Ulf Zander
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Yad Vashem Archive (YVA), Jerusalem

Charles Lutz Collection, P 19/16

Heiner Lichtenstein Collection, P 26/137


Government Offices Archives (RKA), Stockholm

Raoul Wallenberg, UD2001/00009, Vols 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 40, 41, 44, 48, 50, 52, 53, 55, 61, 67, 68.

Raoul Wallenberg, UD2018/005505, Vols 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 19, 20, 22, 25, 28, 30, 36, 48.

The National Archives (RA) Marieberg, Stockholm

Raoul Wallenberg Association Archive, Correspondence, E: 1–4.

Swedish Foreign Office [Utrikesdepartementet, UD] Archive, Hp 1 Er, 18 June 1946, No. 430.

The National Archives (RA) Arninge, Stockholm

Swedish Red Cross I, Folke Bernadotte’s Archive, Greve Folke Bernadotte af Wisborg 1943–1945, Vols 5, 6.

The United Kingdom

British Film Institute Archive and Library (BFI), London

Wallenberg: The Lost Hero, press material from ITV Network, Yorkshire Television 1985.

United States

The Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum (FDRL), Hyde Park, New York

Eleanor Roosevelt Papers, General Correspondence, 1945–1948.

von Dardel, Guy.

Gromyko, Andrei 1946–1947.

The National Archives, Washington D.C.

Special Collection, Wallenberg, Raoul, Vol. 3, Nazi War Crime Disclosure Act, Records of the Central Intelligence Archive (CIA), Washington D.C.

The New York Public Library. Humanities and Social Sciences Library (TNYPL), New York

Rudolph Philipp Papers on Raoul Wallenberg, Box 1.

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Washington D.C.

Sara Callen, ‘Oral History Interview with Elizabeth Fuchs’, 15 May 1986, Accession Number: 1997.A.0441.8, RG Number: RG-50.462.0008 (Gift of the Gratz College Holocaust Oral History Archive), https://collections.ushmm.org/search/catalog/irn508629.

Linda G. Kuzmack, ‘Oral History Interview with Giorgio Perlasca’, 5 September 1990, Accession Number: 1990.446.1 | RG Number: RG-50.030.0178 (Gift of the Gratz College Holocaust Oral History Archive), https://collections.ushmm.org/search/catalog/irn504674.

Official publications

Congress and the Nation. Volume IV. 1981–1984. A Review of Government and Politics, Washington D.C.: Congressional Quarterly Inc., 1985.

Eliasson, Ingemar et al., Ett diplomatiskt misslyckande: Fallet Raoul Wallenberg och den svenska utrikesledningen, Swedish Government Official Reports SOU, 2003: 18.

George Bush. Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States. 1989. Book II – July 1 to December 31, 1989, Washington D.C.: United States Government Printing Office, 1990.

George Bush. Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States. 1991. Book I – January 1 to June 30, 1991, Washington D.C.: United States Government Printing Office, 1992.

Jimmy Carter. Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States. 1979. Book II – June 23 to December 31, 1979, Washington D.C.: United States Government Printing Office, 1980.

Palmklint, Ingrid and Daniel Larsson (eds), Raoul Wallenberg: Report of the Swedish-Russian Working Group, Stockholm: Original documents published by the Swedish Foreign Office. New series II: 52, 2001.

Raoul Wallenberg: Dokumentsamling jämte kommentarer rörande hans fångenskap i Sovjetunionen, Stockholm: Ministry for Foreign Affairs, 1957.

Raoul Wallenberg: Dokumentsamling rörande efterforskningarna efter år 1957, Stockholm: Ministry for Foreign Affairs, 1965.

Riksdagen: minutes. Second Chamber, No. 8, February 1951, Stockholm: The Riksdag [Swedish Parliament], 1951.

Riksdagen: minutes. Second Chamber, No. 14, 3 April 1964, Stockholm: The Riksdag, 1964.

Riksdagen: minutes, No. 55, 22 January 1976, Stockholm: The Riksdag, 1976.

Riksdagen: minutes, No. 85, 20 May 1974, Stockholm: The Riksdag, 1974.

Riksdagen: minutes 1987:88:67, 11 February 1988, Stockholm: The Riksdag, 1988.

Ronald Reagan. Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States. 1981. January 20 to December 31, 1981, Washington D.C.: United States Government Printing Office, 1982.

