Andrea Sangiovanni
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Christian tradition 53
Durkheim 41
forms 78
ground for identification 81–90, 91
history of solidarity 34, 39
joint action 23–4, 30, 34
nationalism 48
solidarity condition 23–4, 30, 34, 39, 41, 122
critique 144–5, 209
Albania 4
Alcoff, L. M. 83n176
Alfred, G. R. 167, 169, 172
Alfred, Taiaike 169, 172, 174n39
Algeria 4
alienation 85, 92–9, 107, 122, 199, 200
Alpha Kappa Alpha (AKA) 80
altruism 4, 48, 67, 121, 223, 225
Amazon 100
Angola 4
anomie 43, 107, 251
anti-colonialism see colonialism
Arendt, Hannah 62n132, 211
Aristotelianism 217–19
Asians 4 Black Lives 92n190, 246
associational ethics 4, 117–18, 152, 202, 219, 224–5, 231
associative solidarity 193
asylum seekers see refugees
Australia, BLM see Black Lives Matter (BLM)
autonomy 55, 152, 176, 186, 205, 262
Bakunin, Mikhail 243
Balkan Crisis (1913) 161–2
Bangladesh 4
Bartky, Sandra 192
Bauböck, Rainer 90
Bayertz, Kurt 101n200
Beauvoir, Simone de 82n175
Bezos, Jeff 100
Bhutan 4
bioethics 3, 231
black community see Black Lives Matter (BLM); racism
Black Lives Matter (BLM)
asymmetry 149–51
Bezos and 100
deference to 244, 246
diversity and 194
joint action 20–5, 208
logic of slogan 228–9
origins 21
solidarity and 3–4, 148
Black Lives Matter Global Network (BLMGN) 21n35, 22–3
Black nationalism 54–5, 175–6
Blais, Marie-Claude 40
BLM10 22
Blum, Lawrence 69
Bommarito, N. 106n208, 118n234
borderline cases 63–4, 119–20, 122, 259–61
Bouglé, Célestin 35n66
Bourgeois, Léon 35–9, 42, 51, 77, 154, 158–64, 211, 213
Bratman, M. 17n28, 23–4, 25n46
Brexit 113
Brown, Michael 21
Cameroon 4
Catholic Church 233–4, 267–8
First Nations 164–6, 174, 233–4, 254–6, 267–8
settler colonialism 176, 233–4
cancer survivors 12, 14, 15, 16, 28, 85, 89, 93–4, 98–9, 119
caregivers 81
Catholic Church
Canada 233–4, 267–8
charity 60–1
human diversity and 191, 193
identification scenario 93, 95–6, 100–1
social teaching 5, 49–53, 148, 189–90, 192n5
Chaplin, Ralph 45, 47, 73
Christianity 60–2, 65, 159, 213, 262–3
joint action and 210, 211
solidarity and 61–2, 64–5, 67, 121, 160, 213, 223, 225
Chile 4
Christian Democrats 45n86, 50, 51n102
brotherhood of man 56
charity 60–2, 65, 159, 213, 262–3
civil rights movement and 55–6
equality and 60–1
history of solidarity 49–53, 213, 226
solidarity and 3
civic solidarity 5, 76–9, 163–4, 170, 198
disagreements 78, 79, 170
ground for identification 76–9
patriotism and 79
civil rights movements 3, 53–6, 175–6, 189n3, 258
see also specific movements
class conflict 35, 39, 43, 45–7, 214, 247, 250
climate change 12, 95, 182, 184, 191, 193, 199–200, 263–4
clubs 80, 138–42, 145
Coastal GasLink 164
Cohen, G. A. 106, 114n226, 145–6
Colombia 4
anticolonial solidarity 68n146, 164–77
concepts 154–5
Durkheim and 157–8, 248, 251–4
exclusions 163–4
French history 154, 156–62, 227–8, 247, 251–4
history 155–64
neglect of subject 154
Rawls and 164
self-determination 165, 168–9
settler colonialism 171, 174, 176, 229, 233–4, 254–6
Trinidad 137–42, 145, 152, 241–3
violence 174
condition of solidarity 23–8, 33, 207, 261
Kolers critique 143–4
lovers 26–7
shared fate 24–8
Comte, Auguste 5, 35
concepts of solidarity
