 124, 142
substantive 1516, 47, 52, 56, 5963, 66, 100
bicycles 23, 37, 76, 119n.1
Bijker, W. 94n.10
blind, visually impaired 58
Boggs, C. 93
boilers 3839, 82
Boltanski, L. 6566, 69n.20, 114, 151
Borgmann, A. 52
Brand, R. 8
Canguilheim, G. 45n.20
capitalism 6566, 83, 110, 136, 143
distorting technology 15, 5254, 58, 111, 123, 135, 153
historical development 13, 24, 43n.3, 99
informational 6566, 114, 116, 121n.21, 151
and societal rationalisation 28, 5051
see also Weber, M.
Chiapello, E. 6566, 69n.20, 114, 151
civilisational change 3335, 87, 92, 97, 102, 111, 143
see also utopia
Claeys, G. 42, 44n.16
Cockburn, C. 58, 59, 60
codification see technical code
Cohen, G. A. 42
collector (Latour) 84
communication 68, 114, 140143, 149
computers 810, 36, 114115, 132
concretisation 66, 124, 127, 134139, 143144
constructivism 19, 39, 70, 9798, 112, 120n.5, 124, 134135, 142, 148151
politicised form 34, 38, 7578, 80, 8588, 96, 100, 101
STS 16, 23, 3538, 42, 72, 7576, 81, 94n.7, 94n.10
consumerism 56, 8, 51, 116
containment 7, 4849, 61, 62, 91
counter-culture 8, 9
creativity 81, 82, 104, 152
cultural practice 33, 52, 62, 137
culture industry 6, 115
Dardot, P. 69n.22, 118, 151
de Certeau, M. 42, 120n.7
democracy 34, 66, 72, 7880, 81, 8788, 9093, 144, 152
design critique 26, 32, 38, 44
de-skilling 25, 42, 55
digital culture 912, 70, 83, 92, 113114, 138
dinner 62, 147n.13
domination 40, 65, 71, 73, 8990, 93n.3, 101, 104, 115116, 120n.8
Dusek, V. 20
dystopia 22, 31, 33, 66, 75, 83, 87, 89, 132
ease of use 9, 114115, 121n.20, 132
efficiency 22, 5557, 100102, 111, 118, 134, 145
constitutive for technology 41, 96, 103
contested definition 3839, 104, 128
narrow value 1215, 51, 58, 89, 93n.3, 130
Ellul, J. 15, 52
Elster, J. 42
emancipation 8, 24, 27, 28, 44, 70
enframing 34, 36, 44, 106, 110, 127129
Engels, F. 14, 25, 28
enlightenment 5, 44, 51, 61
environmentalism 77, 98, 109, 113, 120n.14
essentialism 10, 3435, 4048, 5254, 6163, 87, 110, 145n.1, 149
ethics 6, 49, 6364, 9293, 103, 111, 131, 151152
evolution 67, 38, 105
experts 39, 75, 8589, 102, 128, 137139, 143144, 154
exploitation 11, 24, 152
focal practices see Borgmann, A.
