Coreen Anne McGuire
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Page numbers in bold refer to figures.

accent 6, 70, 100n52
advertisements 117118, 120124
advertising 82, 84, 106, 119120, 122, 124
age 4, 24, 4344, 52, 70, 75, 120, 144145, 164
allostatic load theory 4445, 142
ambulatory oxygen see oxygen
American–English 113
American Telephone and Telegraph company see AT&T
Amplivox 88, 111, 119
Amundson, Ron 4142, 46, 55, 59, 205
Anderson, Julie 19
army 70, 7273, 113, 117, 145
see also military
artificial respiration 178, 180181, 183184
AT&T (American Telephone and Telegraph company) 9495
audiogram 109, 112, 202
see also zero line
audiology 108, 114
average 3, 1516, 36, 66, 7879, 95, 114, 147, 193194, 205206, 208
Barnes, Elizabeth 38, 41, 5152, 53, 56, 208
Baynton, Douglas 8, 9
BBC 36, 113, 182
Behnke, Emil 149
Bell, Alexander Graham 5, 9, 66, 112
bell curve 2122, 39
Bell Laboratories 77, 95, 107, 112, 114
biomedicine 24, 206207
biopower 24, 25, 60, 204
bio–statistical theory see BST
blended measurement see measurement
blind 7576, 110
Bloor, Michael 153
BMI (Body Mass Index) 1, 1314, 44
Body Mass Index see BMI
bone conduction 79, 86, 111, 114, 125
Boorse, Christopher 39, 40, 49, 58
Bouk, Dan 23
Bourke, Joanna 15
Bowker and Star 144
Bragg–Paul pulsator 175, 179, 181185, 188, 189, 190, 207
Braun, Lundy 24, 4748, 58, 80, 141, 157, 160, 163
breathlessness 7, 18, 19, 20, 146, 153155, 157, 159, 163, 175, 191, 206
measurement of 2, 20, 140
see also dyspnoea
Bridgeman Report see reports
British Medical Journal see publications
Brompton Hospital 174, 194
Browne, Lennox 149
BST (bio–statistical theory) 3943, 48, 61n16
Buckley H. C. 8384
Canguilhem, Georges 15
Carel, Havi 18, 38, 5657, 131, 154, 176, 180
children 4, 9, 11, 22, 74, 77, 79, 112, 113115, 119, 132, 191
chronic fatigue 58, 206
complex obstructive pulmonary disease see COPD
class see social, class
classification 4, 8, 11, 2324, 28, 43, 4649, 53, 60, 95, 97, 109, 117, 141, 144, 159, 160, 164, 203, 208
classified 1, 49, 59, 74, 111, 122, 142, 207
clinic see hearing, clinic
Committee on Physical Deterioration 7
compensation 4, 18, 2628, 4748, 59, 66, 105, 108, 113114, 140, 154160, 162163, 202203, 2078
see also welfare
Cooper, Rachel 41, 43, 49
COPD (complex obstructive pulmonary disease) 47, 164
corsetry 147, 148149, 150
costal breathing 148149, 150
Cotes, John E. 150153
Cryle and Stephens 15
curse of Kelvin 12, 114
Darwin, Charles 21
Davis, Lennard 4, 5, 8
deafened 18, 6667, 7476, 96, 98n17, 106, 114117, 121
Deafened Ex–Service Men’s Fund 75, 115, 123
Deaf history 18
Deaf Subscribers 6667, 82, 84, 85, 8789, 106, 124, 127, 130
decibel 14, 106, 107, 112, 118, 120, 144, 206
degeneration 7, 11, 25, 202
see also eugenic
Disabilities Act 50
data gap 26, 42, 6667, 146, 163, 205
history 1, 5, 8, 1718
invisible 2, 25, 28, 37, 58, 85, 175, 194
measurement of 17, 39, 207
paradox 54, 193
studies 17, 18, 49, 97
doctor 109, 120, 122, 157158, 162, 183, 188, 190, 192
see also physician
Doll, Richard 12, 151, 168n71
dresses 131, 147148
Dreyer, Georges 144146
Drinker device 181183, 185, 186, 188, 190191
see also iron lung
Drinker, Philip 181
dust 155, 159, 162
dyspnoea 19, 163164, 191
Ellis, Havelock 148149
embodied knowledge 27, 58, 8688, 175, 194195, 204, 207
England 184
Enke, Julia 111
epistemic injustice 17, 37, 5759, 91
Epstein, Steven 3, 4346, 207
eugenic 4, 78, 69, 25, 74, 202
eugenicists 25, 117
European Coal and Steel Community 153
Faulkner, Joan 151152, 168n71
Final Report of the Anthropometric Committee of the British Association for the Advancement of Science see reports
First World War 66, 6870, 72, 7476, 109, 110, 124, 144145, 150, 178179, 202
fMRI see MRI
Foucault, Michel 24
