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Peter Davies
Robert Light

Davies 03_Tonra 01 29/05/2012 17:36 Page 58 3 Organised competition In Chapter 1 we talked about some of the key characteristics of pre-modern sport and how they were closely linked to the social, economic and cultural structure of contemporary society. Many of these characteristics disappeared as sport was transformed by the fundamental changes that took place in British society during the nineteenth century. This transformation was driven by the spread of economic reorganisation, which increasingly broke down the old social, economic and cultural relations

in Cricket and community in England
Abstract only
Elisabeth Carter

4 Party competition In its bid to account for the varying levels of electoral success of the parties of the extreme right across Western Europe, this book has so far examined the influence of party-centric factors. It has considered the impact of different types of extreme right party ideology on the right-wing extremist party vote and has also investigated the effects of party organization and leadership. In this chapter, the book turns to exploring the influence of contextual factors on the success of the right-wing extremist parties, and introduces another

in The extreme right in Western Europe
Blood, gold, and outward shows in Nennio, Spenser’s Book of Courtesy, and The Merchant of Venice
Patricia Wareh

, but also the question of whether nobility primarily derives from material or moral wealth, the latter of which is closely associated with the “golden vertue” of the mind acquired through the study of the right books. In this chapter, I explore how competing definitions of nobility uneasily map onto competitions in courtesy in both Spenser and Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice . Both Book 6 of The

in Courteous exchanges
J.W.M. Hichberger

concerns lay behind the establishment of a Royal Commission to consider the interior decoration of the palace. The commission’s terms of reference proclaim a broad programme for using the competitions to ‘facilitate the Promotion of the Fine Arts in this Country’. 4 The commissioners were for the most part connoisseurs and collectors, ‘art experts’ and painters. Their chairman was the new

in Images of the army
Gary James

Organisation and competition 123 6 Organisation and competition The Manchester Football Association Following the aborted attempt to establish a Manchester–Staffordshire Football Association in 1876 and the establishment of the Lancashire Football Association (Lancashire FA) in 1878, the requirement to establish regular competition and localised rules was recognised in numerous locations around the country. The growth of soccer in Lancashire following the establishment of the county FA demonstrated that formalised competition aided Lancashire’s soccer

in The emergence of footballing cultures
Canals, roads and railways in Manchester
Peter Maw

3 Competition and complementarity: canals, roads and railways in Manchester This chapter analyses the interplay between canals and other modes of transport in eighteenth- and nineteenth-century Manchester. A broad literature has compared and contrasted the relative strengths and weaknesses of road, canal, coastal and rail transport during the first Industrial Revolution.1 It is now well known that roads provided a far greater geographical coverage than any other inland transport mode before 1850, when Britain possessed 22,000 miles of turnpiked road (itself

in Transport and the industrial city
Mark Harvey

4 Competition as instituted economic process Mark Harvey Introduction A challenge to the new economic sociology is that central economic processes should become the focus of theoretical and empirical sociological analysis. This chapter makes some steps towards analysing competition in that light, partly because competition is often assumed to be the market force of all market forces. The central argument made is both that competition processes are co-instituted with markets (including end markets), and that market processes are in turn co-instituted with

in Market relations and the competitive process
Sam King

The old boasted freedom of competition has reached the end of its tether and must itself announce its obvious, scandalous bankruptcy. 1 Competition becomes transformed into monopoly. The result is immense

in Imperialism and the development myth
Cultural revolution and feminist voices, 1929–50
Rochelle Rowe

1 The early ‘Miss Jamaica’ competition: cultural revolution and feminist voices, 1929–50 Introduction T he first ‘Miss Jamaica’ beauty competition took place in 1929 and was sponsored by the national newspaper the Daily Gleaner, then closely aligned with planter-merchant interests. The Gleaner’s editor was Herbert G. de Lisser, the most dominant figure in Jamaican literature and publishing, whose reign at the paper extended from 1904 to 1944. ‘Miss Jamaica’ represented an attempt to mark the cultural and racial supremacy of the white-creole planter

in Imagining Caribbean womanhood
Richard Parrish

5 Sport and EU competition law In applying EU competition law to sport, the Directorate General for Competition Policy (herein referred to as the Commission) has been caught between three powerful forces. First, the Commission has a constitutional commitment to promote and protect the free market principles on which much of the Treaty of Rome is based. In this capacity it shares a close relationship with the ECJ. The ECJ’s rulings in Walrave, Donà and Bosman have played an important role in placing sport on the EU’s systemic agenda in a regulatory form. The

in Sports law and policy in the European Union