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Gender Norm Change during Displacement?
Michelle Lokot

. M. (eds), Reconstructing Lives, Recapturing Meaning ( London : Routledge ), pp. 83 – 109 . Lenner , K. and Turner , L. ( 2018 ), ‘ Learning from the Jordan Compact ’, Forced Migration Review , 57 , 48 – 51

Journal of Humanitarian Affairs
Humanitarian Disruption in Conflict Settings
Maelle L’Homme

environmental migration, it would be presumptuous to think of MSF as a unique anchor factor in Agok, as if there aren’t a multitude of factors which contribute to determining where people settle, over the long run. As a result of the war, a majority of the Dinka Ngok have not been able to live on their lands north of the river Kiir for the last 30 years. Many members of the younger generation grew up as internally displaced persons in northern or southern Sudan or as

Journal of Humanitarian Affairs
Lessons Learned for Engagement in Fragile and Conflict-Affected States
Logan Cochrane

Migration South Sudan . Jeene , H. , Sabu , J. and RALSA Foundation . ( 2013 ), South Sudan Early Recovery and Humanitarian NGO Funding Round . INJ734/11A458, Evaluation Report Australian Government . Johnson , R. , Ockelford , J. and Power , T. ( 2013 ), Learning from BSF: Lessons from the Basic Services Fund, South Sudan, 2006 to 2012 . Final Report February 2013 . LWF . ( 2016 ), Final Evaluation of Malaria Prevention Project in Jonglei State, South Sudan . Lutheran World Federation April 2016 . Mansilla , C. and

Journal of Humanitarian Affairs
Valérie Gorin

think it’s important we should enlarge our media through either arts or architecture. For example, you have the big brain around Forensic Architecture, Eyal Weizman. He’s using forensic architecture as evidence in court to show the links to actual crimes. We commissioned him to follow the sequence of the attack of the al-Hamidiah hospital in Syria in 2016. 9 It was very interesting to see how he uses the reconstruction of an event as forensic evidence, using the architectural approach. He also used it for the migration, using distress signals from the phones to trail

Journal of Humanitarian Affairs
Synchronicity in Historical Research and Archiving Humanitarian Missions
Bertrand Taithe
Mickaël le Paih
, and
Fabrice Weissman

of Migration and Exile. Perspectives from the Humanities ( Oslo : Scandinavian University Press ), pp. 166 – 88 . Loewenberg , S. ( 2017 ), ‘ Famine Fears in Northeast Nigeria as Boko Haram Fight Rages ’, The Lancet , 389 : 10067 , 352 . Lynch

Journal of Humanitarian Affairs
Emma Tomalin
Olivia Wilkinson

2022 ). Usen , L. E. ( 2019 ), ‘ Localisation: We Are Frustrated, Not Stupid! ’, Forced Migration Review , 60 ( March ), 78 – 9 , (accessed 10 August 2022 ). Van Brabant

Journal of Humanitarian Affairs
Dispelling Misconceptions about Sexual Violence against Men and Boys in Conflict and Displacement
Heleen Touquet
Sarah Chynoweth
Sarah Martin
Chen Reis
Henri Myrttinen
Philipp Schulz
Lewis Turner
, and
David Duriesmith

-centred services are available and accessible, many men/boy survivors disclose victimisation and seek care. On the Aquarius search and rescue vessel in the Mediterranean, for example, health providers significantly increased sexual violence service uptake among men and women refugees and migrants by convening private, gender-specific groups and informing people about the forms of sexual violence, its prevalence on the migration route and the medical and mental health consequences of

Journal of Humanitarian Affairs
Open Access (free)
The Politics of Information and Analysis in Food Security Crises
Daniel Maxwell
Peter Hailey

the overthrow of Haile Selassie ( Burg, 2008 ; Desportes et al. , 2019 ). Information was suppressed about conflict ( Vaux, 2001 ), forced migration and the extent of the crisis itself ( Clay and Holcomb, 1985 ). The reason was clearly political: the famine of 1972–74 was the triggering event (if not the underlying cause) for the overthrow of Haile Selassie’s government. The regime was very aware of the political consequences of failing to

Journal of Humanitarian Affairs
How Can Humanitarian Analysis, Early Warning and Response Be Improved?
Aditya Sarkar
Benjamin J. Spatz
Alex de Waal
Christopher Newton
, and
Daniel Maxwell

in Yemen. The structural drivers of hunger in Yemen pre-date the present conflict and have their roots in years of export-oriented irrigation-dependent agricultural policy promoted by donors which led to a high degree of import-dependence, integration into a regional oil economy, a male-migration (and remittance) based economy and a highly militarised patronage-based ruling system. The proximate drivers of mass starvation, however, have been the

Journal of Humanitarian Affairs
Expanding Gender Norms to Marriage Drivers Facing Boys and Men in South Sudan
Michelle Lokot
Lisa DiPangrazio
Dorcas Acen
Veronica Gatpan
, and
Ronald Apunyo

experience in similar lower literacy contexts, pictures of ‘smiley faces’ were used for participants to indicate which option they selected. The statements in the survey explored knowledge, attitudes and practices related to gender within multiple sectors. The survey questions were developed by the consultants in consultation with Save the Children technical staff in South Sudan. The questions were reviewed and revised with field staff and team leaders prior to data collection. The survey also captured sex, age and migration status. The FGD guide was structured in three

Journal of Humanitarian Affairs