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Steven Earnshaw

, refusing to expand on the hinterland of Ben’s life, and in implicit opposition to most novels where such experiences are regarded as primary encounters (for example in Ironweed when Francis is in the attic and goes through objects from his personal history). Ben is ‘empty’, and this is replicated in the novel’s treatment of Ben’s meeting with his past life. A more salient correlation between art and Ben’s life than this encounter is perhaps his description of his life as a piece of performance art, which would also have the effect of diminishing the importance of an

in The Existential drinker
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Helena de Bres

performance art.” Its effect wasn’t simply to reproduce dominant social discourses of normality and deviance. Instead, in displaying their agency, and positioning themselves as both wonders of nature and successful entrepreneurs, freak show performers at least partly subverted their audience’s received views. “The exploitation of the freak show was perpetrated not by the audience, but by freaks themselves.” As a result, those who advocate shutting down freak show performances to protect freaks from

in How to Be Multiple