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also true of their equivalents in France. 9 The gap between the daily acceptance of these terms and the assumed age of the origins of humanitarianism therefore invites us to greater caution, encouraging us not to place past and present on too black and white a line. This is how we can sum up the reasons why in this introduction to Part I we do not talk about humanitarianism’s ‘age of origins’ but about its archaeology. The intention is to understand which of international humanitarianism’s premises, seen in the light of their later developments, were
not homogenous, and staff-security and civilian-protection practices vary across different agencies ( Bradley, 2016 ; Schneiker, 2012 ). Nonetheless there are many commonalities, and this article focuses on general trends, albeit at the expense of some detail. ‘Staff security’ and ‘civilian protection’ comprise two clearly distinguished fields of practice within the broader field of international humanitarianism, with their own sets of handbooks
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was to be expatriated abroad: ‘there, they can be neutral,’ one former head of mission claimed. Structural elements of international humanitarianism which are usually identified as weaknesses, such as thematic rather than contextual knowledge among ‘expats’, or hypermobility, are in fact seen to hold functions within MSF: helping to preserve a degree of (perceived) detachment of foreign staff from the complexities of everyday politics in the site of intervention. Senior managers of North Kivu projects explained that there are time-limits on ‘missions’ to prevent
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Dehistoricization ’, Cultural Anthropology , 11 : 3 , 377 – 404 . Malkki , L. H. ( 2015 ), The Need to Help: The Domestic Arts of International Humanitarianism ( Durham, NC : Duke University Press ). Massey , D. ( 2004 ), ‘ Geographies of
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still feel marginalised in the distribution of political goods. On an anniversary date like 15 January, you remember that Nigeria went to war and the reasons they went to war. However, different people have different ways of looking at the Biafra war. I know that Biafra opens a window to other issues, particularly the international humanitarian aid. The war contributed a lot to the practice of international humanitarianism. In the course of the discussion, I will talk a
( Swidler, 2013 ; Burchardt, 2013 ). In these interactions, LFAs imbibe the logic and rationality of international humanitarianism and, as Swidler writes, ‘learn not to pursue their own goals, but to feign an interest in whatever donors are offering, in hopes that, however unpredictably, some resources will come their way’ (2013: 685). Alongside this, we reflect upon the ways in which the processes of NGO-isation and professionalisation that accompany the