concepts and conceptions 31–2, 205–20
conceptual overlaps 211–12
diversity 4–5
empirical v normative uses 29–33, 225
overview 9–33
quasi-contract 37–8, 158, 162, 164
solidarity as modern concept 34
unifying 5–9, 206, 225
see also nature of solidarity; specific concepts
conceptual engineering 7n12
ground for identification 11–16, 81–90, 93–4, 173, 175–6
intersectionality 86–8
sisterhood 81–6
Congo (DRC) 196
constitutionalism 4, 254
Cooper, Anna Julia 227
19th century French solidarity 38
charity and 62, 65
concept 211, 257
cooperative activity 23
Durkheim 41, 43
joint action and 23–4
Rawls 217. 219
reciprocity 106
solidarity and 243, 246, 260, 262
value 107–8, 110, 111, 120, 123, 170n31, 213, 232
coordination 18–19, 20, 36, 41, 64, 122, 208, 210, 211, 213
corporatism 50
cosmopolitanism 115–16
Coulthard, Glen 174
Covid-19 pandemic 4, 52, 182, 187, 188, 195–6, 222, 223
Dakota Access Pipeline 256n25
Debs, Eugene 139
deference 28, 57–60, 91n189, 149–50, 244–7
Deloria, Vine 167–8, 172
Demolins, Edmond 160–1
Denmark 21–2
Derpmann, S. 4n5
Deveaux, M. 81n171
disability 53, 175
civic solidarity and 78, 79, 170
identifying 32
indigenous people 170–5, 254–6
solidarity and 22, 170
structures 30–1
tolerating 95
values 103
distributive justice 158
diversity 191–4
division of labor 36–7, 39–45, 51, 80–1, 156, 157, 158, 163, 226, 250
doctors see healthcare
Doran, K. 191
Du Bois, W. E. B. 172, 173
Durante, Jimmy 242
Durkheim, Émile
anomie 43, 251
collective consciousness 40–1
colonialism and 157–8, 248, 251–4
corporations and 214
critique 211, 213
history of solidarity 35, 39–45, 51
mechanical solidarity 40–1, 157, 248, 254
negative solidarity 41–2
new morality 250–1
organic solidarity 39–45, 157, 248
professional grouping 44–5
race and 248–9
on religions 249
social solidarity 5
Dworkin, Ronald 112n219
Ebola 196
empathy 13, 89, 185n2
empowerment 189–90
environmentalism 93, 95, 96–7, 165, 199–200, 209, 263–4
charity and 158
Christianity 60–1
colonialism and 162, 254
Forst critique 210–11, 213
French 19th century 160, 162
history of solidarity and 56–60, 158, 214, 226–8
intersectionality and 28
joint action and 211
racism and 228
solidarity and 27–8, 34, 149–50
structural injustice 222–36
symmetrical relations 210–11, 246–7
European Union 4, 90, 113, 207
eurozone crisis 90
exclusion 115–16, 163–4, 172, 174–7, 191–2, 266
ground for identification 81–90
intersectionality 86–8
sisterhood 81–6
external actions 265–6
Extinction Rebellion 27, 28
fair play 71n151, 72n153, 97, 98–9
Feinberg, J. 101n200
fellow-feeling 4, 5, 10, 33, 66, 121, 224–5, 263
2nd wave 58n122
debates 209
history of solidarity 53–4
intersectionality and 86–8
sisterhood 53–4, 80, 81–6, 88, 115
solidarity and 3, 175, 262
feudalism 44, 157, 161
Forst, Rainer 205–20, 259–64
Foster, Krys 245n4
Fouillée, Alfred 39n73, 159
Fourier, Charles 35, 45
2nd Republic 10
3rd Republic 35, 156–7, 162
19th century concept of solidarity 34–45, 156–63, 213–14
Civil Code 156
colonialism 154, 156–62, 227–8, 247, 251–4
ethnology 253
fraternity 35, 227
long depression (1873–92) 43, 158
Paris Commune (1871) 43
Revolution (1789) 35, 227–8
slavery 228
Solidarité Républicaine 10
