Jenny DiPlacidi
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Note: ‘n.’ after a page reference indicates the number of a note on that page
Adeline or the Orphan 29n.73
Åkesson, Lynn 21, 30n.84
Anolik, Ruth Bienstock 19, 39, 78n.54, 145, 249, 257, 2678, 275n.76, 276n.92
Ash, Angie 1589
Austen, Jane 1067
Mansfield Park 156, 182n.28, 183n.41, 194, 2012, 221
Northanger Abbey 1067, 134n.71, 204, 237n.50
Sense and Sensibility 1567
authority 85, 91, 135n.86, 1469, 154, 15964, 177, 184n.50, 2012
political 6, 77n.52, 251, 265
see also family, obligation; paternal authority
Backus, Margot Gayle 15
Bailey, Joanne 14, 28n.63
Baillie, Joanna 270
De Montfort 267
Batchelor, Jennie 1823n.32, 236n.31
Beckford, William 7, 259, 267
Vathek 251, 25964, 269
Bell, Vikki 108, 136n.87
Bennett, Anna Maria 196
Ellen, Countess of Castle Howel 16, 29n.75, 196, 20812
Bersani, Leo 20, 247, 250, 265, 281n.4
Blackstone, William 19, 39, 72, 76n.27, 142
Blakemore, Steven 266, 268
Botting, Fred 10, 18, 23, 33n.112
Brewer, William D. 68
Brickman, Julie 9
Brontë, Charlotte
Jane Eyre 20, 80n.83, 196, 2234, 22933
Brontë, Emily
Wuthering Heights 89, 11728, 196, 210, 2239, 273n.44
Brooks, Peter 264, 275n.77
brother–sister incest 85138, 20910, 2656
Burney, Frances 12, 184n.50
Evelina 77n.50
Butler, Judith 65, 113, 135n.86, 270n.6
Byron, Lord 83n.126, 128n.4, 213
Manfred 32n.111
Campbell, Jill 273n.41
Catholicism 56, 80n.90, 81n.93
Chaplin, Sue 19, 423, 179n.2, 181n.13
childhood 64, 71, 1079, 11920, 126, 133n.49, 137n.112, 20911, 222, 239n.63
Cleere, Eileen 2012, 207, 237n.402
Clery, E. J. 78, 34, 44, 73n.2, 88, 93, 157, 170, 250, 255, 2578, 272n.37, 273n.42
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor 23, 2523, 267
Osorio 137n.107
commodification of women 401, 57, 66, 81n.98, 95, 145, 155, 161, 165, 1867n.79, 202, 219, 238n.56, 239n.60, 242n.94
see also exchange of women; property, women as
convents 47, 49, 53, 56, 80n.90, 144, 1524, 241n.82
courtship 218, 224
cousins 32n.102, 1902, 210, 280
incest between 125, 190245, 235n.25
Cox, Jeffrey N. 253, 256
cross-dressing 21516
customs see law, customs as
Dacre, Charlotte 248, 267
Zofloya 262
Davenport, Selina
Sons of the Viscount and the Daughters of the Earl: a Novel; Depicting Recent Scenes in Fashionable Life, The 21, 32n.103, 81n.97, 197, 21723, 257
DeLamotte, Eugenia C. 12, 17, 140, 180n.4, 22932
DeMause, Lloyd 68, 83n.123
demons 92, 2648
desire see sexuality
discipline see punishment
Dominelli, Lena 910, 77n.51, 147
duty see family, obligation
Eagleton, Terry 67
Ellis, Kate Ferguson 8, 1112, 39, 41, 92, 129n.6, 150
endogamy 58, 66, 89, 120, 126, 138n.131, 191, 198, 202, 2078, 212, 219, 2245
estates see property
