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people crossing the Med. Caroline Abu Sa’Da is General Director of its Swiss branch. Juliano Fiori: SOS is very much a product of contemporary Europe. It’s a civic response to refugees and migrants in the Med but also to nationalistic politics, or to the return of nationalist movements to the forefront of European politics. How, then, does SOS differ from European humanitarian NGOs founded in past decades? Caroline Abu Sa’Da: SOS is a European citizen movement. Besides our search-and-rescue activities, we aim to give to the greatest number of
Ukrainian Minister of Defence, Oleksii Reznikov, had declared that a ‘major war in Ukraine’ would lead to three to five million Ukrainian refugees ( Reznikov, 2021 ). This prediction was part of Reznikov’s warning that a war in Ukraine ‘would plunge the whole of Europe into crisis’ and his attempt to raise support among European political leaders in the face of the Russian threats. Without referring to Reznikov’s prediction, the Biden administration announced at the beginning of February 2022 that a Russian
of threats posed to the European political space by Eurasia, and the role that international institutions are playing and may play in the creation of a sustainable system of security governance encompassing the Eurasian land mass. 4 2504Introduction 7/4/03 12:37 pm Page 5 Eurasian security governance Security governance in Eurasia Security governance is the policy problem confronting the great Eurasian powers in the contemporary international system. The postwar security system encompassing the Eurasian landmass was governed by the stable crisis produced by
that process elevates religion to an issue of security, and that compels us to put it on our agenda in the study of IR. 2 Despite September 11 the main security threat of the Islamists is related to domestic order. This explains why Arab governments themselves feel threatened by Islamism and why, therefore, Islamists encounter hostility in their own countries and therefore seek political asylum in Europe
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measured only in decades, and were usually not the result of warfare, but rather had their territory and boundaries drawn by inter-European politics, European strategic necessities, or European economic considerations. 5 The ‘security dilemma’, the result of the anarchic nature of the international system, was how realists
“elsewheres” are systematically represented as historically sanitised, which is to say, shorn of their deeply European (post)colonial histories as well as disarticulated from the European political and economic interests implicated in producing and sustaining their fractured presents’. N. De Genova , ‘ The “Crisis” of the European Border Regime: Towards a Marxist Theory of Borders
the realist periphery in Europe’, Perspectives on European Politics and Society , 2 ( 1 ): 1–26 . Gurr , T. ( 1970 ) Why Men Rebel ( Princeton, NJ : Princeton University Press ). Habermas , J. ( 2009 ) Europe: The Faltering Project ( Cambridge : Polity ). Habermas , J. ( 2012 ) The Crisis of the European Union: A Response ( Cambridge