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Following the adoption of the Amsterdam Treaty, the European Union has been given a clear mandate to tackle discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. As discussed before, the ensuing adoption of the Employment Directive and the Charter of Fundamental Rights have embedded anti-discrimination principles within the acquis communautaire . This chapter analyses how the sexuality- and gender identity-related anti-discrimination framework developed in Serbia between 2001 and 2016 as part of the European integration process. In this period
147 6 Rights, segregation and discrimination The diversification of school types now facilitated by the Irish State has been ostensibly encouraged by the Catholic Church as well as by other interest groups involved in education, including minority religious groups and, more paradoxically, Educate Together. What are the advantages and drawbacks of this ongoing development from the perspective of inclusion, civic and social equality? A majority of Irish schools belong to and/or are managed by different private groups with specific interests and orientations
the place – in Brighton are thus the ones corresponding to a diversity of gender and sexuality, while in Bologna they correspond to a diversity as framed alongside culture and political allegiance. BMEs/foreign residents not complying with this image can then be easily ignored. But overlooking their presence might also mean sidelining the discrimination and racism experienced by them. Is there discrimination in ‘receptive cities’? Participants’ accounts of discrimination at the institutional and street
121 Chapter 6 CERD and caste-based discrimination Annapurna Waughray and David Keane Introduction On 19 January 2016, BBC News ran a story from India with the headline ‘Rohith Vemula: The student who died for Dalit rights’.1 The story concerned a twenty-six-year-old PhD student who killed himself inside the campus of Hyderabad Central University. It explained that Mr Vemula ‘was a member of the Ambedkar Students’ Association, which fights for the rights of Dalit (formerly known as untouchable) students on the campus’ and that ‘[t]hough he did not blame
70 Chapter 3 Racial discrimination and gender justice Nozipho January-Bardill Introduction The commemoration of the fiftieth anniversary of the United Nations International Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD/the Convention) in November 2015 occurred during an important year when the UN also celebrated the twentieth year of the adoption by UN member States of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (PFA) during the fourth UN World Conference on Women in China in 1995.1 Of additional interest is the fact that
106 Chapter 5 CERD and discrimination against Roma Claude Cahn* Introduction Recently while browsing at a used book store, I came upon a 1982 volume called Extraordinary Groups: The Sociology of Unconventional Life-Styles, by a certain William M. Kephart of the University of Pennsylvania. This included chapters on the ‘Old Order Amish’, the Oneida Community, the Father Divine Movement, the ‘Shakers’, the Mormons and the Hutterites. The book, however, opens with a chapter called ‘The Gypsies’. This began as follows: ‘The Gypsies are an incredible people
MCK10 1/10/2003 10:34 AM Page 179 10 Toleration of religious discrimination in employment Stuart White Introduction: toleration and equal opportunity Two ideas feature prominently in contemporary accounts of the just society. One is the idea of toleration and the related idea of religious freedom. A second is the idea of equal opportunity and, derived from this, the idea that the state should protect its members from discrimination in relation to jobs and other important goods such as education. This chapter explores an apparent tension between these two
124 4 Discrimination and the development of general practice The presence of migrant South Asian doctors in the British healthcare system can be linked to the existence of a post-imperial recruitment system in post-war Britain and the lingering effects of the empire of the mind in South Asia. Their movement into general practice, however, requires to be understood in a different way. This chapter and Chapter 5 will show how a discriminatory professional environment limited these doctors’ options and how their responses to this context contributed to defining
Racial Discrimination Convention 8 Racial discrimination and indigenous peoples – in particular under the Racial Discrimination Convention Introduction The major instrument of the UN devoted to the issue of race discrimination is the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICEARD). The Convention – preceded by a Declaration on the same subject1 – was adopted by the GA on 21 December 1965 by 106 votes to 0,2 and entered into force on 4 January 1969.3 By December 2001, the Convention had 161 States’ parties. The text
59 2 Discrimination and decline: greyhound racing in Britain, 1945 to the 1960s Surviving the Second World War relatively intact and experiencing an immediate post-war boom, greyhound racing looked to have a promising future. Yet within four or five years that picture had changed dramatically. Problems with the British economic productivity in 1946 and 1947, with the bad winter of 1946/47, undermined British post-war industrial growth and may have been responsible for both the restrictions on greyhound meetings being held and the taxation imposed upon