Fordism 74
form 11, 102, 108, 123, 131136, 138141, 143144, 146n.8
Foster, H. 114, 116
Foucault, M. 3, 3940, 45n.18, 56, 7677, 101, 117118, 120n.6, 132, 145
Frankfurt School 1, 3, 5, 6, 2231, 45n.19, 73, 102
games, gamers 41, 88
genetics 149
Goldmann, L. 42, 44n.10
Gomart, E. 121n.18
Gramsci, A. 71, 7375, 80
grassroots politics 73, 136, 143144, 149
Habermas, J. 68, 20, 49, 58, 63, 64, 104106, 127128, 140, 149
Hacking, I. 120n.5
hacking, hackers (computers, networks) 71, 85, 87, 92
Hamer, E. 6, 106, 120n.11
Hansen, A.D. 95n.17
Haraway, D. 44n.17
harmony 103105, 109118, 136, 152
Harvey, D. 44
Hayles, N.K. 44
hegemonic technological rationality 3435, 72, 78, 87, 9091, 120n.8, 128, 154
hegemony 1617, 44, 53, 66, 7075, 7782, 87, 9099, 105, 149, 154
Heidegger, M. 3, 15, 22, 30, 32, 34, 40, 44n.10, 48, 5253, 98, 100, 105106, 121n.16, 127, 129
Hennion, T. 112, 121n.18
historical essence 2, 10, 67n.6, 84, 123, 125130, 133, 136
historical materialism see theory of history (Marxist)
hobby, hobbyists 89
holism, holistic principles 31, 97, 119
Horkheimer, M. 5, 16, 20, 2223, 28, 5052
humanism 111, 130131, 133, 149, 152
human sciences 3, 37
hunting 22, 99
hysteresis 27, 43n.5
imaginary (social, technological) 4142, 56, 77, 85, 130, 132
imagination 103104, 109
infrastructure, infrastructural 13, 41, 78, 83, 98, 116, 140, 144, 147n.16, 154
institutions 2, 15, 3940, 4951, 54, 57, 72, 82, 85, 88, 154
instrumentalisation theory 1819, 98, 110116, 121n.17, 123, 126130, 131133, 152
instrumentalism 1, 1015, 19, 22, 2831, 48, 6162, 75, 88, 128130, 138, 140, 152
integration (socio-technical) 103, 106, 109, 111, 115, 121n.19, 136, 151
intention(s) 4748, 52, 5459, 60, 63
interface 9, 40, 65, 93, 96, 113117, 131
internal colonisation 7
Jager, L. 20
Kant, I. 6, 12, 50, 106108, 146n.12
Kellner, D. 145n.3
Korsch, K. 94n.5
Laclau, E. 16, 72, 7879, 80, 83, 86, 90, 95n.17
Latour, B. 62, 67n.8, 8384, 95n.20, 112, 119n.3, 123124, 153155
Laval, C. 69n.22, 118, 151
Lazzaroto, M. 116, 121n.21, 151
leisure 9, 26, 43n.3
Leskanich, A. 121n.19
Luddism 36, 39
Lukacs, G. 3, 28, 29, 44n.10, 73, 94n.5
McNay, L. 90
MacPherson, C.B. 30
madness 3940
management science 56, 58, 65
Marcuse, H. 37, 1619, 20n.5, 31, 44, 5153, 68, 9698, 100109, 112, 115, 120n.8, 123, 152
Marx, K. 14, 1217, 2132, 43n.3, 44n.6, 47, 5658, 65, 74, 93, 99, 100, 106110, 121n.20, 125128, 135138, 142148
measles 92
medicine 39, 64, 111, 137, 149, 152
mobile phones 33, 89, 118
modernism 68, 97, 108109, 113115, 119, 121n.22, 143
modernity 24, 1819, 2730, 4953, 6465, 68n.18, 103, 111, 143, 154
mods, modders see games, gamers
monad 134, 138, 146n.10
mosquito 5962
Mouffe, C. 16, 72, 7879, 80, 83, 86, 90, 95n.17
natural history (Adorno) 137
nature 41, 51, 63, 74, 103105, 115, 119n.2, 126127, 150
see also science
needs 56, 16, 26, 84, 121n.20, 132
neutrality (of technology) 16, 35, 4952, 58, 100102, 110111, 143
non-identity (principle) 1112, 31, 106, 107, 108, 117, 152
one-dimensionality see Marcuse, H.
