

active witchcraft 2, 69, 71, 81, 175, 181
Allen, Christopher historian 62
Altenstein, Karl Sigmund von education minister 32
Amades, Joan folklorist 137–8
Amey, Mary and Frances bewitched 16, 18
Amis, Kingsley writer 66
amulets 141, 160–1, 184
Andrews, Irene murdered 200
Angelina healer 164
anger 77, 87
animal magnetism 8, 33, 91
anthropology 14–15, 89, 107, 113
see also functionalism
anti-superstition literature 30
Antonia sorceress 163, 165
Anvill, James drowned 20
Apolito, Paolo anthropologist 170
apple 116
armageddon 124, 205, 207
Association de Notre-dame des Sept-Douleurs de Boulleret 109
astrology 6, 127
Bakker, Cornelis folklorist 92, 95, 101
Balladur, Edouard politician 126
banshee 202, 203
Barandiarán, José Miguel ethnologist 138
Barriola, Ignacio Mariá ethnologist 138
Barry, Jonathan historian 12
bathing ritual 74, 79
Beller, Karoline stigmatized 43
Bellucci, Giuseppe folklorist 154
Bible belt 204, 206
Bidwell farmer 23
Bitten, film
black magic 2, 191–3, 195, 198, 201, 205, 206
black man 109, 203
Blancher, Henri healer 121
Blavatsky, Helena P. theosophist 115
Blécourt, Willem de historical anthropologist 109, 111, 134, 140, 175
blood 4, 9, 17, 18, 22, 48, 52, 53, 55, 158
boasting 76
body 71, 98, 114, 166
see also second body; violence
Boogaarts, Jan cunning man 96
boundary 72, 78, 94, 99, 176
Bouteiller, Marcelle anthropologist 111
Brasey, Edouard journalist 127
Braun, Luise visionary 40
Braybrook, Thomas attacker 16
bride, bewitched 78
bride catching 38
Briggs, Robin historian 15
broomstick 97
Brown, Alice bewitched 16, 18
Brown, Thomas parent 18, 21
bruixa 138, 139
bryony 58, 59
Bulgaria 183
Bunel, Clement bewitched 114
Burner, family possessed 115–16
Burton, F. ethnographer 202, 203
butter 23, 76
Calis, Fok blesser 102
Camus, Dominique ethnologist 113
Camus, Jean witch 119
Caro Baroja, Julio historian 138
Carrol, Lewis writer 64
cart upset 22–3
cat 36, 100
catechism of witchcraft 5
cattle 73
Ceinova, Christina witch 29, 39
Cerdá Baeza, José healer 136
Cerrulo, Maurice evangelist 199
Chapisseau, Félix folklorist 110
Charcot, Jean Martin psychiatrist 112
charity 61, 76, 81–2, 133
Charlesworth, Mrs witch 56–7, 61
Charlesworth, Thomas and Elizabeth bewitched 56–61
charming 33, 36, 40, 136, 151, 163
see also incantation
cheese 56, 61
Cher, curé of 108
chicken 90, 94, 99, 102
child abduction 192, 193, 197–8, 199, 206
Chirac, Jacques politician 126
church bells 38
Cirese, Alberto Maria folklorist 155
clamor 184–5
Cléon, Joseph sorcier 118
climbing tree 80–1
Cohn, Norman historian 15
Collins, Wilkie author 63
Comelles, Josep Maria medical historian 135
constable 17, 20, 37
see also Hitchcox
Conway bookseller 57
cow 69, 80, 82, 83, 176
Craig, William politician 207
Crapanzano, Vincent anthropologist 168, 171
Crisp, Ellis superintendent cross-dressing 168
Crozet, René journalist 114
cultural capital 71, 85
cultural repertoires 133
cunning folk 2, 39, 47, 48, 79, 93, 96, 110, 120, 138