exchange of women 10, 21, 35, 3940, 4651, 578, 6473, 76n.30, 87n.97, 95, 99, 121, 127, 1456, 152, 155, 179, 182n.25, 184n.48, 1867n.79, 202, 2078, 212, 219, 233, 238n.60, 239n.60, 240n.72
see also commodification of women
exogamy 557, 89, 121, 146, 191, 202, 212, 233
family 1479
adoptive 152, 205, 208, 210
affinal 80n.84, 191, 200, 205, 212, 234
attraction to 54, 60, 79n.77, 87, 101, 130n.18, 136n.99, 138n.132, 1446, 154, 196, 199, 2045, 220, 225, 227
authority 21415, 223, 241n.82
conjugal 28n.47, 229, 233
consanguineal 15, 50, 1256, 151, 154, 183n.45, 184n.46, 1913, 1978, 2045, 212, 218, 229, 233
nuclear 1415, 37, 48, 63, 75n.19, 150, 218
obligation 51, 567, 163, 198, 2003, 208, 21015, 221, 229, 234, 239n.64, 240n.72, 243n.100
pride 98, 1989, 219
recognition see kinship, recognition
resemblance 67, 125, 141, 201, 207, 21819, 225, 230, 252, 256, 258
reunions 65, 71, 89, 97, 101, 104, 113
structure 189n.122, 1912, 1956, 202, 242n.94, 245n.134
father–daughter incest 1112, 3484, 1589, 208, 246, 248, 253
Female Gothic 4, 712, 26n.29, 27n.38, 34, 914, 100, 130n.24, 140, 142, 149, 153, 177, 180n.4, 249, 266, 269, 271n.9, 275n.73, 278, 281n.3
Fincher, Max 250, 2602
Finney, Gail 33n.116, 120, 122
Fitzgerald, Lauren 23, 27n.35, 93, 157, 281n.3
Foucault, Michel 20, 25n.21, 108, 135n.79, 145, 148, 184n.49, 247, 250, 278, 281n.4
Frank, Marcie 255, 257, 272n.32, 273n.48
French Revolution 1956, 241n.85, 268
Freudian theory 4, 1012, 1819, 346, 63, 246, 255
critiques of 18, 31n.87, 367, 74n.9, 74n.10, 74n.14, 75n.19, 75n.24
see also Oedipus complex
Gallop, Jane 74n.13, 82n.110, 83n.130
Gamer, Michael 22, 33n.113, 41
genetic sexual attraction 212, 26n.75, 30n.84, 32n.108, 75n.26, 879, 99, 11314, 118, 120, 207, 235n.5
see also family, attraction to
genetics 212, 30n.84, 878, 113, 1901, 210, 239n.63, 239n.67, 246
gift theory 32n.106, 1512, 1823n.32, 184n.47, 2023, 21112, 236n.31, 240n.72
Gilbert, Sandra and Susan Gubar 10, 18
Gill, Pat 1617
Godwin, William 634, 68
Goetz, William R. 119, 123, 125
Gramsci, Antonio 6
Greenberg, Maurice 21, 89
GSA see genetic sexual attraction
guardian-ward 47, 49, 52, 545, 579, 144, 149, 15860, 182n.32, 210
Haggerty, George 2, 12, 24n.6, 247, 249, 2523, 262, 267, 269, 274n.689
Harpold, Terence 634
Herman, Judith Lewis and Lisa Hirschman 4, 182n.28, 183n.40, 183n.45
heteronormativity 67, 23, 91, 108, 153, 178, 24750, 261, 26570, 279
Hoeveler, Diane Long 1113, 17, 26n.24, 378, 545, 634, 68, 72, 80n.78, 180n.6, 201, 233
Hogle, Jerrold E. 131n.30, 185n.57, 280
Holcombe, Lee 161, 163, 186n.70
Hunt, Lynn Avery 260
ideology 67, 46, 91, 108, 141, 145, 148, 178, 216, 233, 242n.88, 247, 252, 262
illegitimacy 152, 196, 1989, 208
