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Antonia Lucia Dawes

exclusively white, and masculine dominance. Banter with women working in street markets The feminist literature, cited in the last section, about the management of sexual preserves in the Mediterranean, was based on research conducted in the first half of the twentieth century. This research showed women to be largely absent from, or only able to pass through, public spaces on their way back to the private sphere of the home (Harding 1975 ; Reiter 1975 ). Street markets in Napoli of course became increasingly diverse, fluid and contested spaces following the end of

in Race talk
An introduction
Anca Dohotariu

, 2010 ). Not least, care as work has encouraged research around the care ideals concept. For example, the ‘traditional’, ‘postmodern’, ‘cold modern’, and ‘warm modern’ ideals of care elaborated by Hochschild ( 1995 ) can be considered a classic reference in care research. Another strand of research particularly relevant to care for older people is related to the feminist literature on care as

in Politicising and gendering care for older people