Gill Haddow
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absences 19, 47–48, 51, 127–129, 131, 133, 156
acclimatisation 163–165
see also ICDs
Active Implantable Medical Devices Directive 83
Allen-Collinson, Jacquelyn 42
amputations 48–49
androids 14, 94, 96
animals, non-human 160
donor 37, 158
anthropomorphisation 7–8, 33–34
Ashcroft, Frances 98–99
Ava 96
Ayihongbe, Semande 107
Baby Fae 57
Baiser d’Isabelle, Le 27
Barnard, Christiaan 27–28, 29
Baudrillard, Jean 95
Beery, Theresa 104
Belk, Russell 79
Berg, Marc 17
‘benimseme’ 165
biohackers 15, 76, 89–90
biomedical nemesis 22, 168
3-D bioprinting 2, 11, 56, 63–64, 69, 79–80
Blume, Stuart 93
body 3
as machine 6–7, 77
as subject 41–42
hybrid 4
see also embodiment
as self 7, 29, 31–33, 77
DBSs 91–92
Decade of the Brain 31
Brown, Nick59
Burkitt, Ian 6, 31
Butler, Judith 43
C3I 84, 91, 113–114, 162
cardiac see heart
cardiac pacemakers see CPs
Cartesian Dualism 26, 30, 50, 156
cell migration 40
cellular memory 25, 41
Change of Heart, A 24–25, 39
Charmaz, Kathy 123
CIs (cochlear implants) 92–93
Clark, Andy 8–9
Clynes, Manfred 94
Clynes, Manfred and Kline, Nathan 84, 87–88
contamination 61, 78–79, 80, 158
Courage to Fail, The 33
CPs (cardiac pacemakers) 91
Cregan, Kate 42–43
CRISPR-Cas9 58
Crossley, Nick 42, 43
cochlear implants see CIs
Csordas, Thomas 42
Curtis, Anne 101
cybernetic see C3I
Cyborg Manifesto 16, 96–97
defined 14, 15
dehumanised 16
everyday see everyday cyborgs
gendering of 94–95, 96
history of 14, 84–85, 87–88
inhumanness 95
in science and horror fiction 14, 94
reluctance to use term 110–111, 115
cyclosporine 40
Dalibert, Lucie 23n.6, 131
Daniels, Norman 167
Davies, Gail 59
DBSs (deep brain stimulators) 91–92
deep brain stimulators see DBSs
De Preester, Helena and Tsakiris, Manos 131–132
Descartes, Rene 6, 30, 50, 156
Dickerson, Suzanne 103–104, 106
DNA 40
donor anonymity 37, 158
Douglas, Mary 11, 73
dys-appearance 19, 21, 48, 49, 130–131, 150
ear see CIs
embodiment 8–9, 41–43
ambiguity of 9, 12, 44–49, 51–52, 54–55, 92, 112, 156
epilepsy 31
Evans, Mary 44, 45
everyday cyborgs 85–87, 97–98, 112–113, 162–163, 167
defined 16–17, 23n.4, 111
gender 17, 87, 105, 119
hacking 20, 139–140
interviews with 115–154
vulnerabilities 18–21, 115–116
Ex Machina 96
eye transplantation 54
face transplantation 27
Fielding, Helen 47
focus groups 55–56, 64–69
Fox, Renee 7–8, 33, 37
Frankenstein 95
Gadow, Sally 49
Geminoid F 114n.3
gender 43, 45, 96–97, 111
cyborgs in fiction 94–95, 96
everyday cyborgs 17, 87, 105, 119
ICDs 100–102, 105, 119
organ transplantation 12, 26, 39–40, 45
gene-modification 58
Gray, Chris Hables 94–95, 168
grinders 15, 89–90
Grosz, Elizabeth 44–45
+H 167
Hallam, Clint 34
hand transplantation 34
Haraway, Donna 16, 80–81, 84, 86–87, 89, 96–97, 115
Harbisson, Neil 90
Harvard Committee 53n.5
disease 98–100
transplantation 27–29, 35
see also CPs; ICDs; SCAs
Heart, History of the 28
Helman, Cecil 7
Hockey, John 42
Hoystad, Ole 28
Humans 96
Husserl, Edmund 46
hybrid bodies 4
ICD cyborgs 16
ICDs (implantable cardiac defibrillators) 13, 18, 19, 83–84, 99–100
acclimatisation to 19–20, 116, 131–135, 151–152, 165–166
as ultimate biomedical nemesis 168–169
body image 104
control, lack of personal 153
defined 3–4
described 103
