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Chapter 5 . The geopolitics of the Enterprise of Scotland In February 1707 Louis XIV declared that he was ‘so moved by the imminent threat to the freedom of Scotland under the false pretence of a closer union with England that he is resolved to give the Scots, his old allies, what help he can to aid them in resisting the yoke of servitude their secret enemies have prepared for them’.1 And in a sense this was truly Louis’s motive in ordering the invasion of Scotland. Rhetoric mattered in early modern Europe, and perhaps above all for monarchs. None the less it
the processes of neoliberalism in Iran, the Middle East and globally. This investigation will be advanced based on the theoretical framework developed in Chapter 1 regarding the relations between the internationalisation of capital, imperialism and geopolitics with several main conceptual propositions/claims. To begin with, we argued that because imperialism is the tendency of leading capitals
2504Chap6 7/4/03 12:40 pm Page 105 6 The geopolitics of Central Asian energy Jaewoo Choo This chapter assesses the rising geostrategic and geoeconomic importance of Central Asian oil and natural gas for China and the United States – the most transparent source of Sino-American conflict in this region. The initial rationale for Chinese engagement in Central Asia, despite the emergence of China as a net oil-importing nation in 1993, was not driven by the search for an alternative and secure source of oil and natural gas.1 Rather, Chinese policy reflected a
, North Korea and various other countries today use ‘Westphalian diplomacy’ and the ‘geopolitics of nations’ – European inventions – to question the hierarchy of this European system led by the US. From our point of view, it was exactly this convergence and normative homogenisation in the inter-state system, on the one hand, and the increasing power of states that question American exceptionality and centrality using rules authored by the US itself, on the other, that began to threaten the global power of the US. This obliged the US to make an
), The Modern/Colonial/Capitalist World-System in the Twentieth Century: Global Processes, Antisystemic Movements, and the Geopolitics of Knowledge ( Westport, CT : Praeger Publishers ), pp. xi – xxix . Ndlovu-Gatsheni , S. J. ( 2012 ), ‘ Coloniality of Power in Development Studies and the Impact of Global Imperial Designs on Africa ’, Australasian Review of African Studies , 33 : 2 , 48 – 73 . Ndlovu-Gatsheni , S. J. ( 2018 ), ‘ Racism and Blackism on a World Scale ’, in
historical, geographical and cultural context. And overall, rather than disrupting existing relations of dominance and inequality, aid works to consolidate and reproduce them. In Batman’s attempts to save the Congo we can very clearly see the relevance of work in political geography. This includes the role of ‘hotel geopolitics’ ( Fregonese and Ramadan, 2015 ), where existing international tourist and transport infrastructures alongside unequal mobility regimes shape the
geopolitics. In other words, even if humanitarian agencies themselves value all lives equally, their actions are shaped by a world which does not. Additional Explanations Greater obligations and opportunities with respect to staff security as compared with the wider civilian population may explain the harder security measures and more frequent advocacy on behalf of aid workers, but analysis of policy guidance and
. Cheesman , M. ( 2022 ), ‘ Self-Sovereignty for Refugees? The Contested Horizons of Digital Identity ’, Geopolitics , 27 : 1 , 134 – 59 , doi: 10.1080/14650045.2020.1823836 . Chesta , R.E. , Zamponi , L. and Caciagli (accessed 1 July 2022 ). Cheesman , M. ( 2020 ), ‘Self-Sovereignty for Refugees? The Contested Horizons of Digital Identity ’, Geopolitics , 27 : 1 , 134 – 59 . Clarke , L. ( 2020 ), ‘ How the Fight against
. Claußen , S. ( 2015 ), Die Seenotretter: 150 Jahre DGzRS ( Erfurt : Sutton Verlag ). Cuttitta , P. ( 2018 ), ‘Repoliticization through Search and Rescue? Humanitarian NGOs and Migration Management in the Central Mediterranean ’, Geopolitics , 23 : 3 , 632 – 60 . del Valle , H. ( 2016 ), ‘ Search and Rescue in the Mediterranean Sea: Negotiating Political Differences ’, Refugee Survey Quarterly , 35 : 2 , 22 – 40 . Di Cesare , D. ( 2019 ), ‘ Eine Antigone unserer Zeit ’, Zeit 4 July ,