imprisonments 11, 28n.51, 39, 535, 601, 72, 78n.60, 80n.90, 81n.104, 82n.104, 957, 100, 105, 108, 116, 136n.97, 141, 144, 150, 156, 1628, 171, 175, 189n.113, 206, 208, 217, 230, 249, 267
convents and 56, 80n.90, 171, 176, 206
incest see brother–sister incest; cousins, incest between; father–daughter incest; mother–son incest; uncle–niece incest
incest prohibition 15, 347, 65, 79n.71, 86, 89, 102, 108, 145, 1812n.23, 216, 2467
incest taboo see incest prohibition
individual choice and rights 133n.58, 142, 154, 163, 1767, 186n.73, 1958, 2038, 21215, 218, 2234, 2289, 234, 236n.30
see also rights
inheritance 67, 13, 1617, 20, 425, 62, 89, 95, 99, 109, 116, 121, 1429, 153, 1569, 1635, 1679, 1749, 181n.13, 182n.25, 1924, 201, 207, 2223, 2267, 230, 251, 257
see also law, inheritance
Irigaray, Luce 10, 656, 184n.48, 239n.60, 242n.94, 247
Johnson, Claudia L. 94, 161, 176, 188n.96
Ker, Anne
Mysterious Count; or, Montville Castle, The 28n.58
Kilgour, Maggie 11, 1412, 14950, 165, 169, 177
kinship 1417, 223, 812n.103, 88, 123, 126, 190200, 230, 232, 2401n.78
evidence of 11012, 119, 1712, 188n.94, 188n.95
recognition 60, 67, 101, 129n.12, 133n.55, 135n.83, 136n.99, 1701, 187n.89, 207, 238n.57, 2567
see also family, attraction to
Klekar, Cynthia 2023, 211
and Linda Zionkowski 21, 184n.47, 236n.31
Kuper, Adam 17, 29n.74, 30n.82, 199, 204, 235n.25, 239n.67, 242n.90
Lacan, Jacques 84n.133
Lamb, Lady Caroline 197
Glenarvon 197, 21213, 21517
Landry, Donna 259, 262, 273n.545
law 19, 234, 10911, 13944, 155, 161, 175, 179n.2, 181n.13, 182n.25
customs as 25n.9, 26n.23, 11012, 145, 154, 216
incest 1920, 4850, 79n.65, 10811, 148, 1934
inheritance 19, 89, 1634, 1756, 2056, 227
marriage 234, 49, 79n.65, 1934
patriarchal 82n.110, 834n.130
property 117, 13941, 15765, 186n.71, 188n.101, 188n.105, 2056, 243n.109
Ledoux, Ellen Malenas 26n.25, 28n.52
Lévi-Strauss, Claude 4, 10, 21, 345, 3940, 51, 86, 123, 191
Lewis, Alethea Brereton
Nuns of the Desert: or, The Woodland Witches, The 240n.69, 241n.82, 274n.67
Lewis, Matthew 7, 130n.28
Castle Spectre, The 267
Monk, The 8, 19, 904, 115, 136n.93, 1734, 251, 2649
liberty see individual choice and rights; rights
London, April 163, 186n.73
Male Gothic 45, 89, 26n.29, 238n.58, 249, 270, 271n.9
marriage 3940, 4651, 66, 72, 95, 121, 142, 145, 14854, 179n.2, 1907, 204, 211, 218, 224, 229, 2323
forced 100, 107, 160, 168, 176, 188n.102, 226
see also commodification of women; exchange of women
Masse, Michelle A. 18
Mauss, Marcel 21, 32n.104, 238n.60, 239n.62
Maynard, John 229, 232
McKinnon, Susan 248, 2624, 269
Mellor, Anne K. 45
Messier, Vartan P. 8, 266
Miles, Robert 1011, 99, 104, 153, 158, 173, 176, 272n.28
mistaken identity 51, 99, 101
Mitchell, Juliet 10, 180n.7
