Rodney Barker
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1 Intimidatory space, Nuremburg. Nürnberg, Reichsparteitag, SA- und SS-Appell, 1934 (Bundesarchiv, Bild 102-04062A / CC-BY-SA 3.0)
2 Reflected glory, Hall of Mirrors, Versailles. Versailles Palace, Hall of Mirrors (A. D. White Architectural Photographs, Cornell University Library Accession Number: 15/5/3090.01535/public domain)
3 Imperial vistas, New Delhi. North Block of the Secretariat Building, New Delhi, 2008 (Laurie Jones/Flicker/CC-BY-SA 2.0)
4 Open government. The Chamber of the Greater London Assembly, 2006 (JLogan/Wikimedia Commons/public domain)
5 Royal splendour. Hyacinthe Rigaud, Louis XIV of France, 1701, oil on canvas, 277 × 194 cm (Louis XIV Collection, Musée du Louvre/public domain)
6 What makes the king. William Makepeace Thackeray, ‘What Makes a King?’, from The Paris Sketchbook, 1840 (public domain)
7 Two bodies. Tomb of Henry Chichele, Archbishop of Canterbury (© Web Gallery of Art, reproduced with permission)
8 Citizen ruler. Unknown artist, Louis XVI of France wearing a Phrygian cap, drinking a toast to the health of the sans-culottes, 1792, etching and mezzotint with watercolour (Library of Congress/public domain)
9 Dress-suit MP. David Low, ‘The kindness of the cartoonist’, Evening Standard, 28 January 1928 (British Cartoon Archive: David Low/Solo Syndication)
10 Queen Victoria in Scotland. George Washington Wilson, Queen Victoria on ‘Fyvie’ with John Brown at Balmoral, 1863, carte de visite, 9.20 × 6.10 cm (National Gallery of Scotland, Acc. No. PGP R 884, gift of Mrs Riddell in memory of Peter Fletcher Riddell 1985/public domain)
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