Andrea Sangiovanni
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Solidarity: Nature, grounds, and value


Series Editors:

Antony Simon Laden (University of Illinois, Chicago),

Peter Niesen (University of Hamburg) and

David Owen (University of Southampton).

Critical Powers is dedicated to constructing dialogues around innovative and original work in social and political theory. The ambition of the series is to be pluralist in welcoming work from different philosophical traditions and theoretical orientations, ranging from abstract conceptual argument to concrete policy-relevant engagements, and encouraging dialogue across the diverse approaches that populate the field of social and political theory. All the volumes in the series are structured as dialogues in which a lead essay is greeted with a series of responses before a reply by the lead essayist. Such dialogues spark debate, foster understanding, encourage innovation and perform the drama of thought in a way that engages a wide audience of scholars and students.

Published by Bloomsbury

On Global Citizenship: James Tully in Dialogue

Justice, Democracy and the Right to Justification: Rainer Forst in Dialogue

Published by Manchester University Press

Cinema, democracy and perfectionism: Joshua Foa Dienstag in dialogue

Democratic inclusion: Rainer Baubock in dialogue

Law and violence: Christoph Menke in dialogue

The shifting border: Ayelet Shachar in dialogue

Toleration, power and the right to justification: Rainer Forst in dialogue

Forthcoming from Manchester University Press

Rogue theodicy: Glen Newey in dialogue

Autonomy gaps: Joel Anderson in dialogue


Nature, grounds, and value

Andrea Sangiovanni in dialogue

Andrea Sangiovanni

with responses from:

Rainer Forst

Jared Holley

Avery Kolers

Catherine Lu

Sally Scholz

Manchester University Press

Published by Manchester University Press

Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PL

British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data

A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library

ISBN 978 1 5261 7267 9hardback

ISBN 978 1 5261 7268 6 open access

First published 2023

The publisher has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of URLs for any external or third-party internet websites referred to in this book, and does not guarantee that any content on such websites is, or will remain, accurate or appropriate.

Cover credit: Alberto Burri, Bianco Cretto C1, 1973 © Fondazione Palazzo Albizzini Collezione Burri, Città di Castello – DACS 2023

Cover design: Abbey Akanbi, Manchester University Press

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New Best-set Typesetters Ltd

Printed in Great Britain by
TJ Books Ltd, Padstow

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Solidarity – Nature, grounds, and value

Andrea Sangiovanni in dialogue


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