Moers, Ellen 7, 10, 157
mother–son incest 24676
Mulvey-Roberts, Marie 274n.59
murder 11, 38, 44, 51, 59, 61, 78n.60, 83n.124, 956, 100, 11617, 1405, 1556, 1689, 1724, 179, 1801n.12, 208, 26470
nation 21516, 241n.85
Neff, D. S. 274n.57
Nestor, Pauline 2245
Norton, Rictor 41, 273n.53
obligation see family, obligation; gift theory
Oedipus complex 10, 35, 64, 68, 101, 124
Orientalism 678, 83n.123, 83n.124, 83n.125, 83n.126, 259
orphans 61, 107, 111, 127, 133n.49, 144, 158, 211, 217
Parsons, Eliza 13, 7
Castle of Wolfenbach, The 23, 57, 109, 14357, 181n.17, 182n.28, 238n.56
Old Friend with a New Face, An 271n.11
paternal authority 51, 55, 101, 104
see also family, obligation; authority
Perry, Ruth 11, 1415, 39, 54, 55n.84, 85, 104, 135n.83, 171, 173, 1912, 1989, 218, 221, 227, 239n.64, 2401n.78, 250
Piatti-Farnell, Lorna and Donna Lee Brien 277
Polidori, John 251, 268
Ernestus Berchtold; or, The Modern Oedipus: A Tale 251, 254, 26870
Pollak, Ellen 17, 1920, 57, 148, 1935
pornography 1467, 182n.31
primogeniture see inheritance; law, property; property
property 25n.9, 1426, 1569, 186n.70, 2258
women as 57, 98, 105, 1435, 152, 15864, 175, 179, 207, 215, 233, 240n.78
see also inheritance; law, property
prostitution 1656, 246
punishment 47, 108, 11113, 11617, 125, 135n.77, 136n.87, 162, 165
Punter, David and Glennis Byron 45, 252
queer theory 67, 24751, 2624, 2668
see also queer, sexuality
Quilligan, Maureen 16
Radcliffe, Ann 78, 27n.36, 37, 93, 130n.28, 132n.40, 157, 266, 269
Castles of Athlin and Dunbayne, The 5, 29n.68, 94100
Italian, The 9, 1213, 30n.80, 38, 131n.37, 143, 16878, 266
Mysteries of Udolpho, The 13, 30n.79, 967, 143, 15768
Romance of the Forest, The 401, 5262, 96
Sicilian Romance, A 5, 29n.68, 96, 1006, 243n.97, 271n.17
Rajan, Tilottama 64
rape 51, 74n.9, 91, 94, 1434, 153, 158, 1646, 168, 170, 1734, 1801n.12, 187n.80, 208, 259, 2648
Reform Act of 1832 223
revenge 95, 116
Richardson, Alan 32n.110, 92, 104, 106, 119, 133n.63
Richardson, Samuel 77n.50
Clarissa 187n.82
Pamela 77n.50, 132n.45
rights 133n.58, 142, 154, 163, 175, 1789, 184n.47, 187n.84, 1946, 223, 234, 236n.28, 243n.109
see also individual choice and rights
Robinson, Mary 273
Vancenza; or, The Dangers of Credulity 273n.52
Roche, Regina Maria 196
Children of the Abbey, The 271n.17
Clermont 20, 196, 2038, 257
Romanticism 32n.110, 33n.112, 90
incest and 22, 32n.111, 867, 90, 92, 106, 11728, 130n.27, 133n.63, 134n.67, 137n.107, 138n.132, 146
Rooney, Caroline 85, 123, 128, 128n.4, 138n.123
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques 184n.47, 195, 237n.48, 240n.76
Emile, or On Education 184n.47, 186n.68, 241n.80, 241n.83
Social Contract, or Principles of Political Right, The 184n.47, 240n.76