see also bruixa; Esnault; Gosselin; Guiseppe; guruzsló; Kaminski; Küchen; Lelie; marabout; Martini; Mathieu; Mulheim; sabia; Schober; Shanly; tietäjä; Touré; Tunniclif; unwitcher
curandero 136, 138, 140, 144
curse 56, 57, 71, 175, 176, 178–9, 184, 185
dancing 23, 167, 170
see also tarantismo
dancing sofa 52, 55
Davies, Owen witchcraft historian 7, 134, 144, 156, 157
Davis, John attacker 52–6
DDT 169
decline of witchcraft 2–6, 9, 46, 48, 64, 90, 93, 100, 102, 111, 169
Delbos, Geneviève anthropologist 123, 124
Del Giudice, Luisa folklorist 166
De Martino, Ernesto folklorist 155, 159, 162, 163, 167, 169
Denier, Marie-Claude historian 108
depersonalization of witchcraft 5
detective novel 63
devil 6, 29, 33, 35, 37, 38, 39, 79, 109, 115, 184, 186, 195, 203, 205
Devlin, Judith historian 108, 120
devotional objects 101, 108, 157
Diana diety 158, 171
Dickens, Charles author 63
Dillon, Martin journalist 200
divination with book 178, 182, 183 dog 78, 79, 80, 83, 86
domestic sphere 73, 94
Dubourg, Régine witch 119
Dupont, Yves sociologist 123–4, 125
dust 52, 54–5
eagle 164
earth 179
ecstasy 154, 157, 168
Ellis, Bill folklorist 22, 200
Emery, Robert hanged 20
Ena Mosené, Baltasar healer 139
enganido 142
England 9, 16–24, 46–64, 82, 122
Enklaar, J. E. neerlandicus 91
envy 141
Esnault, Léontine cunning woman 116–18, 128
Esquirol, Jean psychologist 112
Evans-Pritchard, E. E. anthropologist 14
evil eye 77, 99, 101, 140–2, 155, 158–60, 163
evil hand 97, 98
evil spirits 40, 116, 120, 143, 197
exorcism 33, 36, 40, 112, 115, 127, 143, 184
Exorcist film 191, 199
experience-centered approach 152
expert witness 62
fairies 158, 171, 201, 202
fairy tales 10
false consciousness 155
family of witches 93, 95
fascination 48
fasting 177, 179, 184
Favret-Saada, Jeanne anthropologist 113, 123–4, 125, 127, 156
Feldman, A. sociologist 202
Ferry, Jules prime minister 122
Field police inspector 63
Finland 69–86
Fischer, Antonius Hubert canon 35
Flint, Valerie historian 183
Flower, E. F. brewer 54
flying witches 11, 158
folklore records 10, 30–1, 69–70, 91–2, 110, 134, 153, 174
folk medicine 108, 134
Foot, Paul writer 195
fortune-teller 91, 96, 108, 126, 140, 156
Foster, George anthropologist 140
Foucault, Michel sociologist 62
Fox, Mary bewitched 18
France 9, 107–8
Fraser, Morris psychiatrist 203
fraud 32
fridge 128
frog 94
functionalism 14, 24, 193
Gaboriau, Patrick ethnopsychiatrist 124
Gallagher, Danny healer 202
Gallini, Clara anthropologist 167
Gatto Trocchi, Cecilia ethnologist 156
geese 38
Gennep, Arnold van folklorist 111
Germany 1, 9, 29–45
ghosts 29, 51, 62, 202
Gijswijt-Hofstra, Marijke historian 3
Ginzburg, Carlo historian 54
God deity 8, 16, 39, 100, 143, 159, 179, 184
Gomis i Mestre, Cels folklorist 138
Gosselin cunning-man 114
Gouache priest 118
Gougenot des Mousseaux, Henri Roger occultist 115
Gramsci, Antonio writer 153, 155
Greaves, J. E. H. sollicitor 52
Greece 171
Gregorier de Curtillas, Maria de healer 139
Guiseppe, uncle cunning man 162
gun 119–20, 151
Gur’evich, Aron medievalist 184
guruzsló 175
Gutwirth, Jean sociologist 109
Haan, Tjaard de folklorist 101