Fremantle, Sir Francis Edward 123
Galton, Francis 7, 21, 22, 147
GDP (Gross Domestic Product) 14
gender, 9, 25, 44, 48, 141142, 208
see also sex
gendered imperative 118
Gilson, John C. 152153, 160, 162
Goldberg, Daniel 6
Gooday, Graeme 1213, 75, 117118
Gotzsche, Peter 1617
Gould, Stephen Jay 8, 2122, 52
Gross Domestic Product see GDP
Hacking, Ian 8, 23, 24, 46
Haldane, John Scott 155, 178
Harris, Raymond 8689, 90
Hart, Phillip D’arcy 158, 160, 162
Health and Safety Executive see HSE
aid 67, 70, 72, 74, 79, 88, 91, 94, 106, 111, 115119, 120, 122126, 127, 128129, 130, 131132
clinic 115
loss 56, 1011, 1718, 2627, 37, 6597
passim, 105132
passim, 144, 175, 206207
measurement of 2, 6, 67, 109
norms of 67, 205
see also norms
pass as 85, 97, 111
heart disease 4, 2324, 44, 141142, 206
adaptation 55
psychology 38, 5455
Heggie, Vanessa 25, 178
height 34, 8, 13, 21, 41, 4344, 143145, 148, 162, 164
hospital 14, 146, 155, 174, 178, 181182, 190191, 194
HSE (Health and Safety Executive) 15052
Hutchinson, John 142145, 147148
hysteria 49, 111
hysterical 17, 59, 76, 110, 111, 191, 206
intersectional 48, 204, 208
intersectionality 131
invisible disability see disability, invisible
IQ 13, 22, 23
iron lung 180, 181, 185, 192
Jewson, Nicolas 6
Kay, Michael 67, 108
Kerridge, Phyllis Margaret Tookey 4, 85, 91, 114115, 118, 194
Kingma, Elselijn 40, 47, 49
Kudlick, Catherine 9
Lancet, The see publications
life insurance 8, 13, 23, 143
Life of Breath Project 19, 140
lip–reading 111, 113, 116
see also oralism
capacity 7, 16, 27, 141, 143144, 149, 162
function 25, 44, 47, 144, 150151, 153, 160, 162164
volume 141, 158, 162
Macnaughton, Jane 14, 154155
malingerers 17, 59, 76, 111, 146, 206
malingering 105, 110, 111, 146
mean see average
blended 14
ease of 3, 1213, 17
indirect 1314
instruments 3, 37, 154
objective 2, 20, 67, 107, 153
quantitative 6, 23, 109
technologies 2, 5, 13, 19
mechanical epistemic injustice 17, 28, 3738, 110, 124, 194, 206
mechanical objectivity 57, 26
Medical Research Council see MRC
Medresco 79, 106, 124126, 128, 130
Melling, Joseph 155157, 160
men 3, 16, 2224, 26, 5253, 66, 7578, 129, 130131, 141, 144, 146147, 148149, 150, 153, 158160, 162, 164
Milan Conference (1880) 9
military 7173, 111, 114, 116, 145146, 179
assessment 11
hospitals 11
industrial complex 17, 108, 113, 202, 207
see also army
Mills, Mara 88, 9495, 99n30, 112, 118
miners 7, 141142, 146, 155159, 160, 162
miners’ lung 150, 154
mining 150, 154, 155156, 158, 162
Ministry of Health, 69, 106, 124129, 132, 182
Ministry of Pensions 69, 106, 110, 116, 128
Mousley, Mr 9091
MRC (Medical Research Council) 8, 11, 12, 27, 58, 106, 113114, 125, 144145, 150154, 156159 160, 161, 162163, 175, 184185, 187188, 190, 194, 202, 205
MRI 14, 163
music 106, 125, 131
National Benevolent Society 75, 115, 117
National Bureau for the Promotion of the General Welfare of the Deaf (the Bureau) 74, 75, 79
National Health Act 129
National Health Service see NHS
National Institute for the Deaf see NID
National Insurance Act 11, 69, 7475
nationalised 5, 26, 68, 70, 94
National Telephone Company see NTC
naturalist account 3637, 39, 42, 49, 59, 206
natural kinds 46, 144
NHS (National Health Service) 116, 124, 126128, 132, 203
NID (National Institute for the Deaf) 79, 106, 109, 113, 119, 120123
noise 18, 106107, 120, 144, 182, 187
noise–induced hearing loss 66, 69, 109, 114
see also deafened
Norma and Normman 1516
normality 16, 20, 36, 43, 59, 115, 145
normativism 3839, 49
norms 2, 15, 22, 28, 38, 53, 57, 67, 97, 117, 205
NTC (National Telephone Company) 5, 10, 6869, 77, 81
NTC report see reports
oralism 9, 113, 29n3
see also lip–reading
oxygen 174, 176179
ambulatory 176
English 162
Welsh 160