Francis, Pope 52, 191, 193, 233
Fraser, N. 117n233
fraternities 80
fraternity 35, 37n70, 57n118, 159, 219, 227
free-riding 24n41, 71, 72n153, 76, 79, 89, 90, 191
Freire, Paulo 52–3
Gardner, John 17–18
Garner, Eric 21
Garveyism 55, 175
Garza, Alicia 194
Christian democracy 51n102
Erfurt program (1891) 46
eurozone crisis 90
fall of Berlin Wall 118, 208, 259–61
nationalism 214–15
solidarity with West Germany 91
Goebbels, Joseph 215
Gould, Carol 13n22, 231
Greece, eurozone crisis 90
grounds for identification
adversity 81–90, 91
alienation from 92–9, 122
causes 90–2
Christian tradition 51–2, 53
conditions and experiences 81–90
Forst critique 215–17, 263–4
nationalism 48–9
normative issues 67
overview 66–103
personal v impersonal 263–4
roles 72–81
roles and conditions 11–16, 17, 27, 146–51, 167
scenarios 92–9
shared interests and values 101–3
socialist tradition 47
value and 6, 8
ways of life 67–72
see also specific grounds
Gutierrez, Gustavo 53, 210
Habermas, Jürgen 114n225, 209n2
Haiti 227–8
Haslanger, S. 85n179
healthcare 74–6, 92–3, 98–9, 231, 245n4
Hegel, Georg 107
history of solidarity
Christianity 49–53
civil rights movements 53–6
colonialism and 155–64
concepts 33–4, 226
equality condition 56–60, 226–8
Forst on 213–15
French 19th century 34–45, 213–14, 247–54
importance 32–3, 155–6
nationalism 47–9
overview 33–66
reciprocity 57
socialism 45–7
solidarism 35–9
uses 8, 33–4, 121
Hitler, Adolf 215
Holley, Jared 68n146, 154–77, 247–56
Honneth, A. 117n233
hooks, bell 53–4, 82
Black Trinidadians 242–3
Erfurt Program (1891) 46
mustering 200–1
transformative value 182–203
human rights 3, 118
human solidarity, meaning 5
humanitarianism 34, 63, 65, 67, 209, 211, 212–13, 262–3
Hume, David 108, 110, 123
19th century French concept of solidarity 39, 41
antecedent identification 140–1
Black nationalist movement 54, 55
charity and 62
Christianity 50, 53
core condition 10, 11–16, 33, 99–101, 207
critique 137, 144–5, 263–4
Lu on 225, 228–9, 266–7
de re and de dicto 12–13, 15–16, 26–7, 121
Durkheim 41
form 11–12
justice and 264–6
structural injustice 266–7
meaning 11
nationalism 47–8
normative conception 32
overlapping consensus 81, 146–8, 183, 199, 258
transformative value 229, 257
value 122
who are we? 145–51
imagined communities 47, 65, 227
immigration see migrants
inclusiveness 191–4
indigenous people
anti-colonialism 168–9, 171, 174, 229, 254–6
Dakota Access Pipeline 256n25
disagreements 170–5, 254–6
nationalisms 167–8
political movements 168
resurgence 165, 167, 170, 174–5, 176, 254–5
self-determination 165, 168–9
Tanzania 168–9
ways of life 68–71, 167, 255–6
individualism 35, 39, 147, 161, 186, 194, 199–200, 249–50
institutionalism 164
intentions see shared intentions
International Convention of Arbitration (1907) 161
intersectionality 28, 86–8
Iran 24
Israel 4
Italy, Covid-19 pandemic 222, 223
James, C. L. R. 138–42, 145, 152, 241–3
Japan 21, 162
Jim Crow 54
John Paul II, Pope 49, 51, 52n104, 60–1
joint action
adversity condition see adversity
Christianity 61
commitment and 23–7, 33
cooperative activity 23–4
coordination and 18–19, 20
equality and 211
Forst critique 208–10, 213, 259–62
justice and 117