Hagen, J. T. reverend 205
Hallowe’en 192, 201, 202
Harper, Joseph attacker 16, 18
Harris, Marvin anthropologist 14
healers 38, 97, 117, 120, 151, 156, 162, 169, 202
see also Blancher; Calis; Cerdá; Ena; curandero; Gallagher; Gregorier; Matamadres; Nolan; Paddeu; Palazzo; Pelá
hell 39, 112
Henderson, William policeman and writer 63
Hennes, Peter visionary 33
Henningsen, Gustav folklorist and historian 1, 5, 168, 171
herbalist witch 23
Hérisson, Michel and Daniel bewitched 119
hernia 97, 144, 166
Herrnstein Smith, Barbara narratologist 47
Heupers, Engelbert folklorist 93, 95
Higgins lawyer 58
Higgins surgeon 58
Hilarion Barthety, M. folklorist 110
Hirvonen tietäjä 77
Hitchcox constable 53
Hokkola family bewitched 82
Hook, Mary bewitched 19
Hoppe professor 116
horse 77, 94, 95, 110
Hörtsänä, Hugo farmer 69
host 166
Hungary 1, 174
Hutton, Ronald historian and warlock 15
hydromantia 178
identification 78–9, 178
identity 9, 123, 154, 156
immobilizing 95
incantation 70, 80, 160, 164–5
see also charming invisibility 69
Ireland 191–208
irrationality 38, 63, 71, 89, 110, 135
Italy 151–70
Izzard, Ann witch 16–18, 21–4
jack of clubs 95
Jesus annointed 40, 117, 163, 163
Jobse-van Putten, Jozien folklorist 90, 102
judicial records 10, 16, 47, 80, 91, 120
Jules, Charles occultist 115
Julliard, André folklorist 124
kaluger 175, 177–82
Kaminski, Stanislaus witch doctor 29, 30, 39
Kardec, Allan spiritualist 115
Kaszuk, Cyrille general practitioner 112
katoptromantia 100, 178
Kekkonen family bewitched 73
Kendal alderman 52
Kermode, Frank linguist 49
Kestilä family clients of bewitcher 73
Keyer family witches 95, 101
Kieckhefer, Richard historian 15, 183
Kitson, Frank brigadier 194, 196
Kittsteiner, Heinz Dieter historian 31.
Klaits, Joseph historian 15
Kligman, Gail folklorist 168, 171
Konkel, Johann bewitched 29, 39
Kooijman, Henk folklorist 93, 97, 98
Krueger, Freddy scary character 203
Küchen, Heinrich witch doctor 36
Kulturkampf 34, 35
Kuschick, Ingrid folklorist 134
Labouvie, Eva historian 185
ladies from outside 158
Lancelin, Charles occultist 110, 121
landless poor 72, 75
see also sorcerer-beggars
Lane, H. surgeon 53
Lanzeral murderer 118
Lecoeur, Jules folklorist 127
Lehane, Denis journalist 200
Lelie, family cunning folk 97, 99, 100, 101
Lemmonier, Gustave bewitched 114
Leproux, M. folklorist 111
Levack, Brian historian 64
Levi, Eliphas occultist 115
Lévy-Bruhl, Lucien anthropologist 14
limited good 72, 159
Lisón Tolosana, Carmelo anthropologist 139, 143
Lis Quibén, Víctor folklorist 139, 142, 143
Little, Lester medievalist 184, 185
local publications 10
Loggin, C. F. mayor 52
Löhr chaplain 33
love magic 11, 73, 84, 85, 154, 166
luck 72, 84
Luhrmann, Tanya anthropologist 74
Macfarlane, Alan anthropologist and historian 15, 19, 23
Magado y Álvarez, Antonio folklorist 134
magic 7, 21, 32, 54, 64, 85, 111, 117, 133, 135, 158, 162, 166–7, 176
see also black magic
Magnin monsignor 115
marabout 126–7
Marin-Curtoud, Benoît historian 108
Martini, Maurice medium 117