patent medicines 122, 138n121
Act 122
Report of the Select Committee on see reports
Perez, Caroline Criado 23
physician 43, 52, 80, 174, 190191
see also doctor
pneumoconiosis 27, 58, 156, 159, 160, 162
Pneumoconiosis Research Unit see PRU
polio 175, 184, 188, 190192
Porter, Ted 8, 23
Postmaster General 68, 83, 90, 121123
Post Office
Engineering Department 68, 73, 81, 83, 92, 107, 124127
engineers 5, 76, 78, 8788, 106, 108, 125, 129
Post Office Electrical Engineer’s Journal see publications
signal services 72
Telecommunications Department 10, 11, 6869, 81, 88, 90, 124, 127
Prescott, Heather 16
Priestley, Joseph 176177
prosthetic 42, 83, 85, 97, 128, 176, 191, 193, 175176, 191, 193, 207
proxy measures 1314, 44, 106, 205
PRU (Pneumoconiosis Research Unit) 150152, 163
psychological 55, 76, 111, 146, 154, 187
British Medical Journal 85, 91, 109110, 123, 146, 163, 179
Lancet, The 110111, 113114, 119, 145, 192
Post Office Electrical Engineer’s Journal 7374
Times, The 121, 123
quacks 118119, 123
Quetelet, Adolphe 13, 21
race 4, 21, 25, 38, 43, 44, 47, 77, 142, 144145, 148, 162163
differences 47, 162
groupings 23, 25, 45
Welsh 162
randomised control trial 12
reference classes 4, 26, 37, 38, 4246, 48, 52, 60, 204
rejection 28, 67, 188, 194195
Repeater 9A 82, 8687
Repeater 17A 76, 84, 89, 129
Repeater 17B 89, 90
Bridgeman 10, 68
NTC 77
of the Anthropometric Committee of the British Association for the Advancement of Science 147
of the Select Committee on Patent Medicines 121122
Respirators (Poliomyelitis) Committee 184
scales 1315, 144
Scotland 21, 162
Scottish accent 100n52
Second World War 12, 25, 66, 108, 113114, 124, 190
self–tracking 203204
sex 4, 25, 38, 43, 44, 77, 144145, 147
see also gender
sex differences 3, 23, 147, 164
sexuality 148
Shakespeare, Tom 50, 51, 56
shell shock 76, 109, 110, 146
Shim, Janet 4, 44, 141
silicosis 146, 154156, 158, 162
Smith Brothers 8081
smokers 43, 164
smoking 153
class 4, 9, 25, 38, 44, 66, 120, 143, 145
groups 3, 4, 7, 27, 45, 48, 5859, 144
kinds see natural kinds
model of disability 1819, 5053, 208
somatic conditions 37, 110, 206
stamp books 120121, 124
statistics 1, 35, 1112, 14, 22, 154
stigma 85, 96, 117118, 131
experience 2, 20, 28
individuality 20, 140
Telegraph Act (1869) 5, 68, 98n12
telephone service for the deaf 6667, 74, 77, 79, 89
telephone system 56, 26, 69, 90, 9496, 106107
Thackray Museum 143
Thompson, Emily 107, 114
Times, The see publications
Treasury 10, 68, 82, 124
telephony 70, 7374
warfare 72, 76
tuberculosis 11, 155156
tuning forks 3, 66, 108, 110
Turner, William Alden 110
US 1, 17, 22, 23, 25, 68, 82, 107, 113, 185, 192193
users 7, 19, 26, 28, 67, 80, 8688, 94, 9697, 124, 126, 128, 131, 176, 187, 192, 194195, 207
valves 7374, 81, 82, 84, 87, 9192, 113, 119
Various Industries (Silicosis) Scheme 156, 158
see also silicosis
Victorian 7, 147, 155, 159
Virdi, Jaipreet 108, 113
vital capacity 141, 143, 145, 175
Wales 150, 156, 158, 160, 163, 184
see also parentage, Welsh; race, Welsh
Waring, Marilyn 14
Weber, Rachel 16, 80
weight 34, 8, 13, 21, 4344, 144145, 148, 162, 179, 186
welfare 10, 37, 69, 83, 117, 202
see also compensation
well–being 51, 5356, 57, 58, 128129, 193
WHO (World Health Organization) 1, 16, 48
women 34, 44, 77, 118, 129, 130131, 140141, 147149, 150, 152153, 164
Workmen’s Compensation Act 156
World Health Organization see WHO
World War One see First World War
World War Two see Second World War
X–ray 155, 157159, 160, 162
zero line 95, 115
see also audiogram
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Measuring difference, numbering normal

Setting the standards for disability in the interwar period.


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