

To celebrate Women’s History Month, and International Women’s Day on the 8th March, we’ve put together a collection of new, bestselling and backlist women’s history titles published by MUP. All of the books featured below are free to access for all staff and students at the University of Manchester.

Click on the covers to access each book.

And please follow MUP on Twitter and Instagram where you’ll find author videos and blogs posted throughout March.

All print versions of the books featured below are 50% for the whole month, visit www.manchesteruniversitypress.co.uk/womens-history-month-2022 to find out more.

We are also offering to librarians 50% off the books available via manchesterhive - for more information, contact us at manchesterhive@manchester.ac.uk


Also included in our reading list are 6 Open Access titles, see below: