Coreen Anne McGuire
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Measuring difference, numbering normal

Manchester University Press

Series editors Dr Julie Anderson, Professor Walton O. Schalick, III

This series published by Manchester University Press responds to the growing interest in disability as a discipline worthy of historical research. The series has a broad international historical remit, encompassing issues that include class, race, gender, age, war, medical treatment, professionalisation, environments, work, institutions and cultural and social aspects of disablement including representations of disabled people in literature, film, art and the media.

Already published

Deafness, community and culture in Britain: leisure and cohesion, 1945–1995 Martin Atherton

Disability in industrial Britain: a cultural and literary history of impairment in the coal industry, 1880–1948 Kirsti Bohata, Alexandra Jones, Mike Mantin and Steven Thompson

Disability and the Victorians: attitudes, interventions, legacies Iain Hutchinson, Martin Atherton and Jaipreet Virdi (eds)

Rethinking modern prostheses in Anglo-American commodity cultures, 1820–1939 Claire L. Jones (ed.)

Destigmatising mental illness? Professional politics and public education in Britain, 1870–1970 Vicky Long

Intellectual disability: a conceptual history, 1200–1900 Patrick McDonagh, C. F. Goodey and Tim Stainton (eds)

Fools and idiots? Intellectual disability in the Middle Ages Irina Metzler

Framing the moron: the social construction of feeble-mindedness in the American eugenics era Gerald V. O’Brien

Recycling the disabled: army, medicine, and modernity in WWI Germany Heather R. Perry

Shell-shocked British Army veterans in Ireland, 1918–39: a difficult homecoming Michael Robinson

Eradicating deafness? Genetics, pathology, and diversity in twentieth-century America Marion Andrea Schmidt

Disability in the Industrial Revolution: physical impairment in British coalmining, 1780–1880 David M. Turner and Daniel Blackie

Worth saving: disabled children during the Second World War Sue Wheatcroft

Measuring difference, numbering normal

Setting the standards for disability in the interwar period

Coreen McGuire

Manchester University Press

Published by Manchester University Press

Altrincham Street, Manchester M1 7JA

British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data

A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library

ISBN 978 1 5261 4317 4 hardback

ISBN 978 1 5261 4316 7 open access

First published 2020

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Measuring difference, numbering normal

Setting the standards for disability in the interwar period.


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