ontology 28, 3031, 3436, 42, 7981, 8587, 9091, 104106, 137
operational autonomy 4748, 55, 5759, 60, 65, 77, 83
operational heteronomy 5761, 63, 68
organic/organicism 7, 12, 18, 31, 97, 106, 112113, 115, 152
pacification 104
Paris 4
phenomenalism 30
play 9, 71, 81, 89, 104, 113, 116
Popper, K. 29
post-humanism 122123, 152
post-modernism 9, 122, 133, 136, 139, 143
post-phenomenology 48, 63, 123, 130131, 136, 148, 152
potential 2728, 33, 4445n.17, 55, 9193, 112, 139, 140
human 22, 24, 26, 87, 112
in technology 61, 82, 87, 122, 126, 135136, 149150, 153
pragmatism 6, 7
praxis 2, 44, 70, 74, 75, 94n.5, 120n.11, 125
prejudice 54, 56, 5961, 63
primary instrumentalisation see instrumentalisation theory
print 5860
private property 44n.7
process critique 26
product critique 26
production (economic) 1314, 24, 28, 74, 99, 147n.16
progress 13, 9293, 99100, 105, 118, 133, 139
psychiatry 39
psychoanalysis 5, 6, 93n.3, 120n.11, 138
Rancière, J. 4
rationalisation 1415, 2223, 4648, 57, 6466, 100, 135136
progressive (including democratic, subversive) 3, 15, 53, 61, 66, 84, 92, 125, 140142, 149152
rationality/reason (technical) 35, 40, 51, 54, 72, 7879, 90, 98, 105, 109, 149
reconciliation 31, 61, 106108, 115, 116117, 152
reification 2829, 8486, 101102, 107, 125129, 153
Reuleaux, F. 146n.8
rules, rule-boundedness 39, 4950, 54, 59, 62, 71, 7778, 82, 120n.8
Sartre, J-P. 152
Scharff, R. 20
science 2930, 3738, 45n.18, 51, 65, 76, 103104, 153
Science and Technology Studies (STS) see constructivism
secondary instrumentalisation see instrumentalisation theory
self-realisation 13, 2122, 24, 99, 136, 139, 143, 148
senses see aesthetics
Simondon, G. 124, 134136, 139
social credit system 145
social imaginary see imaginary (social, technological)
socialism 1316, 41, 67n.5, 103, 122, 142143, 153
socialist transition 1314, 2627, 41, 73, 86, 108, 124, 140, 143144
social media 89, 3233, 88, 145, 149
sociology 10, 49, 6061, 6466, 68n.10, 106, 110, 119n.3, 120n.12, 127129, 149151
Soviet Union 14, 103, 148
Srnicek, N. 2, 147n.14
stabilisation 75, 81, 85, 119
STS (Science and Technology Studies) see constructivism
Stump, D.J. 64, 68n.13
subjectivation (technical) 12, 126, 134, 137139, 144
substantivism 34, 37, 42, 48, 5354
suffering 22, 24, 107, 115, 120n.11, 138
see also domination
Sweden 93
systems sphere see Habermas, J.
technical code 36, 40, 7173, 7593, 94n10, 95n19, 96100, 106, 111, 132, 142
technocracy 10, 17, 33, 66, 75, 102, 120n.12
technological unconscious 136, 138
theory of history (Marxist) 7, 13, 24, 99, 100
totality 7, 28, 97, 107
traditional society 18, 64, 77, 111, 127, 129, 136
Turner, F. 8
under-determination 23, 38, 39, 71, 86, 99, 119n.1, 127, 134
unions 39, 589
universal automation browser extension 141142, 147n.15
utopia 19, 82, 107, 122, 133, 144, 146n.10, 148154
values 98, 111, 132, 136, 140, 152
van der Rohe, M. 109
Verbeek, P-P. 63, 68n.15, 123, 130134, 135, 136, 139, 141, 143, 150, 151152
violence 18, 90, 98, 107, 110, 112, 123, 152
Vogel, S. 94n.5
war 5, 23, 51, 95n.18, 99
Web 2.0 9
Weber, M. 14, 21, 22, 46, 50, 51, 64, 100, 135
wheelchairs 58
Williams, A. 2, 147n.14
Winner, L. 100
Witkin, R.W. 121n.23
Wittgenstein, L. 6
Wood, A. 27
workers 4, 28, 30, 59, 68n.19, 7374, 82, 93n.1, 141142, 143, 147n16
challenging technology designs 38, 41, 97, 111, 144
streamlined 6566, 114, 145, 151
technology designed to oppress 11, 13, 2426, 42, 5558, 67n.2, 93n.3, 99, 147n.16
Wright, F.L. 109, 113
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