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Voluntary Sector,” Bureau for Population and Humanitarian Assistance, June 2, 1972. 45 Recognition and an international definition of the term “Least Developed Countries” was established in 1971 by United Nations General Assembly Resolution 2768 (XXVI), November 18, 1971, http
original Charter. By General Assembly Resolution 1991 A and B (XVIII) of 17 December 1963, the number of members in the Security Council and ECOSOC was increased from 11 to 15 and from 18 to 27 respectively. This resolution entered into force on 30 August 1965. At first, the alteration of Article 109 Paragraph 1 was overlooked. This paragraph was later amended by General Assembly Resolution 201
between East and West. 58 The Joseph Johnson Plan committed the United States only to having 10 percent of the refugees return to Israel, while 90 percent would be resettled elsewhere. The United States also promised that Article 11 of UN General Assembly Resolution 194 (11) regarding the return of the Arab refugees would be buried. However, the United States did not control Nasser and could not promise he
Soviet Union hardened its line against Israel, believing West Germany was a full partner in NATO’s nuclear arms program. 23 As Israeli–Soviet relations worsened an official protest was lodged with Israel’s ambassador to Moscow, in which the Soviets charged an IDF build-up along the Syrian border. Imperialist forces in the Middle East, they claimed, were ignoring the UN General Assembly resolution to
. For years, the Phnom Penh regime had not been seated in the UN. ASEAN-sponsored General Assembly resolutions had associated the Phnom Penh regime with the Vietnamese invasion, and steadfastly refused to confer official legitimacy to it. Vietnam, on the other hand, was widely considered an aggressor. Security Council action against Hanoi and Phnom Penh had been averted only by dedicated Soviet efforts. 53 As a
roughly US$83 million; see Staples, Birth of Development , p. 120. 162 Olav Stokke, The UN and Development. From Aid to Cooperation , Bloomington, IN, 2009, pp. 251–300; United Nations General Assembly Resolution 1496 (XV) on Provision of Food Surpluses to Food-deficit People through the United Nations
shall require the Members to submit such matters to settlement under the present Charter’. 46 The strength of support for the idea of non-interference is undoubtedly very strong within the international community. Further proof can be seen in two UN General Assembly Resolutions on the ‘Inadmissibility of Intervention in the Domestic Affairs of States’, passed in December 1965 and in an updated version in
personnel against national liberation movements. It should be borne in mind that General Assembly resolutions lack binding legal force and amount only to recommendations, while the resolutions of the Security Council are obligatory only if they are framed as decisions under Chapter VII of the Charter relating to action with respect to threats to the peace, breaches of the peace and acts of aggression. Even
the General Assembly resolution defining aggression. 67 It listed a series of acts which would amount to aggression, but did not include any reference to war in breach of treaty. However, Article 4 stated that the list was not exhaustive and that the Security Council could determine that other acts might amount to aggression in accordance with the Charter. By Article 5 of the resolution ‘a war of aggression is a
. 131, 43 I.L.M. 1009 (2004). 53 General Assembly Resolution ES-10/14, 8 December 2003. 54 See, e.g., N. Strapatsas, ‘Case notes on the advisory opinion on the legal consequences of the construction of the wall in occupied Palestinian territory’, and N