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Stephen Penn

ingested in sufficiently large quantities, obstructs the noxious humour of pleasure before it flows down from the faculty of reason or the mind into the vital organs. Likewise, it blocks lubricous consent before it runs from the nostrils of discretion, and it prevents any erratic loss of confidence in God, silencing hoarse murmurs against him before they emerge from the throat of human memory. 93 Fourth, hyssop offers itself as a special cure against wind, swelling of the spleen and other internal organs, but not against dropsy. Thus, in fact, humility of the heart

in John Wyclif
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Andrew Rabin

also as a passive agent providing a reserve of knowledge, memory and reflective thought, influencing not simply the development of the law and legal system, but also political attitudes’. 152 Wulfstan could not have foreseen the changes to English political thought brought about by the Conquest and Magna Carta ; however, viewed within an eleventh-century context, his melding of the political and

in The political writings of Archbishop Wulfstan of York
Gervase Rosser

ancestors and predecessors, burgesses, etc., have used such a custom from time whereof no memory is, to wit, of taking 2 s 1 d from every man dwelling in the town, being in the tithing of the abbot of the place aforesaid, having chattels to the value of 20 s , that he may trade among them and enjoy their market customs in the same town, and likewise of receiving 46 s 8 d from every man of the town

in Towns in medieval England
Andrew Rabin

over-zealous ‘Wulfstanimitator’, the majority of the text is unquestionably Wulfstan’s own; 3 A second homiletic version (Napier 36) also survives, although this text was almost certainly composed by someone other than Wulfstan. As Lionarons points out, this version ‘reads as if it had been written from memory by someone who remembered most of the content

in The political writings of Archbishop Wulfstan of York
T. J. H. McCarthy

disobedience, first by Pope Gregory of blessed memory and then by my predecessor the most holy man Urban. 250 We also in our most recent synod, 251 by the judgement of the whole church, placed him under perpetual interdict. This is according to the will of us all and pertains especially to those from beyond the mountains, so that they may keep themselves from his iniquity

in Chronicles of the Investiture Contest
Stephen Penn

tithes and gifts, which is part of what satisfies the Lord; for the Lord says this in Numbers 18, Deuteronomy 18 and Ezechiel 44. Faithful glosses fail to silence what heretics preach in respect of this. This same priest says secondly that bulls, charters and letters cannot be fully legalised in the absence of the ruler’s agreement. Since God’s law lasts eternally, it is not believed that God gives his agreement to this. 87 The same priest said thirdly that it can probably be assumed, in memory of the death of those earlier saints who accepted such a donation, that

in John Wyclif
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Alison K. McHardy

forefathers of famous memory, the kings of England; and we wish to be interred in that monument which we have had raised to our memory and that of Anne of glorious memory formerly queen of England, our consort, on whose soul may Almighty God have mercy. We wish the exequies of our burial or funeral to be celebrated in the royal manner thus, namely, for those exequies, four excellent hearses, appropriate for

in The reign of Richard II
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The end of Edward III’s reign, 1376–77
Alison K. McHardy

we die, and for the soul of Philippa queen of England of glorious memory, our dearest consort, and for the good estate of all our living children, and for the souls of those who are dead, before God, in Masses and in their other prayers and devotions. Next we give and leave to our future heir, on whom may God confer his saving grace, Richard, namely the son of Edward of honoured memory lately prince of

in The reign of Richard II
John Edwards

] which are celebrated every year in that same city, and since some while ago the lord pope Martin V, of blessed memory, concerned about their poverty, conceded to them by apostolic letter, that they might scatter and distribute that burden among all the Jews living anywhere in the towns and territories of the Holy Roman Church, according to those letters which were indeed later confirmed and agreed by the lord pope

in The Jews in western Europe 1400–1600
Selected documents
Graham A. Loud

memory, Count Roger, should not be diminished by you, but rather increased. Do not try to go before God, but follow him, since with him as your guide you will not offend but will have the light of life. I order you to do this as to a very dear son; I advise this, that if you are obedient and submissive as you pledge yourself [to be], by having done this you will gain salvation. The Almighty Lord will through his

in Roger II and the creation of the Kingdom of Sicily