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Historical International Relations and the environment
Kerry Goettlich

proclamation as a conservation zone, explicitly aimed at protecting fisheries ‘seriously exposed to unregulated exploitation and depletion’ helped the US government to allay its concerns about unilaterally innovating international legal practices (Foreign Relations of the United States, 1945 : 1496). These were the main substantial concerns around the policy within the government, particularly in the State

in The Sea and International Relations
The 2008 Italy–Libya Friendship Treaty and thereassembling of Fortress Europe
Chiara De Cesari

, as it were, to the public body of Qadhafi – history and memory slipped from the radar of global public opinion. The very indistinct and misleading language of the Treaty (referring to chapter or suffering as opposed to crime) ­de-materialized or, better, evacuated the utter materiality of dead Libyan bodies. Reparations as international legal practice The Treaty consists of two key elements of reparation politics: a formal apology and substantial material compensations. Yet as commentators have shown (Gazzini 2009), it represents a very peculiar form of reparation

in The political materialities of borders