electric shocks 3, 20, 89, 103–105, 109, 119–121, 141–146
gender 100–102, 105, 119
hacking, vulnerability to 20, 86, 107–108, 139–140
insertion procedure 103, 124–127
mental health, effects on 102, 105, 115–116
others, protection from 135–136
pacing clinics 138–139
relationships, effects on 106, 112–113, 136–138
remote monitoring 139–140
removal/deactivation 146–150
identity 4–5, 10, 22, 26–27
contamination 61
image as 44–45
see also Triad of I
Ihde, Don 8
Illich, Ivan 22
immunosuppressants 28, 40, 71
implantable cardiac defibrillators see ICDs
implantable medical devices 3, 12, 56, 74–76, 82–83
cardiac see ICDs
defined 83
smart 3, 15, 61–62, 75, 83–84
induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) 64
integrity 4, 26
see also Triad of I
interoception 7
L’intrus 163–164
in-vivo biosensors see IVBs
Iron Man 75
Island of Doctor Moreau, The 57
IVBs (in-vivo biosensors) 93
Jackson, Michael 146
Jansson, Siv 95
Kafka, Franz 57
Kass, Leon 32
Korper/Leib co-existence 45–46
Leach, Edward 29
Leder, Drew 19, 20, 26, 47–48, 53n.8, 127–128
Lee, Ellie 44, 45
Lock, Margaret 43
Lundin, Susanne 59
machines 74–76, 160–161
Madison, Gary 50
Medtronic 107, 109
Merleau-Ponty, Maurice 8, 26, 41–42, 48, 51, 156
Metamorphosis, The 57
Michael, Mike59, 81n.1
Mindful Body, The 43
mindfulness 9–10, 32–33
Nancy, Jean-Luc 163–164
Natural Born Cyborgs 8–9
as term to be avoided 73
New Organs within Us 165
NHS Blood and Transplant [UK] 37
non-human animals 160
Nuffield Council on Bioethics (NCoB) 58, 73
organ transplantation 1–2, 12, 68–69, 78
donor anonymity 37, 158
gender 12, 26, 39–40, 45
immunosuppression 28
subjectivity alterations 7–8, 24–53, 157
Orlan 90
Oudshoorn, Nellie 16, 18, 20–21, 105, 109
cardiac 91
Parkinson’s disease 91–92
Parry, Bronwyn 44, 157
Pearsall, Paul 38–39
Penniman, Richard 168
person 10
phantom limbs 48–49
Phenomenology of Perception, The 8, 41–42
pigs 2, 56, 58, 59–60, 78, 112, 159
porcine valves 2, 58, 60
‘yuck’ factor 11, 72, 73
pollution behaviour 11, 73
prostheses 131–132
Quigley, Muireann 107
Real Bodies 44, 45
Robocop 12, 75, 94
robots 14, 94, 95, 114n.2
Sanal, Aslihan 165
Sanner, Margarita 40, 78
SCAs (sudden cardiac arrests) 98–99
Sears, Samuel 105
self 7–10, 52n.1
Sharp, Lesley 8, 36, 37, 39, 62–63
Shelley, Mary 95
Sheper-Hughes, Nancy 43
Shildrick, Margrit 8, 23n.3, 34–35
Ship of Theseus, The 5, 77, 155
Simmons, Roberta 33–34, 40
Singer, Peter 53n.5
smart implantable medical devices 3, 15, 61–62, 75, 83–84
smart technologies, defined 90–91
Sobchack, Vivian 48–49, 130–131
Stelarc 90
subjectivity 10
sudden cardiac arrests see SCAs
survey by questionnaire 55–56, 65–69
Swazey, Judith 7–8, 33, 37
Sylvia, Claire 24–25, 39
SynCardia 57, 62, 114n.6
Terminator 12, 75, 94
Timmermans, Stefan 17
Total Artificial Heart 57, 62, 114n.6
Transhumanists 167
Triad of I 26, 50–52, 103, 157
defined 112
Turkle, Sherry 14, 94
Varela, Francisco 45–46, 49, 159, 165
Vidal, Fernando 31, 32
Volatile Bodies 44
Warwick, Kevin 90
Washkansky, Louis 24, 28, 29
Waskul, Dennis 43
Wells, H. G. 57
Whang, William 105
Wiener, Norbert 84, 89
Williams, Simon 5, 77
xenotransplantation 2, 55, 57–61
public attitudes 60–61, 69–72
‘yuck’ factor 11, 59, 80–81, 159
Yarnoz, Michael 101
‘yuck’ factor 72–74, 159
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