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–671 . Albertazzi , D. and McDonnell , D. 2005 . ‘The Lega Nord in the Second Berlusconi Government. In a League of Its Own’ , West European Politics , 28 ( 5 ), 952–972 . Albertazzi , D. and McDonnell , D. 2010 . ‘ The Lega Nord back in government ’, West European Politics , 33 ( 6 ), 1318–1340 . Albertazzi , D. and McDonnell , D
Holtz-Bacha , C. (eds). Perspectives on Populism and the Media: Avenues for Research . Baden-Baden : Nomos Verlag , 83–108 . Halikiopoulou , D. and Vlandas , T. 2020 . ‘ When Economic and Cultural Interests Align: The Anti-Immigration Voter Coalitions Driving Far Right Party Success in Europe ’, European Political Science
., and Mral , B. (eds). Right Wing Populism in Europe: Politics and Discourse . London : Bloomsbury , 71–88 . Betz , H.-G. and Meret , S. 2009 . ‘ Revisiting Lepanto: The Political Mobilization against Islam in Contemporary Western Europe ’, Patterns of Prejudice , 43 ( 3–4 ), 313–334 . Braouezec , K. 2016
foreign powers like the Republic of Ireland, who, having taken British financial bailouts, sought to ‘override’ its constitution, and from domestic politicians like Tony Blair, who, having betrayed his own Protestant upbringing, sought to turn Britain back to papal rule as a shortcut to achieving his own European political ambitions. Fifth and finally, while Britain is still great in this exceptionalist imaginary, it is not as great as it once was, for as a Protestant nation it is ‘gradually losing the Christian system’. Thus, from an Orange perspective, while
sector caused the economy to free-fall and threatened the stability of the common currency of Europe. Political apathy was replaced by activism and politicians competed to be more outraged by corporate wrongdoing. Politicians stated that bankers were guilty of economic treason, did more damage to the State than the IRA, and should be treated like terrorists. Corporate and white-collar crimes became politicised and the State demonstrated a tendency to ‘govern through crime’ (Simon, 2007). Developments which had previously been introduced under the blanket of
, 82 and the method used in a recent study by Semetko and Valkenburg looking at the framing of European politics. 83 The television news samples were taken coinciding with the newspaper samples, as well as afterwards (16–23 September), to see if there was a change in reporting or issues and to minimise the influence of the Woolwich attacks. This was because national television news often only devotes time for one story related to Islam, if it gives any
Lucassen et al., The Return of the Guilds, supplement 16 of International Review of Social History, 53 (2008). See also Antony Black, Guilds and Civil Society in European Political Thought from the Twelfth Century to the Present (London: Methuen, 1984). 59 Quoted in Bulletin of the Society for the Study of Labour History, 17 (autumn 1968), 20. 60 Otto Kahn-Freund, Labour Relations: Heritage and Adjustment (Oxford: British Academy, 1979), p. 41. 61 John Rule, The Experience of Labour in Eighteenth-Century Industry (London: Croom Helm, 1981); E. P. Thompson, Customs in
Halligan, interview with the author, Belfast, 19 November 2013. 60 Jocelyn Evans and Jonathan Tonge, ‘Social class and party choice in Northern Ireland’s ethnic blocs’, West European Politics , 32:5 (2009), 1012–30. Also see Murray and Tonge, Sinn Féin and the SDLP ; and McKearney, The Provisional IRA . 61 McKearney, The Provisional IRA , p. 197. 62 Ibid. , p. 197 63 Gerry Adams, interview with the author, Belfast, 5 March 2009. Gerry Adams retired as president of Sinn