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Sir Philip Sidney, humility and revising the Arcadia
Richard James Wood

’s construction of divinely ordained European political unity with the obscurities of Anglo-Norman history. It combines with real late sixteenth-century politics to form an idealised view of a Renaissance English nation, with origins and responsibilities to Europe and Christianity that long predate, and far outweigh, the aberrations of contemporary interests. 14 The Dominican friar Annius of Viterbo published a supposed fragment of the lost books of a third-century Babylonian author, Berosus, in his Commentaria (1498), in which the ‘ancient Celtic, Western European

in Sidney's Arcadia and the conflicts of virtue
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An Apology of the Earl of Essex
Hugh Gazzard

started writing when their departure was immediately in prospect. Other evidence from the text indicates that Essex was initially responding to the European political situation as it stood in winter 1597–98. Essex refers to the planned marriage of the Infanta Isabella to the Archduke Albert and their joint rule of the Spanish Netherlands; the Archduke had made the plans public by early December 1597. 20

in Essex
Alexandra Gajda

, written by collaborative operation by members of Essex’s circle in 1594–95. Compiled like a giant commonplace book, the main body of the treatise forged exempla ‘gathered’ from classical, medieval and recent history into a rich analysis of European politics. 27 Pérez was also a representative of the particular interest in Tacitus that in England, as Laoutaris notes, has been identified as almost synonymous

in Essex
King Lear and the King’s Men
Richard Wilson

the myth’: Tennenhouse, op. cit. (note 4), pp. 159–60; ‘Free and Absolute Monarchy’: James Stuart, The Trew Law of Free Monarches , in James VI and I: Political Writings , ed. Johann Sommerville (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994), p. 63. For the debate about the character of Stuart absolutism, see Johann Somerville, ‘English and European Political Ideas in

in Free Will
Shakespeare’s Counter-Spenserian Authorship
Patrick Cheney

’s ‘Hamlet’ and the Controversies of Self (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000 ), 142. 68 Sexual Personae: Art and Decadence from Nefertiti to Emily Dickinson (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1990), 195, Paglia’s emphasis. 69 For details on the pan-European

in Shakespeare and Spenser
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Ben Jonson’s admiration for Southwell’s ‘burning Babe’
Anne Sweeney

The Society was inevitably enmeshed in European politics whether it acted politically or not. The Jesuit Constitutions allowed the striking of alliances with princes, but ‘alliance’ began to be interpreted as permanent residence, and proximity to certain courts led to the appearance of political support. There was a lack of long-term political insight about the

in Robert Southwell
Petrarch’s Triumphs and the Elizabethan icon
Heather Campbell

desire. Thus the popularity of the Triumphs in sixteenth-century England provided a crucial element in the creation of the Elizabethan icon. It offered a vocabulary and a cluster of associations through which Elizabeth could be presented to her own subjects and to other European political figures as the Virgin Queen, but in a context resonant of military victory and masculine

in Goddesses and Queens
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Victor Skretkowicz

monarchie (1551) and the Second Part of Urania. During this period, punctuated by wars between Christian and Muslim, Catholic and Protestant, European erotic romance played its part in shaping European politics and nationalist culture. Its strong chivalric element promoted notions of responsible monarchy and intolerance of tyranny, feeding the discontent with bullying and

in European erotic romance
Ralegh and the call to arms
Andrew Hiscock

… It hath a kinde of beast called Cama, or Anta, as bigge as an English beefe, and in greate plenty.68 Such Golden Age geographies were made available in the Discouerie and would continue to figure in English colonial publications for generations because Elizabeth and her successors were unwilling to bankroll in a sustained manner any initiatives regarding the founding of an Atlantic empire.69 Moreover, butchery and slaughter were recurring features of the Elizabethan participation in European politics, whether it was in Ireland, in the Low Countries, or in the

in Literary and visual Ralegh
Victor Skretkowicz

national interest, as Sidney belonged to only the second generation of English Protestants following the redistribution of wealth and political power accompanying the dissolution of the monasteries. Like Languet, he saw the urgency of forming a counterbalancing Protestant League amid a European political landscape that was precariously at war with itself

in European erotic romance