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Alison K. McHardy

curia for papal blessing, and their reception back at Westminster Abbey stirred the chronicler’s memory. Although this chronicle begins in 1381, the entry under 1390 gives a vivid picture of the coronation ceremonies of 1377. The unfavourable impression made by Burley is notable, but the nave of Westminster Abbey was being rebuilt then, and there may have been considerable confusion. 12 WC , 414

in The reign of Richard II
David Jones

the Eucharist.) Here are added some examples about this most holy matter which were collected and set down in writing by Master Gerald de Barry of good memory, whose name was first mentioned in the prologue above, in his book The Jewel of the Priesthood . 34 He writes thus. ‘In the kingdom of the French, in the city of Arras one Easter Sunday, a woman took a host consecrated as if to be taken to the

in Friars’ Tales
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John H. Arnold
Peter Biller

heretics of the church of Carcassonne. 14 In his first year in this office he instructed Peter Pollan (himself later bishop of the same church, 1238–67) to draw up a copy of one or several earlier documents, relating to a Council held in 1167. This copy shows the existence in the 1220s of an archive among the Cathars, their historical memory and the continuing importance among them of formal organisation and documentation. In particular it shows them engaging in the conventional documentary practice of a vidimus , ‘we have seen

in Heresy and inquisition in France, 1200-1300
Rosemary Horrox

uncountable numbers in the fields and in bye-ways and hedges throughout the whole country; for there was so great a shortage of servants and labourers that there was no one who knew what needed to be done. There was no memory of so inexorable and fierce a mortality since the time of Vortigern, king of the Britons, in whose time, as Bede testifies in his De gestis Anglorum , there

in The Black Death
Diana Webb

canonisation process could not even begin. Certain lay saints of a later epoch lived under the wing of the mendicants, who professionally nurtured the memory of all their saints, canonised or not, and publicised them as examples and objects of veneration to the faithful. Raimondo seems most obviously comparable with Homobonus, who like him lived before the coming

in Saints and cities in medieval Italy
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David Jones

other collectors, the compiler of the Liber Exemplorum sometimes paraphrased his material in order to make it more accessible (LE 29), added relevant material from other sources (LE 184), or wrote from memory (LE 60, 137). More importantly, he adapted stories to illustrate different themes or to make them appropriate for different audiences. The same exempla are used, for instance, to illustrate

in Friars’ Tales
Anthony Musson
Edward Powell

Press, 1986), pp. 42–9. 13 Clanchy, Memory , p. 266; J. A. Doig, ‘Political propaganda and royal proclamations in late medieval England’, HR , 71 (1998), 258–60; Justice, Writing and Rebellion , pp. 13–14, 66–8. 14

in Crime, Law and Society in the Later Middle Ages
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P. J. P. Goldberg

that Saturday and was born that day or the Friday before, and she knows no other reason to offer for her knowing other than that she has thought it out thus in her heart, and according to what this witness has calculated from her memory, so she remembers that the year in which Alice was born fell in the third or fourth year at most after the great pestilence, 8 and that this witness has a son of

in Women in England c. 1275–1525
Michael Staunton

’s party were sent with them as witnesses. Through them the king wrote to Louis of blessed memory, then king of France, and Philip, noble count of Flanders, bitterly intimating that Thomas, formerly archbishop of Canterbury (for that was how the letter began), had fled the realm as a traitor, and that they ought not receive him in their lands. 8 So these men set out, but first let us relate the itinerary

in The lives of Thomas Becket
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Michael Staunton

blamelessly, how canonically, by what merit of life, this was done, is known to many, and is inscribed with the pen of sorrow on the hearts of the good. That good father of ours of happy memory, Theobald, had ended his days, and you, who had not closed the ever-watchful eyes of your heart to this eventuality, immediately returned from Normandy to England. 22 After a while the king sent as

in The lives of Thomas Becket