Author rights


We want you to be able to reuse your work as easily as possible. All MUP authors, editors and chapter authors have the following reuse rights, and in these cases you don’t need to seek additional formal permission from us. They apply as long as you do not sell or give the material away in ways which would conflict directly with the Publisher’s commercial business interests.

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  • Reuse your work as the basis for new work authored or edited by yourself, including your own blog posts and presentations, as long as the new work is not likely to compete with the original work published by MUP.

  • You can reuse excerpts or up to one chapter of your book, or your journal article or edited volume chapter in full.

  • If you are not the author or editor of the new work please ask the publisher of the new work to submit a permission request.

You may also:

  • Re-use figures, illustrations and tables from your book, chapter or article (as long as these were your own material, otherwise additional permission will need to be sought from the rights-holder) in new works authored or edited by yourself

  • Use the front cover of your book for promotional purposes

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[author and/or editor(s) of contribution], [volume and/or contribution title], [year of publication], [publisher (as it appears on our copyright page)] reproduced with permission of MUP

If you are any doubt about whether your intended re-use is covered by this policy, please contact MUP for confirmation.