

Despite a growing concern about peace, there is no consensus on what peace is or should mean. This was the starting point for this collaborative work, which also forms part of the project “Varieties of Peace: A Relational Approach.” The idea for the book grew as we were working on the conceptualization of relational peace in the article “Friends, fellows, and foes: a new framework for studying relational peace” published in International Studies Review (2021), and we were eager to see how our framework would work when applied to empirical studies of different types of cases. The original framework was developed equally by Johanna Söderström and Malin Åkebo and first presented at the Peace Research in Sweden (PRIS) biannual conference in Lund in 2018. The revision process of the manuscript included all three authors, but was driven by Johanna Söderström and Anna Jarstad. All three authors made substantial contributions to the development of the framework. The editors shared the work for this edited volume equally, and their names are thus listed alphabetically (according to the Swedish alphabet). We arranged an open call to a first workshop in Uppsala, Sweden, in 2019, to invite other scholars to use our framework when conducting empirical studies, and to criticize our conceptualization. In a follow-up workshop in 2020, a selected group of authors were invited to further develop their texts into chapters for this book. We are immensely grateful to the chapter authors of this book, and have also benefitted from comments from other colleagues within our network, the Varieties of Peace Research Network (

We are also very grateful for comments we have received on various drafts while working on the relational peace framework. In particular, we want to acknowledge the importance of input we received from Emma Elfversson, Sebastian van Baalen, Alexandre Raffoul, Simon-Pierre Boulanger Martel, Elin Bjarnegård, Johan Brosché, Peter Wallensteen, Paul Diehl, and Lisa Strömbom. Throughout the book project it was a great pleasure to work with Joanna Britton, who provided great input on language and style. We would also like to extend our appreciation for the invaluable comments and suggestions made by the anonymous reviewers with Manchester University Press, and the generous support from Riksbankens Jubileumsfond (grant numbers M16-0297:1 and P19-1494:1).

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