Rubin, Gayle 10, 36, 3940, 62
sadomasochism 2478, 265, 274n.68, 278, 281n.4
Sanchez-Eppler, Karen 246
sentimental novels 22, 434, 76n.77, 77n.50, 87, 90, 129n.11, 184n.50, 196, 199, 208
servants 150, 166, 177, 183n.44, 199, 206, 2245, 2278, 238n.55, 252, 255
sexual abuse 91, 128n.2
see also violence, sexual
sexual aversion 21, 21011
see also genetics; Westermarck effect
sexuality 357, 56, 67, 59, 83n.120, 94, 104, 109, 145, 175, 181n.22, 184n.49, 21314, 229, 2312, 2478, 2535
constraints on 100, 112, 134n.65, 182n.28
maternal 78n.56, 78n.61, 131n.37, 24852, 2556, 2604
queer 25370
transgressive 94, 134n.66, 178, 21617, 224, 242n.88, 24951, 2559, 2613
Shelley, Mary 634
Frankenstein 32n.111
Matilda 28n.58, 401, 6373, 273n.44
Shepher, Joseph 4, 137n.112, 138n.132, 1901, 246
Sheriffe, Sarah 15
Correlia, or the Mystic Tomb 15, 78n.61, 86, 271n.11, 273n.44
siblings 223, 8790, 99101, 125, 201, 207, 209, 21923, 230, 243n.97
see also brother–sister incest
Sleath, Eleanor 1067, 134n.70, 134n.73
Orphan of the Rhine, The 5, 15, 10617, 210
Smith, Charlotte 196
Emmeline 78n.60, 79n.68, 196203, 271n.17
Smith, David Livingstone 212, 108, 129n.10, 239n.63
Spooner, Catherine 277
Staves, Susan 139
stepmothers 1001, 249, 271n.19
Stevenson, John Allen 120
Stone, Lawrence 14, 29n.64
suicide 30n.79, 6970, 84n.130, 252, 2589
sympathy 856, 171, 128, 136n.99, 171, 230
Tadmor, Naomi 14
Taylor, Jeremy 1489
thefts see usurpations
Thomas, Elizabeth 196
Purity of Heart, or, The Ancient Costume 20, 197, 21217, 260
traffic in women see exchange of women
uncle–niece incest 35, 13, 201, 25n.9, 47, 602, 13989, 203
usurpations 13, 17, 105, 13945, 148, 1534, 158, 1635, 1689, 1739, 265
violence 45, 11, 1617, 46, 54, 79n.73, 93, 100, 140, 145, 155, 172, 175, 179, 215, 2589, 2634, 267, 27880
sexual 45, 20, 57, 67, 91, 1437, 15761, 1646, 1703, 1745, 187n.91, 243n.95, 2489, 2656
see also rape
virtue 44, 54, 97, 147, 162, 183n.44, 187n.82, 21316
von Sneidern, Maja-Lisa 120, 137n.110
Wallace, Diana 19, 39, 72, 142, 269
and Andrew Smith 8, 275
Walpole, Horace 12, 19, 76n.36, 249, 2534, 267
Castle of Otranto, The 4052, 140, 165, 173, 2545
Mysterious Mother, The 12, 5, 7, 131n.37, 2519, 26870
Warner, Michael 25n.8, 25n.20
Watt, James 8, 1819, 42
weapons 28n.58, 51, 54, 155, 170, 1723, 217, 241n.84, 258, 266
Westermarck, Edward 15
Westermarck effect 1516, 389, 75n.24, 1078, 133n.63, 239n.63, 240n.70
White, Leslie 867, 89
Williams, Anne 18
Williams, Raymond 6, 25n.19
Wollstonecraft, Mary 63, 187n.84, 195
Vindication of the Rights of Woman, A 237n.48
wounded heroes 61, 96, 99, 103, 132n.44, 2312, 242n.87, 244n.125
Wright, Angela 11, 141, 174
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