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Thomas Linehan

A number of points are in need of clarification before we proceed any farther. Firstly, there is no necessary or natural correlation between fascism and anti-semitism. As Zeev Sternhell has noted, racism was not a ‘necessary condition for the existence of fascism’, but was, on the contrary, a factor in fascist ‘eclecticism’. 1 Although the majority of inter war Britain’s fascist parties and groups professed anti-semitic beliefs, there were some that did not. Of the major parties, both the BUF and the IFL adopted an official anti-Jewish policy. For almost the

in British Fascism 1918-39
Paul Kelemen

6 A new anti-semitism? The research underpinning the historical account in the previous chapter turned up no evidence to suggest that anti-semitism has played a part in the British left’s change of perception of the Israel-Palestine conflict. Yet, there have been persistent allegations that pro-Palestinian sympathy on the left is motivated by anti-semitism. At the 1982 Labour Party conference, Denis Healey, the party’s deputy leader, chided delegates for the prominence they gave in the debate on foreign affairs to Israel’s bombardment of West Beirut and its

in The British left and Zionism
Bulletin of the John Rylands Library
Bulletin of the John Rylands Library
Abstract only
Harold L. Smith

should spend less time out. There is some concern at the relations between white and coloured troops and at reports of friction between them. Recent cases of coloured men being condemned to death for rape have aroused strong local protests on grounds of colour discrimination (S.W. Region). In Norwich there is resentment that certain restaurants will not serve negroes. 'United States coloured troops and British women', Home Intelligence report, 8 June 1944, INF 1/292, Public Record Office, London. 3.8 Anti-Semitism Opinion surveys indicated anti-Semitism increased

in Britain in the Second World War
Paul Bookbinder

12 The situation of the Jews The "Jewish question," as Germans euphemistically termed their anti-Semitism, is in many ways a key to understanding the Weimar Republic. Framing the discussion about Jews as a "question" inherently marginalized this group and signals that the problem actually resided in the German Christian community. Yet "the question" drew attention to the Jews for better or worse. The part that Jews played in the Republic and the way that Weimar's enemies identified Jews with it make this small group disproportionately significant. Jews

in Weimar Germany
Abstract only
Paul Bookbinder

German society. The pulpit and the classroom were often sources of anti-Semitism and divisiveness rather than acceptance and a broad sense of community. 2 Introduction The Weimar Republic had to deal with defeat in a long and costly world war, a weakening and demanding peace treaty, inflation, revolution, political violence and depression. Clearly these factors placed limits on the freedom of action and the ability to control events for the new Republic's leaders. As the historian Donald Kagan says in writing about a far different topic, the outbreak of the

in Weimar Germany
Open Access (free)
Undoing the Past in Jean Améry and James Baldwin
Joseph Weiss

This article compares the works of James Baldwin and Jean Améry, a survivor of the Jewish Holocaust. It attempts to unpack the ethical and political implications of their shared conception of the temporality of trauma. The experiences of the victim of anti-Semitism and the victim of anti-Black racism not only parallel one another, but their mutual incapacity to let go of the injustice of the past also generates a unique ethico-political response. The backward glance of the victim, the avowed incapacity to heal, as well as the phantasmatic desire to reverse time all guide this unique response. Instead of seeking forgiveness for the wrong done and declaring that all forms of resentment are illegitimate, Baldwin and Améry show us that channeling the revenge fantasy that so often attends the temporality of trauma is the material precondition of actually ending that trauma. This ultimately suggests that, for both thinkers, anything less than a new, revolutionary humanism equipped with an internationalist political project would betray the victims’ attempt to win back their dignity.

James Baldwin Review
Paul Bookbinder

's tactics relied upon attacks on bankers, financiers and owners of large businesses combined with a powerful demagogic 210 National Socialism dose of anti-Semitism. Hitler also read racist periodicals such as Ostara which described history as a continuing struggle between racially pure Aryan heroes and Jews who wanted to defile and corrupt the purity of the race. He saw hundreds of performances of Wagnerian operas drenched in romantic images of heroic violence and developed his speaking skills by haranguing other men at the homeless shelter where he lived. In 1913, he

in Weimar Germany
The Polish interwar Maritime and Colonial League and the ‘Jewish Question’
Marta Grzechnik

Review , 123:4 (2018), 1122–38. On the relation between antisemitism and colonial projects, see Tara Zahra, ‘Zionism, Emigration, and East European Colonialism’, in Ethan B. Katz, Lisa Moses Leff, and Maud S. Mandel (eds), Colonialism and the Jews (Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 2017), 166–92; Scott Ury, ‘Strange Bedfellows? Anti-Semitism, Zionism, and the Fate of “the Jews”’, American Historical Review , 123:4 (2018), 1151–71; Mariusz Kałczewiak, Polacos in Argentina: Polish Jews, Interwar Migration, and the Emergence of Transatlantic Jewish Culture

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