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Opposition to psychology and psychiatry in the early Women’s Liberation Movement
Kate Mahoney

frequently circulated American feminist literature on consciousness-raising. Newsletters produced by regional Women’s Liberation networks indicate the dissemination of a 1971 article produced by the New York-based Sappho Collective. 80 In a 1974 edition of the Birmingham Women’s Liberation Newsletter , the Monday Consciousness-raising Group stated that they had been drawing on the article to expand their

in Feminist mental health activism in England, c.1968–95
Sarah Browne

this could pose to those who did not enjoy reading those kinds of texts. Indeed, Isabelle Kerr found some of the reading quite hard going. She especially recalled reading Susan Brownmiller’s Against Our Will: she remembered ‘really ploughing through it’, reflecting that ‘for somebody who had never tackled feminist literature before – I found it such a slog’.60 Esther Breitenbach explored the problematic nature of CR in an article for a conference document produced by the WLM in Scotland in 1976. She criticised the movement’s emphasis on CR, which she believed did not

in The women’s liberation movement in Scotland
The case of Angela Davis in Egypt
Sara Salem

woman: As an Afro-American woman familiar with the sometimes hidden dynamics of racism, I had previously questioned the myopic concentration on female circumcision in US feminist literature on African women. The dynamics here are not entirely dissimilar from those characterizing the historical campaign

in Transnational solidarity
Abstract only
Jonathan Moss

time. It provides an overview of representations and public discourses surrounding women’s workplace protest found in feminist literature, trade union publications and sociological studies. The rest of the book identifies the personal implications of these broader social and political changes for female workers who engaged in collective action through an analysis of four case studies of workplace disputes organised by women during this period. The case studies present four different examples of women asserting their rights in the workplace. To start, Chapter 2

in Women, workplace protest and political identity in England, 1968-85
‘no mere suffrage society’
Maureen Wright

over the world’s ills.64 Mona Caird had accepted Elizabeth’s invitation of a seat on the WEU Executive, and she also worked collaboratively with Ben Elmy who, under his pseudonym of Ellis Ethelmer, penned a series of polemical works on sex education and women’s sexual physiology which were published privately, under the auspices of the WEU, from 1893 to 1897.65 They offered the first ‘explicitly feminist’ literature on the subject, and presented ‘a coherent analysis of why and in what manner women were subordinated’.66 To lay stress upon these texts, however (and

in Elizabeth Wolstenholme Elmy and the Victorian Feminist Movement
Claire Lowrie

of colonialism. A key focus of attention in the feminist literature on colonialism has been on the space in which white women were perhaps most active in Empire – the colonial home. It was in the home (as well as through philanthropic organisations) that white women were pressured to, and often willingly embraced, the responsibility to civilise the colony, the ‘native other’ and the white man through their

in Masters and servants
Who are they? Experiences of children, mothers, families and post-conflict communities
Sabine Lee

feminist literature. Based on the understanding that the relationship between men and women is patriarchal and hierarchical, the argument put forward by historians, psychologists and psychiatrists is that war accentuates pre-existing gender relations and thus reinforces the possessive behaviour displayed by men vis-à-vis women. In other words, aggression and violence, which are part and parcel of any armed conflict, exacerbate the inequalities of gendered power relations and the discriminatory and misogynous behaviour displayed even in peacetime patriarchal societies. An

in Children born of war in the twentieth century
Inheritance, neurasthenia, criminals, and GPI
Amy Milne-Smith

future children. It is only after her husband's death that she reads on the heredity of vice and truly mourns her doomed husband and rails against women being raised in ignorance of such matters. 194 In such feminist literature, women are painted as society's sacrificial lambs to men's vice and secrecy. Early twentieth-century feminists pointed to the dangers of marital transmission of syphilis as yet another example of the cruelties of marriage and its dangers to national health. The dangers of

in Out of his mind