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The analytical framework
Eşref Aksu

original Charter. By General Assembly Resolution 1991 A and B (XVIII) of 17 December 1963, the number of members in the Security Council and ECOSOC was increased from 11 to 15 and from 18 to 27 respectively. This resolution entered into force on 30 August 1965. At first, the alteration of Article 109 Paragraph 1 was overlooked. This paragraph was later amended by General Assembly Resolution 201

in The United Nations, intra-state peacekeeping and normative change
Eşref Aksu

. For years, the Phnom Penh regime had not been seated in the UN. ASEAN-sponsored General Assembly resolutions had associated the Phnom Penh regime with the Vietnamese invasion, and steadfastly refused to confer official legitimacy to it. Vietnam, on the other hand, was widely considered an aggressor. Security Council action against Hanoi and Phnom Penh had been averted only by dedicated Soviet efforts. 53 As a

in The United Nations, intra-state peacekeeping and normative change
A framework for understanding EU crisis response
Oliver P. Richmond
Sandra Pogodda
, and
Roger Mac Ginty

undertaken and opportunities to strengthen the United Nations’ work on peacebuilding and sustaining peace’, 24–25 April: General Assembly Resolution, A/RES/70/262, 2016; Security Council Resolution S/RES/2282, 2016. Visoka , G. and J. Doyle ( 2015 ) ‘Neo-functional peace: The EU way of resolving conflicts’, JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies , 54 ( 4 ): 862

in The EU and crisis response