Ronald Reagan. Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States. 1982. Book I – January 1 to July 2, 1982, Washington D.C.: United States Government Printing Office, 1983.

Ronald Reagan. Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States. 1983. Book I – January 1 to July 1, 1983, Washington D.C.: United States Government Printing Office, 1984.

Ronald Reagan. Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States. 1985. Book I – January 1 to June 28, 1985, Washington D.C.: United States Government Printing Office, 1988.

Ronald Reagan. Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States. 1987, Book II – July 4 to December 31, 1987, Washington D.C.: United States Government Printing Office, 1989.

The Trial of Adolf Eichmann: Record of Proceedings in the District Court of Jerusalem. Vol. 1, Jerusalem: State of Israel Ministry of Justice, 1992.

Collections of letters and documents, and diaries

Adelsohn, Ulf, Partiledare: Dagbok 1981–1986, Stockholm: Gedins Förlag, 1988 [1987].

Brandell, Ulf, Dagbok med DN: Ur dagböcker förda 1960–1962, Stockholm: Trevi, 1976.

von Dardel, Fredrik, Dagbok, 1972, www.raoul-wallenberg.eu/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/1972/fvDdiary.pdf (accessed 21 June 2021).

von Dardel, Maj, Raoul, Stockholm: Rabén and Sjögren, 1984.

Ekman, Stig (ed.), Sven Grafström: Anteckningar 1938–1944, Stockholm: Royal Swedish Society for the Publication of Manuscripts Relating to Scandinavian History, 1989.

Ekman, Stig (ed.), Sven Grafström: Anteckningar 1945–1954, Stockholm: Royal Swedish Society for the Publication of Manuscripts Relating to Scandinavian History, 1989.

Erlander, Sven (ed.), Tage Erlander: Dagböcker 1945–1949, Hedemora: Gidlunds Förlag, 2001.

Erlander, Sven (ed.), Tage Erlander: Dagböcker 1950–1951, Hedemora: Gidlunds Förlag, 2001.

Erlander, Sven (ed.), Tage Erlander: Dagböcker 1952, Hedemora: Gidlunds Förlag, 2002.

Erlander, Sven (ed.), Tage Erlander: Dagböcker 1953, Hedemora: Gidlunds Förlag, 2003.

Erlander, Sven (ed.), Tage Erlander: Dagböcker 1955, Hedemora: Gidlunds Förlag, 2005.

Erlander, Sven (ed.), Tage Erlander: Dagböcker 1959, Hedemora: Gidlunds Förlag, 2009.

Erlander, Sven (ed.), Tage Erlander: Dagböcker 1961–1962, Hedemora: Gidlunds Förlag, 2011.

Erlander, Sven (ed.), Tage Erlander: Dagböcker 1963–1964, Hedemora: Gidlunds Förlag, 2012.

Erlander, Sven (ed.), Tage Erlander: Dagböcker 1965, Hedemora: Gidlunds Förlag, 2013.

Gripenberg, G. A., Dagbok 1945–1946, Stockholm: Royal Swedish Society for the Publication of Manuscripts Relating to Scandinavian History, 2019.

Levai, Jenő (ed.), Eichmann in Hungary: Documents, Budapest: Pannonia Press, 1961.

Molin, Karl (ed.), Östen Undén: Anteckningar 1918–1952, Stockholm: Royal Swedish Society for the Publication of Manuscripts Relating to Scandinavian History, 2002.

Molin, Karl (ed.), Östen Undén: Anteckningar 1952–1966, Stockholm: Royal Swedish Society for the Publication of Manuscripts Relating to Scandinavian History, 2002.

Nylander, Gert and Anders Perlinge (eds), Raoul Wallenberg in Documents, 1927–1947, Stockholm: Banking & Enterprise, 2000.

Schattauer, Wolfgang (ed.), Räddningen: Budapest 1944. Rapporter ur UD:s arkiv, Stockholm: Fischer & Co, 1997.

Söderlund, Gustaf and Gitte Wallenberg (eds), Älskade farfar! Brevväxlingen mellan Gustaf och Raoul Wallenberg 1924–1936, Stockholm: Bonniers, 1987.

Theutenberg, Bo J., Dagbok från UD. Volym 1. Högdramatik i UD. Ubåtar, protestnoter och annat (1981–1983), Stockholm: Stockholm Institute of International Law Arbitration and Conciliation, 2012.

