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Louise Beaumais

, 23 : 1 , 57 – 70 . Benton , M. and Glennie , A. ( 2016 ). Digital Humanitarianism: How Tech Entrepreneurs Are Supporting Refugee Integration ( Washington, DC : Migration Policy Institute ), www

Journal of Humanitarian Affairs
Open Access (free)
Humanitarianism in a Post-Liberal World Order
Stephen Hopgood

kind, yet this is everyday reality for billions of people. One function of the entire humanitarian enterprise might be to obscure root causes and allow those who, en masse, might be able to bring pressure to bear to relieve suffering (mobilised citizens in the West) to think that something is being done so they need not act nor feel guilty. Donations are given instrumentally, to prevent migration, and as the wages of sin, a palliative for guilt and shame. Humanitarian actions might help prevent armies of the dispossessed from flooding the

Journal of Humanitarian Affairs
How IPC Data is Communicated through the Media to Trigger Emergency Responses
François Enten

). 35 Remarks made by MSF communication officers. 36 As mentioned earlier, the main criteria for a food and nutrition crisis are mortality and malnutrition rates. But a multiplicity of criteria relating to food security also come into play: production shortfalls, food and livestock costs, population migration, access to water, socio-economic criteria, general morbidity, etc

Journal of Humanitarian Affairs