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France has been a central actor in human protection, yet the existing literature has too often focused on Anglo-Saxon states or states that are wary of its development. In order to address this gap, this book provides an original and much-needed account of France’s relationship to human protection since the 1980s. It analyses a ‘tale of two norms’ using an innovative theoretical framework: The first is ‘France’s domestic norm of human protection’, and the second is the dominant international principle or norm of human protection at the time (chiefly humanitarian intervention in the 1990s and the responsibility to protect (R2P) in the 2000s). Through this ‘tale of two norms’, and also thanks to interviews with key actors such as Gareth Evans and Bernard Kouchner and analysis of fourteen case studies, the book reshapes our understanding of the development and influence of key principles and norms of human protection. It also corrects prevailing assumptions about France’s foreign policy and allows us to anticipate its future foreign policy more accurately. Last but not least, by showing how important it is to pay more attention to the interplay between domestic and international norms and building an innovative framework that can be used beyond the analysis of France and human protection, the book makes a key contribution to the literature on norms and International Relations theory more generally. The book is therefore an essential read for anyone interested in human protection, peace studies, France, foreign policy analysis, International Relations and norm diffusion.
reports on R2P in order to facilitate its development. The report was called “Implementing the responsibility to protect” and defined a three-pillar strategy where the first pillar promotes the states’ responsibility to protect their own population, the second pillar calls for “the international community to assist States in meeting those obligations”, and the third pillar argues that the international community has to “respond collectively in a timely and decisive manner” when a state fails to fulfil its responsibilities (Ban 2009 , 8–9). 2
Syria meant that R2P was dead (see for instance Rieff 2011 ). Even though it is undeniable that the norm remained contested, it would, however, be mistaken to underestimate how far it had come. Between 2012 and 2017 the UN Security Council passed forty-seven resolutions referring to the international norm, thereby showing not only its importance, but also the international community's willingness to continue promoting it (Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect 2019 ). Additionally, as mentioned in the Introduction, in the specific case
International organisations are a central component of modern international society. This book provides a concise account of the principles and norms of international law applicable to the intergovernmental organisation (IGO). It defines and explains inter-governmentalism and the role of law in its regulation. The book presents case studies that show how the law works within an institutional order dominated by politics. After a note on the key relationship between the IGO and its member states, it examines the basic relationship between the UN and states in terms of membership through admissions, withdrawal, expulsion, suspension, and representation. The debate about the extent of the doctrine of legal powers is addressed through case studies. Institutional lawmaking in the modern era is discussed with particular focus on at the impact of General Assembly Resolutions on outer space and the Health Regulations of the World Health Organization. Non-forcible measures adopted by the UN and similar IGOs in terms of their legality (constitutionality and conformity to international law), legitimacy and effectiveness, is covered next. The different military responses undertaken by IGOs, ranging from observation and peacekeeping, to peace enforcement and war-fighting, are discussed in terms of legality and practice. The book also considers the idea of a Responsibility to Protect and the development of secondary rules of international law to cover the wrongful acts and omissions of IGOs. It ends with a note on how the primary and secondary rules of international law are upheld in different forms and mechanisms of accountability, including courts.
Conventions and reaffirmed in numerous resolutions of the UN General Assembly and Security Council since 1988 but it is nowhere defined ( Nyabeyeu Tchoukeu, 2018 ). In fact, in spite of the rise of the ‘right to interfere’ and ‘responsibility to protect’ doctrines and the Security Council urging States to allow ‘effective and unimpeded’ delivery of humanitarian aid under increasingly binding terms, to the point of sometimes authorising the use of force to secure assistance operations, no subsequent resolution explicitly refers to corridors as a concrete way to deliver
work or to hold valid or recognised identity documents, and financial access are crucial yet commonly lacking components of engagement in the digital economy. It also illustrates the many ways that this engagement and the experiences arising from it are to some extent contextually dependent, ranging from case studies in Brazil to Kenya to Lebanon. Notions such as spatial imaginaries and the digital responsibility to protect are accompanied by practical considerations of how to
: Cambridge University Press ). 10.1017/CBO9781107706880 Evans , G. ( 2008 ), The Responsibility to Protect: Ending Mass Atrocity Crimes Once and for All ( Washington, DC : Brookings Institution Press ). Fassin , D. ( 2012 ), Humanitarian
legitimacy regarding the use of force. Communicative ethics does not seek to replace legal and moral discourses of legitimation. Instead, it focuses on the communicative practices which constitute the claims to legitimacy. This chapter explores two concepts popular within a broadly normative school of thought, ‘good international citizenship’ and the ‘responsibility to protect
has ebbed away, with the state of the cosmopolitan era not one built around autonomy and independence, but responsibility and interdependence. In other words, it is not just a question of the effectiveness of institutions and policies, but the ideal of statehood that underpins them, too. The disparagement of empire has not led to the elevation of state sovereignty. This has consequences not only for the state’s external relations but also its internal political structures – consequences that can be best explored through the responsibility to protect. The reigning
The Annan challenge was taken up by the Canadian-sponsored twelve-person International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty (ICISS), which responded by subsuming humanitarian intervention under the novel concept of ‘responsibility to protect’ (R2P or RtoP). 31 The aim of the R2P approach was to ‘shift the terms of the debate’; 32 it amounts to a ‘rhetorical trick’ of flipping the coin and shifting the emphasis from the controversial right to intervene