Theutenberg, Bo J., Dagbok från UD. Volym 4 (1981–1985). Ryska björnens järngrepp om Sverige, Stockholm: Stockholm Institute of International Law Arbitration and Conciliation, 2018.

Theutenberg, Bo J., Dagbok från UD. Volym 5 (1986–1988), Stockholm: Stockholm Institute of International Law Arbitration and Conciliation, 2020.

Wallberg, Evabritta (ed.), Överbefälhavare Lennart Ljungs tjänstedagböcker 1978–1983. Vol. 1, Stockholm: Royal Swedish Society for the Publication of Manuscripts Relating to Scandinavian History, 2010.

Wallenberg, Birgitte and Gustaf Söderlund (eds), Letters and Dispatches 1924–1944. Raoul Wallenberg, New York: Arcade Publishing, 1995 [1987].


Ahlander, Dag Sebastian, 14 April 2004.

Grede, Kjell, 7 July 2010.

Lagergren, Nina, 29 April 2008.

Wästberg, Olle, 5 November 2021.

Booklets, pamphlets etc.

Ahlander, Dag Sebastian, ‘The History of the Monument’, in Jan Torsten Ahlstrand (ed.), The Raoul Wallenberg Monument in New York, Lund: Museum of Artistic Process and Public Art [Skissernas museum], 1998, pp. 9–11.

Ahlstrand, Jan Torsten (ed.), Raoul Wallenberg: Minnesmärke i Stockholm. Sex tävlingsförslag av Bernard Kirschbaum, Franco Leidi, Lars Olof Loeld, Kirsten Ortwed, Christian Partos, Jaume Plensa, Lund: Museum of Artistic Process and Public Art [Skissernas museum], 1999.

Ahlstrand, Jan Torsten (ed.), The Raoul Wallenberg Monument in New York, Lund: Museum of Artistic Process and Public Art [Skissernas museum], 1998.

Bolinder, Gunilla, A Tribute to the Memory of Nanna Svartz 1890–1986, Stockholm: Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences, 2016.

Larsson, Jan, Swedish Portraits: Raoul Wallenberg, Stockholm: The Swedish Institute, 1995.

Philipp, Rudolph, Raoul Wallenberg – kämpe för humanitet, Stockholm: Fredens Förlag, 1947.

Raoul Wallenberg, Stockholm: The Swedish Institute, 1988.

Raoul Wallenberg – A Hero for Our Time, New York: The Raoul Wallenberg Committee of the United States, 1985.

Raoul Wallenberg-kalendern 2013, Stockholm: The Living History Forum, 2013.

Rothman, Lenke, Hågkomsten, hyllningen och respekten för Raoul Wallenbergs gärning i Budapest 1944, Stockholm: Sveriges Riksdag, 1998.

UD informerar; Raoul Wallenberg, Stockholm: Norstedts 1987.

Wästberg, Per, Om Raoul Wallenberg, Stockholm: Public Art Agency Sweden, 1998.

Daily newspapers


The Globe and Mail, Montreal Gazette, The Ottawa Citizen, Toronto Star, The Vancouver Sun.


Berlingske Tidende, Information, Jyllands-Posten.


Badische Zeitung, Berliner Morgenpost, Der Tagesspiegel, Die Tageszeitung, Volksblatt, Die Welt, Die Zeit.


Budapester Zeitung, Hungary Today, HVG, Magyar Nezmet, Mai Nap, Napról Napra, Nepszabadsag.


The Irish Examiner, The Irish Times.


Haaretz, The Jerusalem Post.


Aftonbladet, Arbetaren, Arbetartidningen, Arbetet, Bohuslänningen, Borås Tidning, Dagens Nyheter, Dagstidningen, Expressen, Göteborgs Handels- och Sjöfartstidning, Göteborgs Morgonpost, Göteborgs-Posten, Göteborgs-Tidningen, iDAG, Metro, Morgon-Tidningen, Ny Dag, Östgöta Correspondenten, Provinstidningen Dalsland, Skånska Dagbladet, Skånska Socialdemokraten, Social-Demokraten, Söderhamns Tidning, Sölvesborgs-Tidningen, Stockholms Tidningen, Svenska Dagbladet, Sydsvenskan, Trelleborgstidningen, Upsala, Upsala Nya Tidning, Ystads Allehanda.