Marwick, Max anthropologist 14
Marx, Karl philosopher 155
Mary virgin 35, 40, 162
Matamadres, uncle somnambule 137
Mathieu, Adèle unwitcher 120
Mauduit priest 117
McCormick, W. J. McK. evangelist 204
McDermott, Brian murdered boy 191–4, 196, 200, 201, 204, 206, 207
measuring 165
meeting-place of witches 158
men 94, 95, 112, 115, 138, 143
mental illness 32
Mesmin, Marie cult leader 118
metamorphosis 11, 13, 158
mice 95
miracle 35
Mirville, Eudes de occultist 115
miscarriage 57
M’Levy, James policeman and author 63
Monckton medical witness 58, 59, 61, 64
Morel, Jean psychiatrist 112–13, 118
Mozzani, Eloïse historian 108
Mulheim, Anthonie witch-doctor 97
Mürckens, Johann Theodo arch-canon 36
Murphy, Lenny butcher 200
Mussolini, Benito fascist 155
narrative witchcraft 2, 11–2, 22, 27–8, 46, 70–86, 157–8, 174
neglect of witchcraft by historians 64, 89, 90, 107
neighbours 93
Netherlands 9, 89–102, 183
newspaper reports 10, 18, 30, 41, 47, 51–3, 89, 90–1, 93–4, 113, 116, 120, 134, 191, 197–9, 202
Nicholson, Isaac curate 16–18, 20, 22
nightmare 158
Nolan, Finbarr healer 202
Noury renegate priest 117
Nuija-Taipale witch 83
Orfila, Mathieu Joseph Bonaventure poison expert 60
ostention 11–12, 21, 27
ouija board 194
Paddeu, Maria healer 166
paganism 1–2, 10
Paisley, Ian politician 204, 207
Palazzo, Caterina healer 173
peasant 9, 15, 121–5, 154, 155, 156
Pelá, la fortune-teller 137
Peltonen, Matti social historian 82
phallus 160, 161
phatic communion 22, 28
Phillips, Friedrich Christian priest 36
pigs 108
pilgrimages 6, 117
Pinguet priest 115
Pitrè, Giuseppe medical practitioner 154, 158
Pliny the Elder ancient Greek 158
Poe, Edgar Allan author 63
poltergeist 6, 51–2, 114
poisoning 58, 59
pole, through coat of witch 69–70
Poor-Lawrence sorcerer 76
Porter, Roy medical historian 115
possession 6, 29, 33, 36, 112, 115, 117, 128, 140, 142–3, 167, 187
priest as witch 174
see also kaluger
Primiano, Leonard Norman folklorist 152
psychiatry 8, 33, 36, 112–13, 115, 118
Püllen, Gertrud visionary 35
Pykly sorceres 75
rabbits 126
rabies 137, 138
Ramsey, Mathew historian 107
rape 83, 88
Raviart, George psychiatrist 112
reluctance of Catholic clergy 4, 5, 36, 96, 108, 115, 118
retributive sorcery 78, 83, 176, 178, 186
see also dog
Richardson superintendent 52, 53, 54, 55
Richter general practitioner 33
ritual sacrifice 191, 194, 196, 199, 200, 206
Rochow, Gustav Adolf Rochus von home secretary 29–30, 32
Rogers, Susan Carol anthropologist 123
Rosemary’s Baby film 199
Rowling, J. K. author 66
rue 161
rumour 21, 192, 193, 195, 198, 199, 200, 206
Russel, Thomas dead 19
Russia 183
Ryan, Will historian 183
sabia 138
sacred heart 37, 161
Salcedo, Enrique medical practitioner 140
Salillas y Panzano, Rafael folklorist 141, 142
saliva 139
Santana, Esteban Sánches medical practitioner 137
Sarbin, Theodor psychologist 51
satanism 22, 191, 193, 194, 199, 204, 207
Schmidt, Jacob priest 36
Schneider, wife of Goswin witch 37
Schreiner, Klaus folklorist 183, 185
Schober, Jean cunning man 116
see blood