Kolers critique 137–52
response 241–7
nationalism 48–9
shared goals 17–20
shared intentions 211
silent solidarity 119
social movements 20–5
socialist tradition 47
solidarity as 10–11, 16–28, 65–6, 121, 224, 225
transformative value see transformative value
trust and 25–6
value 108
Durkheim, colonialism and 251–2
identification and 264–6
negative duties 116, 123
solidarity and 112–18, 123, 212, 218–19, 224, 225, 230–1, 264
structural injustice 222–36, 264–8
identification and 266–7
instrumental value of solidarity and 224–30
non-instrumental value of solidarity and 230–4
Kant, Immanuel 97n197, 112, 114, 117, 265
Kautsky, Karl 46
King, Martin Luther 55–6, 175–6
Kolers, Avery 57–9, 67n142, 91n189, 137–52, 241–7
Laplanche, J. 12n20
latent solidarity 63–4, 210–11, 262
law, nature 7–8
League of Nations 158, 161, 162, 252n14
Leo XIII, Pope 51
Leroux, Pierre 35, 62n132
Leroy-Beaulieu, Paul 160, 161, 162
Levy, N. 79
LGBTQ movement 53, 58, 60, 175
19th century France 156
Rawls 164
solidarity and 112n219
liberation theology 52–3, 209, 210
Locke, John 144
Christianity 49, 60, 62n132
solidarity and 26–7, 223, 225
loyalty 47, 69, 70, 91n189, 218
Lu, Catherine 222–36, 264–8
Lyshaug, B. 193
Maasai people 168–9
McEwan, Ian 18
Madagascar 159
Mafia 29, 111, 117, 123, 213, 217–18, 232, 263n30
Malcolm X 19n33, 55, 175, 257–8
Malinowski, Bronislaw 254n20
Malone, Dudley Field 63n133
market society 107
Martin, Trayon 21
Marx, Karl 46
Marxism 46, 209
Mason, A. 170n31
Mauss, Marcel 253
Mazzini, Giuseppe 47–8, 213
medicine see healthcare
mercy 61
metalinguistic negotiation 30n58
MeToo 4
migrants 21, 87, 182, 184, 198, 229
see also refugees
Miller, David 103n204, 167
Millikan, R. G. 29n56
Mills, Aaron 174, 176
Mills, Charles 164
Mohawks 165, 169, 255, 256n23
Moore, G. E. 103n205, 109n214
moral solidarity 36, 37, 38
Morocco 4
Christianity 50, 55–6
history of solidarity 34
mutual aid societies 35
solidarity and 65–6, 78, 143–4, 262–3
value 110–11
National Farm Workers Association 188n3
anti-colonial 68n146, 167–77
Black nationalism 54–5, 175–6
civic solidarity 76–7, 79n167
history of solidarity 47–9, 213–14
identification 29–30, 227
identity and 170
indigenous people 167–8
methodological nationalism 247
nationhood 167–8
self-determination 165, 168–9, 172, 253, 255
solidarity and 3, 215
territoriality 167
vaccine nationalism 223
way of life paradigm 67–8
natural solidarity 36, 38
nature of solidarity
adversity see adversity
autonomy 152
commitment see commitment
concepts 9–33
conditions 66–7
consequentialism 151
empirical v normative uses 29–33
Forst on 205–20, 259–64
identification see identification
joint action see joint action
Kolers definition 142–5, 151–2
manifest collective action 151
non comparative approach 9
not an institution 9–10
overview 120–4
New International Economic Order 168–9
Nozick, R. 109n214, 111n217
Nyerere, Julius 168–9
Occupy 4, 20
O’Neill, Onora 65n139
organic solidarity 39–45, 157, 248
organic unity 109, 111n217, 112
outgroups 58–60, 69, 91–2, 103, 152, 244–6, 266, 267
overlapping solidarities 199
Pan-Africanism 68n146, 167, 168
parenthood 80–1
Paris Peace Conference (1918–19) 162
passive solidarity 118–20
Pasteur, Louis 40n74
