Front Matter

Political ecologies of the far right

Global Studies of the Far Right

Series editors:

Dr Eviane Leidig, Dr William Allchorn, Dr Ariel Alejandro Goldstein

We are living in an unprecedented moment of uncertainty and chaos. The edifice of the old liberal order is starting to crack and a new, illiberal order is appearing on the horizon. The complexity and seriousness of these changes is such that now more than ever scholars are needed to weigh in on – and make sense of – these ‘shifting sands’.

This series showcases innovative research from established and early career scholars working on the far right, providing fresh insights on emerging trends and themes within this field of study. It features high-quality single-authored books and edited volumes.

The series is multi-disciplinary, taking in the fields of political science, cultural studies, communication studies, sociology and international relations. More importantly, it aims to be broad in geographical scope, looking at both the Global North and the Global South, as we see new illiberal and authoritarian populist actors increasingly across the globe.

Editorial board:

Gerardo Aboy Carlés, Lenka Bustikova, Manuela Caiani, Sarah De Lange, Bernhard Forchtner, Iselin Frydenlund, Sandra McGee Deutsch, Andreas Önnerfors, Lincoln Secco, David Stroup, Cathrine Thorleifsson, Fabian Virchow, Sahana Udupa

To buy or to find out more about the books currently available in this series, please go to:

Political ecologies of the far right

Fanning the flames

Edited by Irma Kinga Allen , Kristoffer Ekberg , Ståle Holgersen and Andreas Malm

Manchester University Press

Published by Manchester University Press

Oxford Road, Manchester, M13 9PL

British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data

A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library

ISBN 978 1 5261 6778 1hardback

ISBN 978 1 5261 6779 8paperback

First published 2024

The publisher has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of URLs for any external or third-party internet websites referred to in this book, and does not guarantee that any content on such websites is, or will remain, accurate or appropriate.

Cover image:

by New Best-set Typesetters Ltd

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