Sebban, Jean-Claude historian 108, 120
second body 90, 100
secrecy 50, 74, 151, 194
Seignolle, Claude and Jacques folklorists 111, 113
Selis, Luisa folklorist 163
Sénè, Jean-Baptiste bewitched 108
seventh son 101, 138, 202
Shanly devin 108
sheep 69
Solms-Laubach regional chief 38
somnambulism 32–3, 136
sorcerer-beggars 77
Sörlin, Per historian 175
Spain 133–44
SPCA 191
spell-book 57
spirit rapping 6, 114–15
spirits 142, 167–8
see also evil spirits; spirit rapping
St John’s gospel 8
Stanley, 2
women slanderers 52, 54
Stas test 60, 67
Staughton, James attacker 16, 20
Stewart, William surgeon 53, 55, 60, 61, 64
stolen goods
see theft detection
strega 157
Sueur, Martin bewitched 119–20
Summers, Montague pretend priest 196
superstition 6–7, 31–3, 38, 41, 91, 92, 101, 108, 109, 111, 151
survival 40, 89, 111, 134, 153, 154, 168, 186
Sutter, Paul curé 116
see water test
Switzerland 1
tarantismo 155, 167–8, 169
Taylor, Alfred Swaine forensic 59
television series 11
theft detection 74, 83, 162, 176, 180, 181, 183, 184
Thomas, Keith historian 48, 61, 64, 71, 82, 84, 184
Thorel shepherd 114–15
three apostles 136
threshold 179
tietäjä 74–5, 77, 78, 80, 83, 86
Timms, Mrs neighbour 53
Tinel curé 114
toads 99, 120
Todorova-Pirgova, Iveta ethnologist 183
Tomassi, Maria Rosaria folklorist 164
totbeten 185
Touré grand marabout 126
Traimond, Bernard historian 108
transmission of healing powers 97, 139, 151, 162, 163
transmission of witchcraft 5, 95
Transylvania 8, 174–87
Trendel, Jacob mayor 32, 39
Trevor-Roper, Hugh credulous historian 24
Trocchi, Cecilia Gatto sociologist 169
Tunnicliff, James cunning man 48, 56–61
Tuovinen, Pekka tietäjä 77
Turner, Victor anthropologist 14
UFOs 127
United States of America 199
unlicensed practice of medicine 91, 97, 108, 112, 120
unwitcher 18, 38, 39, 96, 125, 157
vampire of Highgate 199
vernacular religion 8, 152, 156
Vidocq, Eugène François police chief 63
violence 2–4, 10, 12, 16–17, 22, 29, 71, 83, 84, 91, 92, 102, 116, 118–19, 137
see also blood; chicken; scratching; swimming
visions 33, 35, 109
vomiting 35, 59, 109
Vries, Jan de germanist 91
Vuorela, Toivo folklorist 72
Waardt, Hans de historian 90, 99
Wakley, Thomas medical man 59
Wallace, Colin intelligence officer 195–6, 197, 199, 201, 203, 207
Ward, Jane witch 52, 53, 54, 55
Warden, J. lawyer 52, 53
warts 151
water 49, 117, 136, 159, 178
water test 4, 29, 32
weather 127
Weber, Eugen historian 121–2
Weber, Max sociologist 204
wedding guests 76
Wenzeslaus, Clemens elector 38
werewolves vii, 13
Wheatley, Dennis writer 193, 199
Williams surgeon 54
Wilson, Harold prime minister 207
Wilson, Paddy murdered 200
Windeck, Johann Joseph priest 37
Winspeare, Edoardo film director 167
wishes three 56
witch bottle 18, 57
witchcraft discourse 3, 5, 8, 61, 89, 114, 116
witchcraft triangle 5, 7, 142, 175
witch doctor
see cunning folk
witch trials 3, 4, 14, 15, 33, 69, 174, 187, 193
women as witches 84, 94
Workman, Samuel reverend 204
worm 57, 164
written charms 40
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