patriarchy 54, 82–3, 176
patriotism 48–9, 79, 207
Paul, Alice 63n133
Paul, L. A. 187, 198
Paul VI, Pope 50–1
Pesch, Heinrich 50–1
Pius XI, Pope 51n102
Plunkett, D. 30n57, 30n58
Poland 49, 74n155, 261
poltical solidarity, meaning 5
Pontalis, J.-B. 12n20
poverty 47, 78, 223, 229
premodern societies 40, 43, 248, 249, 250
prisoners 62–4, 122, 262
prisoners of war (POWs) 118, 119, 120, 122
private society 107–8
projects 12, 39, 49, 74–6, 80, 98–9, 113–114, 196–7, 216, 263
Protestantism 49
quasi-contract 37–8, 158, 162, 164
quasi-solidarity 148–9
Black nationalism 54–5, 175–6
civil rights movements 55–6
colonial Trinidad 138–42, 145, 152, 241–3
colonialism 163–4, 172, 227–8, 248–9
deference and 244–6
diversity and 194
Durkheim and 248–9
intersectionality and 86–8
joint action 209–10, 257–8
nationalism and 227
race alienation 93, 94–5, 96–7
reasons for identification 93
shared goals 19–20
social structures 21–2
sororities and fraternities 80
White supremacy 172, 227, 229
Rawls, John 37n70, 57n118, 107–8, 112n219, 115n227, 158, 163–4, 217–18, 219
19th century French solidarity 36, 39
expressive value 106–7
free-riding and 71
history of solidarity 57
outgroups 92n191
threshold 247
value 110–11
Red Power movement 68n146, 167
refugees 21–2, 32, 64, 113, 114, 207, 262
relational ethics 189–90, 202, 219–20
Bourgeois 37–8
Christianity 50, 51
collective power 195
deference 150–1, 245
Durkheim 41, 44
identification and 122
relationship-based roles 80–1
social relationships 4
solidarity and 66, 70n149, 117–18, 176, 182–3, 224
transformative value 185–6, 196, 202–3, 256–7
Renan, Ernest 47, 213, 227
Renaud, Claude 35
Rippe, Klaus 112n219
activities 80
citizenship 76–9
condition distinct from 73–4
ground for identification 11–16, 17, 27, 72–81, 146–51, 167
non-project roles 80–1
relationship-based roles 80–1
sectoral roles 74–6
Roma 263
Roman law 24n43, 34, 156
Romania 4
St. Hill, Wilton 139–41, 241–3
Saint-Simon, Henri de 35, 45
Scanlon, T. 112
Scheffler, S. 69n149
Scholz, Sally 29n54, 182–203, 256–8
Schwenken, H. 193
Schwiertz, H. 193
self-determination 165, 168–9, 172, 253, 255
self-sacrifice 118n234, 120
servility 28, 57, 144, 244
shared fate
betrayal 151
Brexit and 113
Christian tradition 53
civic solidarity and 79
commitment 24–8, 39, 146, 247
condition of solidarity 17, 151, 207, 246–7
critique 145–6
Durkheim 41, 45
European Union 113
ground for identification 31, 90, 92
indigenous people 256
interest groups and 102
joint action and 17, 121, 142, 145
nationalism 49
obligations 47, 50
prisoners 63
silent solidarity and 118–19
transformative value 257
variable 29, 145
shared intentions 17–18, 23n41, 25, 79, 121, 142–3, 152, 208, 211, 261
shared interests 44, 50, 101–3, 216–17, 229
shared values 101–3, 216–17, 229
Shelby, Thomas 23n39, 70n150, 81n171, 192–3
Shklar, Judith 230
Shut Down Canada 165
silent solidarity 118–20, 243
Simmons 69n148, 72n153
Simpson, A. 174
Simpson, Lianne 175, 176
Sioux 68–71, 167, 169–70
sisterhood 53–4, 80, 81–6, 88, 115
slave trade 21
slavery 23n41, 54, 55, 149, 176, 227–8, 244
Sobrino, Jon 52
social contract 37
social debt 24, 37, 39, 158, 159–60
social democracy 46, 158, 214
