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Mary Chamberlain

believed that Lamming articulated his own North American experience. In the Castle of My Skin was followed by The Emigrants (1954), Of Age and Innocence (1958), Season of Adventure (1960), and his collection of essays The Pleasures of Exile (1960), all of which were written in London, and all of which were inspired by the predicament of colonial subjugation. His

in West Indian intellectuals in Britain
John M. MacKenzie
Nigel R. Dalziel

, ‘North American experience and British missionary encounters in Africa and the Pacific, c . 1800–1850’ in Martin Daunton and Rick Halpern (eds), Empire and Others: British Encounters with Indigenous Peoples, 1600–1850 (London 1999), pp. 354–5. 58 Botha, Fairbairn , p. 66

in The Scots in South Africa