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Identity is contingent and dynamic, constituting and reconstituting subjects with political effects. This book explores the implications of Protestant and 'British' incursions for the development of Irish Catholic identity as preserved in Irish language texts from the early modern period until the end of Stuart pretensions. Questions of citizenship, belonging, migration, conflict, security, peace and subjectivity are examined through social construction, post-colonialism, and gendered lenses from an interdisciplinary perspective. The book explains the issue of cultural Catholicism in the later middle ages, by way of devotional cults and practices. It examines Catholic unionism vis-a-vis Victorian politics, military and imperial service, the crown, and the position of the Catholic Church with relation to the structures of the state in Ireland. In particular the North American experience and especially the importance of the USA for consolidating a particular interpretation of Irish Catholic nationalist identity, is explored. Children studied in English Catholic public schools like Stonyhurst and Downside where the establishment Irish Catholics and rising mercantile classes sought to have the characteristics of the Catholic gentleman instilled in their progeny. The book sets out to detect the voices of those Catholic women who managed to make themselves heard by a wider audience than family and friends in Ireland in the years between the Act of Union of 1800 and independence/partition. It considers what devotional interests both Gaelic Irish and Anglo-Norman actually shared in common as part of a wider late medieval Catholic culture.

Jeremy Gregory

on two aspects of the church’s North American experience which both complicated and extended its role as it had developed in the home country. First, the place of the church in North America was very dissimilar from its position in England. Even in those colonies where it was established, the church in America lacked the massive apparatus of bishops, dioceses, archdeaconries, and church courts which had been crucial to its functioning

in The later Stuart Church, 1660–1714
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Criticism, history, subjectivity

The title of this book - The ends of Ireland - brings together a number of closely entwined subjects and themes. The chapters in the book are concerned with the work of a generation of critics emerging from Ireland from the 1980s onwards whose work examines the idea of the 'ends of Ireland' in the sense of a focus on the purpose and consequences of a range of concepts of the nation and national identity. Yet these critics - Luke Gibbons, David Lloyd, Seamus Deane, W.J. McCormack, Gerardine Meaney and Emer Nolan - have the notion of 'ends' and 'endings' as their object in other ways. As the main representatives of the turn to theory in Irish Studies that occurred in the late 1980s and the 1990s, they have tracked and catalysed the dissolution of an unreflective and ideological notion of national identity as a matrix of critical analysis. The book examines the margin between Ireland and its others in order to elaborate a sense of what it might mean to speak of Ireland in the wake of the new ideas that began to circulate in the 1980s: deconstruction, psychoanalytic theory, feminism, subaltern studies, postcolonialism and not least the revisionist approaches that have revolutionized Irish historiography.

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Oliver P. Rafferty

fact of exile often witnessed the weakening of the link with Catholicism. Some Irish churchmen such as Cardinal Cullen saw in emigration a sort of panacea for Ireland’s ills in the mid-nineteenth century, while bishops in places as far apart as London and Toronto saw the other side and warned of its dangers as the Irish appeared over-represented in the criminal classes of the host countries. In Chapter 12, David Doyle examines in particular the North American experience and especially the importance of the USA for consolidating a particular interpretation of Irish

in Irish Catholic identities
Open Access (free)
Mary Chamberlain

believed that Lamming articulated his own North American experience. In the Castle of My Skin was followed by The Emigrants (1954), Of Age and Innocence (1958), Season of Adventure (1960), and his collection of essays The Pleasures of Exile (1960), all of which were written in London, and all of which were inspired by the predicament of colonial subjugation. His

in West Indian intellectuals in Britain
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Transnational solidarity in the long sixties
Zeina Maasri
Cathy Bergin
, and
Francesca Burke

too often remained parochially centred on European and North American experiences in a handful of cities. ‘The sixties’ have conventionally been universalised on the basis of myopically Western speculations about what makes radical politics possible. 3 Speculations that limit our understandings of what transnational solidarity might look like and the kinds of political imaginaries and radical aesthetic practices it

in Transnational solidarity
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John Kinsella

what is not drawn out in a lesson or a response is as much what she’s addressing as what is there to be heard and seen. There is a particularly apt passage in George’s memoir where he lifts the portraits of a photo into the realm of being – an existential moment that’s ironically shared: ‘In a photo of my father, Motl, and Meyer, taken in the late 1940s on a park bench near my Uncle Meyer’s apartment in the Bronx, I see something less than titanic. Scoured by their North American experience, they have been resculpted as mere humans

in Beyond Ambiguity
Consumer research and the mass-market housewife
Sean Nixon

Bodies: Decolonization and the Reordering of French Culture, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1995. The classic work on the North American experience is S. Strasser, Never Done: A History of American Housework, New York: Pantheon Books, 1982. 11 See also the work of Michel Callon and his co-authors on the material devices of consumption for a similar approach to the ‘making up’ of the consumer. In particular, M. Callon, C. Meadal and V. Rabeharisoa, ‘The economy of qualities’, Economy Nixon_HardSell_Final.indd 90 18/04/2013 18:40 Understanding ordinary women 91

in Hard sell
Paul Latawski
Martin A. Smith

, nor, discounting for a moment the Greece-Turkish fringe in NATO, ever seriously threatened to do so. How can this be explained? One of the most popular explanatory theories focuses on the so-called ‘democratic peace’. Democratic peace theory draws heavily upon West European and North American experiences – especially relations amongst member states of the EU – for empirical support of its basic

in The Kosovo crisis and the evolution of post-Cold War European security
John M. MacKenzie
Nigel R. Dalziel

, ‘North American experience and British missionary encounters in Africa and the Pacific, c . 1800–1850’ in Martin Daunton and Rick Halpern (eds), Empire and Others: British Encounters with Indigenous Peoples, 1600–1850 (London 1999), pp. 354–5. 58 Botha, Fairbairn , p. 66

in The Scots in South Africa