social movements
associational ethics 118
civil rights 54–6
joint action 20–5
justice concept 231
new social movements 20–5
outgroups 58–60
solidarity and 3–4, 113, 175, 226
social union 107–8, 110
socialism 3, 30, 35, 45–7, 158, 213–14, 226
Christianity 50–1, 61
French tradition 35–40, 51, 156, 158, 160–1, 247
history 214, 226
sororities 80
South Korea 196
Soviet Union 91
Spain 4, 245n6
Spencer, Herbert 35, 249
Straehle, Christine 193
Strawson, P. F. 25, 151
strikes 32, 35, 75–6, 145, 188n3
subsidiarity 51–2
substance template 29n56
Sundell, T. 30n57, 30n58
sustaining solidarity 197–8
Tanzania 168–9
Taylor, Charles 48
Tedros, Adhamon Ghebreysus 195–6
terrorism 29, 111, 123, 232
Tiny House Warrior Project 165
Tischner, Jósef 49–50, 60
trade unions 73–4, 145, 147, 158, 245n5
transformative value
beyond solidarity 199–201
collective power 194–6, 258
diversity and inclusiveness 191–4
empowerment 189–90
fluid connections 198–9
identification and 229, 257
living in solidarity 183–203, 256–8
meaningful personal decisions 188, 198
mustering hope 200–1
personal transformation 184–90
Scholz 183–203, 256–8
selves in the social 184–8
solidarity goals and 196–9
solidarity group value 190–6
sustaining solidarity 197–8
transformative mobilization 65, 202, 226
Trask, Huanani-Kay 168, 172
Trinidad 138–42, 145, 152, 241–3
requirements 25–6
solidarity and 25–6, 78, 144, 247
structual injustice and 266–7
Tully, James 172n33
Tuomela, R. 19n32, 208
Unist’ot’en Nation 165
United Kingdom
BLM 21
Brexit 113
junior doctor strikes (2016) 75
London marathon 24–5
miners strikes 246n6
United States
2020 presidential election 80
Black nationalist movement 54–6, 175–6
civil rights movements 55–6
farm workers’ strike 188n3
feminist movements 63n133
Native Americans 68–71, 168, 170, 255–6
universalism 55, 175, 253
value of solidarity
conditional value 111–12
egalitarianism and 62
expressive value 105–6, 120
Forst critique 216, 217–20
grounds and 6, 8
impersonal value 103–4
instrumental value 103, 122
structural injustice and 224–30
justice v solidarity 112–18, 123
non-instrumental 103–12, 122–3
Forst 217–19, 264
structural injustice and 230–4
organic unity 109
overview 103–20
silent/passive solidarity 118–20
social union 107–8, 110
transformation see transformative value
valuable goals 264
values see shared values
Van Parijs, P. 6n11, 65n138, 65n140
victimhood 230
Viehoff, Juri 99n199, 112n218, 117n231
Volta Congress (1938) 254n20
ways of life
ground for identification 67–72, 170n31, 175–6
indigenous people 68–71, 170, 255–6
we-perspective 13n23, 18, 145–51, 208, 210
welfare state 5, 6, 9, 31, 34, 76n158, 144, 148, 206
Wet'suwet’en Nation 164–5, 174
White Coats for Black Lives 244, 245
White supremacy 172, 227, 229
Wiggins, D. 116n230
Wilson, Woodrow 63n133
Wolheim, Richard 12
World Council of Indigenous Peoples (WCIP) 169, 171, 172, 173
World Health Organization 195–6
Young, Iris Marion 83–6, 87, 88, 229, 231–2
Zhao, Michael 56n116, 106n208, 118
Zimmerman, George 21
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Solidarity – Nature, grounds, and value

Andrea Sangiovanni in dialogue


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