Neue Zürcher Zeitung

United Kingdom

The Daily Mail, The Daily Mirror, The Daily Telegraph, The Financial Times, The Guardian, The Independent, The International Herald Tribune, The Listener, The Manchester Guardian, The Observer, The Spectator, The Sunday Times, The Times.

United States

The Boston Globe, The Chicago Sun-Times, The Christian Science Monitor, The Detroit News, The Houston Chronicle, The Los Angeles Times, The New York Sun, The New York Times, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, The Record, The San Francisco Examiner & Chronicle, The Saturday Evening Post, The Seattle Times, Sun Sentinel, The Tribune, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post.

Magazines and weekly publications


The Australian Jewish Times – The Jerusalem Post International Edition, Quadrant.


The Hungarian Quarterly, The New Hungarian Quarterly, Magyarország, Tükür.


Moscow News.


Allt, Axess, Biografbladet, Bonniers Litterära Magasin, Dagens forskning, ETC, Filmjournalen, Folket i Bild, Historisk tidskrift, Idun, Jorden Runt, Judisk Krönika, Judisk Tidskrift, Konstperspektiv, Kulturens Värld, Moderna tider, OBS!, Ord & Bild, Perspektiv, Populär Historia, Respons, Röster i Radio, Röster i Radio & TV, Samtid och Framtid, Scandia, Se, Svensk Tidskrift, Tiden, Vecko-Journalen, Vi, Året Runt.

United Kingdom

The Jewish Chronicle, Screen International, Times Literary Supplement.

United States

American Record Guide, BOMB, Emmy Magazine, The Explicator, Films in Review, Foreign Politics, The Hollywood Reporter, The Jewish Week, The New Yorker, The New York Review of Books, The Objective Standard, The Reader’s Digest, The Saturday Evening Post, Slavic Review, Time Magazine, Variety.


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Books and articles

Adachi, Agnes, Child of the Winds: My Mission with Raoul Wallenberg, Chicago: Adams Press, 1989.

Adaktusson, Lars, Världens bästa story, Stockholm: Ekerlids Förlag, 2011.

Agrell, Wilhelm, The Shadows around Wallenberg: Missions to Hungary, 1943–1945, Lund: Historiska Media, 2019 [2006].

Agrell, Wilhelm, Venona: Spåren från ett underrättelsekrig, Lund: Historiska Media, 2003.

Ahlander, Dag Sebastian, Raoul Wallenberg: Hjälten som försvann, Stockholm: Natur & Kultur, 2001.

Ahlmark, Per, ‘Att avslöja diktaturen – Tingsten, nazismen och kommunismen’, in Per Ahlmark et al., Sovjetmyten i Sverige, Stockholm: Timbro, 1992, pp. 11–27.

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Ahnfeldt-Mollerup, Eline, ‘Historien som nyhed – den offentlige debat om Jane Horney-serien’, in Claus Ladegaard (ed.), Når medierne spinder historiens tråd, Copenhagen: Akademisk Forlag, 1993, pp. 65–85.

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Andersson, Lars M., Lars Berggren and Ulf Zander, ‘Bilden som källa’, in Lars M. Andersson, Lars Berggren and Ulf Zander (eds), Mer än tusen ord: Bilden och de historiska vetenskaperna, Lund: Nordic Academic Press, 2001, pp. 7–16.

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Films, television programmes, and monuments

Feature films

Casablanca (Michael Curtiz, 1942).

Diplomacy / Diplomatie (Volker Schlöndorf, 2013).

Distant Journey / Daleká Cesta (Alfred Rádok, 1949)

The Eagle Has Landed (John Sturges, 1976).

Eichmann (Robert Young, 2007).

The Elusive Pimpernel / The Fighting Pimpernel (Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger, 1950).

The First of the Few / Spitfire (Leslie Howard, 1942).

Gone with the Wind (Victor Fleming, 1938).

Good Evening, Mr. Wallenberg / God afton, herr Wallenberg (Kjell Grede, 1990).

The Great Dictator (Charles Chaplin, 1940).

The Grey Zone (Tim Blake Nelson, 2001).

Hanussen (István Szabó, 1988).

Hero / Accidental Hero (Stephen Frears, 1992).

Hip, hip, hurra! / Hip Hip Hurrah! (Kjell Grede, 1987).

The Inglorious Bastards / Quel maledetto blindato (1978).

Inglourious Basterds (Quentin Tarantino, 2009).

Is Paris Burning? / Paris brûle-t-il? (René Clément, 1966).

Jens Mansson in America / Jens Månsson i Amerika (Bengt Janzon, 1947).

Mephisto ((István Szabó, 1981).

Modern Times (Charles Chaplin, 1935).

Music Box (Costra-Gavras, 1990).

The Petrified Forest (Archie Mayo, 1936).

Phoenix (Christian Petzold, 2014).

The Pianist (Roman Polanski, 2002).

Pimpernel Smith / Mr. V (Leslie Howard, 1941).

Pimpernel Svensson (Emil A. Lingheim, 1950).

The Scarlet Pimpernel (Harold Young, 1934).

Schindler’s List (Steven Spielberg, 1993).

Son of Saul / Saul fia (László Nemes, 2015).

Svarta nejlikan / The Black Pimpernel / El Clavel Negro (Ulf Hultberg, 2007).

To Be Or Not To Be (Ernst Lubitsch, 1942).

Went the Day Well? (Alberto Cavalcanti, 1942).

Television series and films

The Angel of Budapest / El ángel de Budapest (Luis Oliveros, 2011).

Atlantic Crossing (Alexander Eik and Janic Heen, 2020).

Billions (Reed Morano et al., 2016–).

Centennial (Harry Falk et al., 1978–1979).

Holocaust: The Story of the Family Weiss (Marvin J. Chomsky, 1978).

Perlasca – An Italian Hero / Perlasca – The Courage of a Just Man / Perlasca – Un eoro Italiano (Alberto Negrin, 2002).

Playing for Time (Daniel Mann and Joseph Sargent, 1980).

Roots (Marvin J. Chomsky et al., 1977).

The Scarlet and the Black (Jerry London, 1983).

Shogun (Jerry London, 1980).

Succession (Adam McKay et al., 2018–)

The Thorn Birds (Daryl Duke, 1983).

Wallenberg: A Hero’s Story (Lamont Johnson, 1983).

War and Remembrance (Dan Curtis, 1988).

Winds of War (Dan Curtis, 1983).


Diplomaterna (Fredrik Undevik, 2009).

Missing Hero: Raoul Wallenberg (John Bierman, 1980).

Raoul – och de 30 monumenten (Peter R. Meyer, 2001).

Shoah (Claude Lanzmann, 1986).


Ahead of the Battle of Warsaw, Karola Badyny (2020), Skierniewice, Poland. 

Att minnas – den goda gärningen: Hågkomsten, hyllningen och respekten för Raoul Wallenbergs gärning i Budapest 1944, Lenke Rothman (1997), Stockholm.

Hommage à Raoul Wallenberg, Kirsten Ortwed (2001), Stockholm.

Hope, Gustav and Ulla Kraitz (1998), New York.

Imre Nagy, Támas Varga (1996), Budapest, Hungary.

Memorial for the Victims of German Occupation, Párkanyi Raab Péter (2004), Budapest, Hungary.

Memorial of the Hungarian Jewish Martyrs, Imre Varga (1989), Budapest, Hungary.

The New Raoul Wallenberg Monument, Imre Varga (1987), Budapest, Hungary (copy in Tel Aviv, Israel) 2002.

Non-Violence or The Knotted Gun, Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd (1988), New York (and replicas in about 30 places around the world).

Pál Teleki, Tibor Rieger (2004), Balatonboglár, Hungary.

Pál Teleki, Stefan Dousa (2020), Kraków, Poland.

Pienza, Staffan Nihlén (1993), Malmö, Sweden.

Raoul Wallenbergs gärning, Willy Gordon (1998), Lidingö, Sweden.

The Ronald Reagan Monument, Władysław Dudek (2011), Warsaw.

R. W. Briefcase, Gustav and Ulla Kraitz (1998), Lund and several other cities.

The Snake Killer or Wallenberg Memorial Statue, Pál Pátzay (1949, original, 1999, replica), Budapest and Debrecen, Hungary.

Tom Lantos, Mamikon Yengibarian (2018), Budapest, Hungary.

Wallenberg Memorial, Philip Jackson (2005), London.

Musical, operas, and stage play

Raoul, Erik Åkerlund (1983).

Raoul, Gershon Kingsley and Michael Kunze (2008).

Raoul Wallenberg – saknad, Inger Wikström (2018).

Wallenberg, Laurence Holzman, Felicia Needleman and Benjamin Rosenblut (2010).

Wallenberg, Erkki-Sven Tüür and Lutz Hübner (2001).

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